

2023-08-16 11:102343
  • 日期:2024-03-19~2024-03-22
  • 城市:法兰克福
  • 展馆:法兰克福国际会展中心
  • 主办:法兰克福国际展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
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      法兰克福灯光音响博览会(Prolight + Sound)是领先的灯光与音响技术及数码产品专业贸易交易会,是LED科技行业的交易会,覆盖所有灯光产品、行业和服务,展会上举行广泛的研讨会、产品介绍和讨论活动,以及全面行业服务方案研讨。Prolight + Sound展作为领先的国际贸易博览会,法兰克福国际专业灯光音响展汇集的技术和娱乐事件和创建世界上最大的部门会议服务。Prolight + Sound展每年在法兰克福3月-4月期间举行,展期四天。 展览围绕着综合概述的产品和服务与任何商业活动,灯光音响等交易提供所有产品和服务的活动部门全面概述。 在4天里,主要的国际贸易展览会是参展商的聚会场所,同时也是来自世界各地的专业观众、经销商和专业用户汇聚的场所。该展因国际性知名度,产品和服务的全面性是这种贸易展览会成功的关键因素。


      法兰克福灯光音响博览会将汇集来自媒体技术领域的参展商和系统集成。这部分每年进一步加强和形象的宣传方案和各种活动的推动。 灯光音响展就是以一个参展商和参观者来自德国及境外的大量专业观众,包括灯光舞台经营者,策划者,经销商,音响专家,灯光设计师,集设计,制作工程师,以及展览服务提供商和展览建筑公司等。参加专业灯光音响展,发现最新技术发展、产品和服务等,同时与专家及厂商技术人员进行面对面地技术交流、方案探讨等。


      Prolight + Sound展按展品划分:灯+舞台,声音+音频,灯+多媒体,音频+ AV-系统,灯光+效果,教育+协会:出版商,协会。具体包括:媒体系统;配件媒体系统;建筑与室内声学媒体系统;会议和通信技术媒体系统;照明技术媒体系统;媒体的控制和网络媒体系统;功率放大器设备媒体系统;投影和显示技术媒体系统;服务提供者,包括基础和继续教育机构媒体系统;音响设备媒体系统;视频技术和中央电视台灯光音响;一般配件灯光音响;激光技术和效果灯光音响;照明技术灯光音响;巴勒斯坦权力机构设备灯光音响;安全(一般)灯光音响;服务提供者,包括基础和继续教育机构灯光音响;音响设备灯光音响;照明和舞台技术的具体配件灯光音响;健全和PA设备专用配件灯光音响;舞台技术和桁架系统行业媒体。


      每年在法兰克福国际展览中心同时举行的灯光音响展(Prolight + Sound)及乐器展(Musikmesse)是完美互补,乐器展是领先的乐器、乐谱、音乐制作和音乐业务联系的国际交易会。观众在各种产品展示面前,可以看到灯光音响和音乐的互为补充,是两类相关产品推广的最佳场所,因此几乎在同一时间和地点提供了参展商和参观者两个展览会最为集中的、最多的协同效应作用,展会的效果一届胜过一届。 Prolight + Sound主要产品组:音频技术,照明技术,通信技术,戏剧和舞台技术,媒体技术,视频通信和系统集成。观众会发现:声音片段、灯光部分(显示和舞台灯光,家具,激 光和效果)和灯光实施方案(戏剧,电影和舞台灯光),媒体产品部分(显示,视频,音频,麦克风,制作,广播)的供应商。在这里参展,包括来自媒体系统灯光 音响会从目前的媒体领域的产品和商业解决方案和系统集成技术。


      展品范围(Show Products):




      音频+ AV-系统:话筒,录音,制作和播出,安装音响,网络,影音媒体技术;




      展会报告(Show Reports):

      A powerful statement for events and entertainment: After four days full of innovative presentations, exciting conferences and emotional encounters, Prolight + Sound 2023 closes with a significant increase in visitor numbers. More than 27,500 professionals from 113 countries attended the leading trade fair for the entertainment technology industry from April 25 to 28, 2023.

