

2023-08-01 18:472510
  • 日期:2024-07-09~2024-07-11
  • 城市:旧金山
  • 展馆:旧金山莫斯克尼展览中心
  • 主办:欧洲半导体行业协会
  • 展会详情
    • 美国西部国际半导体设备展览会(SEMICON West)是北美最大的、最重要的微电子半导体产业展览及研讨会议,是全球各地微电子领先企业、领先技术和技术人员对未来微型和纳米电子设计和制造的专业展览会议,从1971年开始,一年一届,在旧金山举行。参展商通过该展加强与集成电路制造商,设备和材料公司,以及其他行业客户之间进行技术交流与展示,该展是智能的开端,集合智能思想、智能工厂、智能连接、智能梦幻。

      SEMICON West正在为吸引人的新经验和网络场所奠定基础,所有这些都与以往任何时候都能与更多合格的客户和合作伙伴进行面对面交流。

      SEMICON West将整个扩展供应链连接在一起,同时在一个地方。您将连接最好的业务 - 从材料、设备、设计、制造、系统集成和需求渠道到新的垂直和邻接,如灵活的混合电子、MEMS和传感器等。这是与您的联系人重新连接并创造新事物以推动您的业务发展的首要地方。

      在这里,业界瞥见下一步,并发现其创新引擎。 SEMICON West7拥有600多家参展商和115小时的节目和网络机会,为您提供见解,访问以及技术和商业智能,以便您能够前进并拥抱当今的破坏性景观。

      SEMICON West展举行三天的演讲和全新的网络活动提供了跟上我们快速发展的行业所需的一切。沉浸式的体验,展示智能汽车、智能制造、智能医疗和智能交通等先进技术和应用的新体验使得今年的世博会不再像以前那样。

      来自微电子供应链的商业和技术领导者,研究人员和行业分析师,包括:制造设备,物料,组件,打包,装配和测试,设计/无晶圆厂,MEMS和传感器,灵活混合电子(FHE),IC设备应用,系统集成商,IoT和消费电子制造商,工程师,技术员,科学家们,供应链,经理,营销与销售,业务经理,现场服务,EH&S,QA / QC,高管。

      展品范围(Show Products):



      展会报告(Show Reports):

      SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – July 13, 2023 – The Atlas V optical critical dimension metrology tool from onto Innovation, Inc. has won the 2023 Best of West award, SEMI and Semiconductor Digest announced today at SEMICON West 2023 Hybrid, July 11-13 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. onto Innovation is a leader in process control, including un-patterned wafer quality, 3D metrology, macro defect inspection of wafers and packages, metal interconnect composition, factory analytics, and lithography for advanced semiconductor packaging.

      LogoPresented by SEMI and Semiconductor Digest each year, the Best of West award recognizes innovative new products or services that are significantly advancing the electronics manufacturing supply chain or a particular manufacturing capability.

      The new Atlas V metrology system is designed to measure several key steps that include buried features not visible by CD-SEM and other techniques. Through improvements in the optical systems, mechanical sub-systems and software algorithms, the Atlas V system can precisely measure the very subtle variations for device parameters and reveal weak process corners for engineers to improve fab process robustness. The Atlas V metrology system enables these critical dimensions to be measured with high accuracy and sensitivity, extending the capability of optical solutions for future generations of devices and eliminating the need for slower process control techniques.

      The Atlas V technology enables the performance needed for customers’ development of GAA/3D NAND/DRAM and is over 100 times faster than X-ray solutions for these structures. Select onto Innovation customers have validated the new optical critical dimension (OCD) technology and have appreciated the speed and resolution that was once thought to be beyond the limits of optical technology.

      “Semiconductor manufacturers rely on the ingenuity of equipment suppliers such as onto Innovation to make chips smaller and faster,” said Pete Singer, Editor-in-Chief of Semiconductor Digest. “The Atlas V is a great example of a product that meets the needs of next-generation semiconductor devices, such as the gate-all-around transistor.”

      onto Innovation will receive the Best of West award today at SEMICON West 2023 Hybrid.

      SEMICON West 2024—July 9-11 Moscone Center | San Francisco, CA


  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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