汉诺威木制工艺品与加工设备博览会(Handwerk)是世界上领先的木制行业展览会,两年一届,在汉诺威举行,展示木工行业最新创新技术,解决方案的木材加工行业和服务。展会上同时举行一些专题活动:物流信息系统的专题介绍,自动化系统与轻量化专题介绍,应用木特别介绍,木材生物能源、废木材的利用率和发电专题介绍。该展现为木工机械展 LIGNA一个展区,以LIGNA展为主。
协同作用,真正加起来:具有独特的成功记录专用展示平台 - 这是一个贸易展,它的业务。 2005年,特别显示木工和工匠Handwerk,霍尔兹和梅尔是在LIGNA汉诺威首次亮相。这个概念证明一炮打响,并给木工专业人员为网络和交易的想法和创新的理想场所。该显示器和丰富多彩的现场演示使本次车展中之秀非常受欢迎,现在Handwerk,霍尔兹和梅尔是所有木工夹具贸易专业公司。几年后,它是德国北部的为细木工及木工领先贸易展,吸引了来自许多国家的游客。
建立在坚实的基础:有了一个约3万平方米的展示面积,这是一个证明,不偷工减料。超过500名参展商展示最新创新技术,解决方案的木材加工行业和服务。游客人数稳步增长和非常积极的反应 - 尤其是来自德国南部的商人,凭借其强大的传统工艺 - 强调了Handwerk,霍尔兹和梅尔作为创新平台的重要性。所有这一切,当然对于预期的参展商是一个好消息!
展品范围(Show Products):
林业(露天场地);机械,设备,工具及配件,运输,存储系统;锯木技术;机械和工厂的生产锯材;圆木场和锯木厂的测量和优化系统;木质材料及单板生产;机械厂、配件的生产;木基材料和胶合板;固体木工·干燥系统的机械和设备;锯材·机械和工厂的生产和维护;机床;家具业;机械工业家具生产厂房及设施;工业表面处理技术;手工业,霍尔茨梅尔 - 细木工行业工艺,木工行业;实木,配件,服务;细木工和橱柜厂商的机器,设备及配件;机械,设备及配件的木结构建筑;木工,木建筑材料,木材贸易;内部装修/改建,技术家具生产。
展会报告(Show Reports):
Over its five-day run, from 15 to 19 May, LIGNA 2023, the world’s leading trade fair for woodworking and wood processing featured a plethora of innovations, inspiration and networking. 1,300 companies from 50 different countries presented their solutions for the wood industry, the furniture-making industry, the woodworking trades and the primary sector. The focus was on the two megatrends of sustainability and digitization. The response from Germany and all over the world was commensurately high. 80 000 visitors from 160 countries took advantage of the opportunity to inform themselves about smart machines and resource-saving production processes.
Anticipation during the run-up to the trade fair was high. Exhibitors and visitors were thrilled to finally be able to assemble again in person after a four-year hiatus and witness first-hand the concentrated innovative power of the woodworking and wood processing industry. “LIGNA 2023 exceeded the high expectations of both our exhibiting companies and our visitors, demonstrating that the machinery, equipment and solutions presented at the show are paving the way for a sustainable and digitized wood, furniture and construction industry,” said Dr. Jochen Köckler, Managing Board Chairman of the Deutsche Messe group of companies. “An impressive 60 percent of visitors came from abroad. LIGNA has further strengthened its position as the world’s leading woodworking tradeshow.”