      Current topics such as the implementation of sustainable events or the increasing demand for specialists and young talents were discussed – in this regard, the Prolight + Sound conference programme offered numerous future-oriented approaches and solutions. Following the end of global travel restrictions, it was the first opportunity for many industry participants to visit the show since 2019. This is reflected in the high internationality of the event: Half of the visitors came from outside Germany.

      457 exhibitors from 34 countries demonstrated the industry’s innovative strength in an impressive way. “The event industry is back - and it has its international home at Prolight + Sound. The past four days have left no doubt about that. Together with the industry, we have taken action to promote the business. We are continuing on this path and investing consistently in the event. The high level of satisfaction on both the exhibitor and visitor sides, and, above all, the impressive internationality, provide a strong basis for further growth in all product areas – and thus for the successful future of Prolight + Sound,” says Wolfgang Marzin, Chairman of the Board of Management, Messe Frankfurt.

      At the product presentations in the exhibition halls, there was a clear trend towards IP-based connectivity of lighting, sound and stage technology components. More and more, these can be controlled and monitored regardless of location and across devices: The “Internet of Things” is already a reality in the event industry. In addition, the sector’s commitment to sustainable event operations is having an increasing impact on product designs. Systems with high energy efficiency, long service life, transport-friendly design and a high proportion of recyclable materials were high on the agenda.

      Providing impetus for tomorrow’s event business

      Despite all the confidence in the event industry and a positive underlying mood, the effects of the high demand for skilled workers are particularly noticeable. The industry associations and Messe Frankfurt joined forces at Prolight + Sound to create enthusiasm for a career in the event business and to connect professionals looking for new challenges with companies. For example, the Future Talents Day on Friday invited students to visit the trade fair. More than 600 young people took part in special events such as guided tours and networking sessions, learned about career prospects and came into direct contact with potential employers.

      On all four days of the trade show, the Future Hub in Hall 11.0 was a central attraction for the professionals of tomorrow. Among other things, the Special Area functioned as a presentation area for companies with vacancies as well as educational institutions in the event industry. In addition, the show made a contribution to more gender equality in the event industry. To this end, Messe Frankfurt cooperated with the "Women in Lighting" initiative, offered information services for female talents and put the spotlight on the achievements of inspiring women in lighting trades. The conference program also took into account the topic of personnel development in times of high demand for skilled workers.

      The Women in Lighting Lounge provided a point of attraction for female professionals. Image source: Jochen Günther

      Another demanding task for the event industry is to find answers to the challenges posed by high energy prices. At the same time, customers are becoming increasingly aware of sustainable event technology and event organisation. In this context, new products and approaches that contribute to the careful use of natural resources gained additional relevance at Prolight + Sound. Every day, the Green Sessions on the Main Stage provided new impulses for reducing power consumption and for a more positive CO2 balance. There was also great demand for the guided tours to the stands of suppliers of particularly environmentally friendly solutions.

      The Prolight + Sound supporting programme was developed in close cooperation with the Association of Media and Event Technology (VPLT) and the European Association of Event Centres (EVVC). Positive atmosphere – and plenty of reason to celebrate!

      In the wake of rising exhibitor and visitor numbers, the event once again achieved high satisfaction ratings. 88 percent of exhibiting companies and 83 percent of visitors stated that they had achieved their goals at Prolight + Sound.

      Figures of Prolight + Sound 2023

      The halls were filled with buzzing activity – but also with emotional encounters between industry players, after numerous exhibitors and visitors, particularly from Asia, returned for the first time in four years. Moreover, after-show parties were once again part of the event. The industry took the opportunity to celebrate and toast to the drive for the future. In addition, live music by well-known bands created a festival atmosphere on the outdoor area. Thus, Prolight + Sound created the framework for networking in an informal atmosphere and made a contribution to strengthening a sense of connection and the "we" feeling in the industry.

      Prolight + Sound 2024 will take place from 19 to 22 March. With the new date, Messe Frankfurt is responding to the industry’s wish for an earlier time slot in the year that is best aligned with the project cycles in the event and entertainment technology industry.


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