

2023-05-24 14:03172
  • 日期:2024-11-05~2024-11-07
  • 城市:柏林
  • 展馆:柏林国际展览中心
  • 主办:柏林国际展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
    • 18SZ图片处理



      belektro贸易展是新产品推出的行业平台,电力是建筑服务工程的关键因素, 开关、连接器和其他电气产品对现代应用至关重要。网络和能源效率是未来可行系统变化的方向, 客户要求降低运营成本、灵活性、适应性和节省时间的解决方案。


      开拓趋势和市场机会在于具有高级系统和服务建筑的升级和现代化,电气行业正在发挥领导作用,提供多功能解决方案和高品质功能产品,旨在提高便利性,安全性和效率。 belektro目的是为今天的明天的挑战做好准备, belektro贸易展的主要目标是信息、知识转移和先进的专业知识集中在一起的交流平台。




      展品范围(Show Products):


      连接技术 建设服务工程:控制工程和监测设备,设施管理;

      天线和卫星系统 家庭安全:火灾探测系统,防盗警报器;

      视频监控和访问控制系统 照明系统:户内/户外灯,照明系统,元件和配件,轻管理;

      自然的照明系统 信息技术:内部通讯系统,网络技术,电气工程及自动化软件,行业软件,CAD/CAE技术;





      展会报告(Show Reports):

      Successful double: belektro and SmartHK make industries fit for the energy transition

      Over 14,000 industry representatives from the electrical and HVAC industry informed themselves about current developments at the trade fairs.

      More than 14,000 industry representatives were from the 8. up to 10. November at Messe Berlin as a guest. These are more participants than at the last event 2018. The trade fairs belektro and SmartHK focused on many current topics relating to the energy transition and climate protection. These include intelligent building technology, efficient energy management, renewable energies, smart lighting solutions and much more. Over 220 exhibitors showed their products and services, including many innovations for implementing the energy transition. The combination of the two trade fairs for the electrical and HVAC sector of the capital region was well received by the trade visitors: nine out of ten participants attended the fair with their visit according to the visitor survey(very) satisfied. Just as many indicated that they would recommend a visit.

      Karel Heijs, Business Unit Manager of the organiser Messe Berlin: "The atmosphere in the halls was euphoric. The new hall concept met with great approval from exhibitors and the public. Even more important, however, is the strong agreement to join forces with belektro as a trade fair for electrical engineering, electronics and lighting with SmartHK as a new trade fair for intelligent building technology with a focus on the HVAC sector. "With this strategic cooperation, we are taking a new path. We are mapping what has been going on in practice for a long time: close cooperation and exchange between the trades. The three days of the event have shown us that this strategy also works excellently in its implementation. We will continue along this path."

      This development is also seen positively in industry. Philipp Dehn, Chairman of the Association of Electrical Installation Systems at ZVEI: "We are pleased about the great interest of visitors who came to belektro and SmartHK. The topics of the event provide answers to the current challenges of our time. In particular, the extension to the SmartHK has enriched the belektro. Given the political framework conditions, it is the right way to expand the scope of the event and make belektro interesting for our partners in the HVAC trade, for solar engineers and other trades. The belektro felt like a good regional trade fair, as if we had never had the pandemic-related burdens. The exhibitors were very satisfied, good atmosphere, good contacts and again the pleasure of being able to make trade fairs. "


  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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