

2023-07-04 15:478380
  • 日期:2024-06-13~2024-06-16
  • 城市:巴塞尔
  • 展馆:瑞士巴塞尔展览中心
  • 主办:MCH Swiss Exhibition (Basel) Ltd
  • 展会详情
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      瑞士巴塞尔艺术展览会(Art basel)是瑞士及欧洲最专业的艺术品及贸易展览会,每年一届,巴塞尔艺术展于瑞士国内规模最大及最重要的展览场地Messe basel举行,当中全新的展厅由国际知名的瑞士建筑师赫尔佐格及德梅隆(Herzog & de Meuron)设计。巴塞尔展会凝聚国际艺坛,每年皆展出来自250艺廊、4000位艺术家的创作。展会期间,每天皆设以艺坛发展为题的讲座。巴塞尔及邻近地区的各个文化机构亦设各式展览及项目,为访客带来精彩的艺术周。









      巴塞尔艺术展的全球主要合作伙伴瑞银集团(UBS),多年来鼎力支持当代艺术,并拥有世上最优秀的当代艺术收藏之一。瑞银集团向来积极支持世界各地的当代艺术项目,如古根汉美术馆瑞银MAP全球艺术行动(Guggenheim UBS MAP Global Art Initiative),同时亦透过瑞银艺术中心(UBS Art Competence Center)、瑞银艺术论坛及新开发的当代艺术信息应用程序「Planet Art」致力提供艺术信息及远见。


      此外,巴塞尔艺术展与瑞银集团发表首份《巴塞尔艺术展与瑞银集团环球艺术市场报告》。这份由著名作家Clare McAndrew博士名的年度研究报告,涵盖国际市场的每个环节,并胪列过去一年最重要的发展领域。


      展品范围(Show Products):



      展会报告(Show Reports):

      5 Insights from the Art basel and UBS Global Art Market Report

      The global art market has demonstrated continued resilience in the face of economic and geopolitical challenges. What factors drove this development? Which markets performed well? What new opportunities does it offer in 2023?

      The Art basel and UBS Global Art Market Report 2023 provides a comprehensive macro-economic analysis of the state of the global art market in 2022.

      The report examines the lingering effects of the pandemic and forecasts trends that could be seen entering this year. Co-published by Art basel and UBS, the report is authored by renowned cultural economist Dr. Clare McAndrew of Arts Economics.

      Here we share five key findings from the report, which can be downloaded by clicking the download button. Global art sales continue to grow

      Global art sales increased 3% year-on-year to an estimated $67.8 billion, the second year of growth after a strong recovery in sales of 31% in 2021, and bringing the market higher than its pre-pandemic level in 2019. The key driver of growth continued to be the high end of the market.

      Leading markets: US, UK and China

      The US retained its premier position in the global ranks, with its share of sales by value increasing by 2% year-on-year to 45%. The UK market moved back into second place with 18% of sales, and China’s share decreased 3% to 17%, falling back into third position.

      Robust recovery for the US market

      The US art market has seen one of the most robust recoveries of all the major markets. Sales bounced back strongly from the pandemic in 2021 and growth continued in 2022 bringing the market to $30.2 billion, its highest level to date.

      Further reduction in online spending, but still higher than pre-pandemic

      As live events ran on much fuller schedules and collectors began to reengage, both dealers and auction houses reported a further reduction in the share of their sales accounted for by e-commerce in 2022. Online-only sales fell to $11.0 billion, a decline of 17% from the 2021 peak of $13.3 billion, but still 85% higher than in 2019.

      Female artists might boost sales

      Having a very low share of representation of female artists was correlated with lower year-on-year sales growth performance for galleries, while those with a share of over 80% had higher than average growth of 21%. While there may be many factors that drive performance, the findings indicate again that having a higher share of women has not been a negative factor for sales in 2022, but having very few could be.


  • 姓名:Angela
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