美国国际法医学会议暨展览(AAFS - American Academy of Forensic Sciences)是美国最专业的法医科学、法庭推理论证科学等学术年度会议,并结合学术成果及相关产品为主的展览展示活动,该会议从1948年开始,每年一次,在美国各地轮流举行。该活动也称:美国法医科学年会(AAFS Anniversary Conference),第76届会议将在2024年2月19-24日丹佛市科罗拉多会展中心举行。我们很高兴您愿意与法医科学界的其他成员分享您的专业知识。
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The American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) is a multidisciplinary professional organization that provides leadership to advance science and its application to the legal system. Since 1948, we have served a distinguished and diverse membership. Our 6,600+ members represent all 50 United States and 71 other countries. Membership is comprised of pathologists, attorneys, dentists, toxicologists, anthropologists, document examiners, digital evidence experts, psychiatrists, engineers, physicists, chemists, criminalists, educators, researchers, and others. Our objectives are to promote professionalism, integrity, competency, education, foster research, improve practice, and encourage collaboration in the forensic sciences.
The AAFS Annual Scientific Conference is held in February and offers 1,000+ scientific papers to include oral presentations, poster sessions, workshops, breakfast and luncheon seminars, and other special events. The meeting is structured to represent the wide range of forensic specialties within the eleven sections represented by its membership. The annual scientific meeting gathers these professionals who present the most current information, research, and updates in this rapidly expanding field. The annual meeting fosters inclusiveness and diversity for the attendees spanning 60+ countries through collaboration, networking, and the cross-pollination of knowledge within the multidisciplinary forensic community. Attendance and presentations are encouraged from members and nonmembers alike. Various types of continuing professional education credit are offered to registrants.
Autria Godfrey with WebsEdge dove deep into the forensic science world before AAFS 2023 and live on site in Orlando. Check out the playlist live on YouTube to see interviews with AAFS Presidents, Past Presidents, Medical Examiners, Forensic Nurses, the IAFS President, and much more.