

2023-11-23 18:15730
  • 日期:2025-09-17~2025-09-19
  • 城市:曼谷
  • 展馆:曼谷国际展览中心
  • 主办:杜塞尔多夫国际展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
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      东南亚国际管件管材、线材线缆展览会(Tube & Wire Southeast Asia)是东南亚领先的采购和网络平台,分两个展:管材展(TUBE SOUTHEAST ASIA)与线材展(WIRE SOUTHEAST ASIA),是行业内主要本地和全球制造商、供应商和服务提供商联系起来。该展始办于1997年,由德国杜塞尔多夫展览公司组织,两年一届,在曼谷国际展览中心举行。1997-2005年该展曾在新加坡举办,展会名称为Tube Singapore &Wire Singapore,自2007年移至泰国举办。









      展品范围(Show Products):


      管件类:各种接头、弯头、三通 、四通、异径、法兰、弯管等、管帽、封头、泵阀等;

      线材类:线材制造机械、线材加工机械 、紧固件生产机械、电线产品制造机械、弹簧制造机械、电缆制造机械、工具制造机器、电线电缆制造辅助材料、电线产品、测控与检测技术、环保装置、钢丝、线盘等。


      展会报告(Show Reports):

      Powering Forward: The demonstrated demand for wire and tubes, and synergy with metallurgy and foundry technology at co-located exhibitions - wire and Tube Southeast Asia with GIFA and METEC Southeast Asia

      Singapore, 10 October 2023 - From 20-22 September 2023, BITEC, Bangkok was abuzz with industry professionals, showcasing the vibrancy of the wire, cable, tube, and pipe sectors together with metallurgy and foundry technology at the co-located trade fairs: wire and Tube Southeast Asia, and GIFA and METEC Southeast Asia.


      Over three days, some 254 exhibitors from 27 countries demonstrated their technology, machinery, and innovations across multiple application sectors from automotive, building and construction, energy and gas, to users from metal and steel plants. wire and Tube Southeast Asia successfully presented a comprehensive platform for 6,350 trade visitors with 24 percent coming from overseas. Together with visitors for GIFA and METEC Southeast Asia, international visitors hailed from neighbouring Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Philippines, as well as China and India, among others. On the local front, there were also 54 visiting groups representing the key target sectors across wire and cable manufacturers, iron and steel and non-ferrous metal industry and from upstream supplier industries. These included Bangkok Cable, Thai Summit Cable & Parts, The Siam Industrial Wire, Alphacast, PV Casting and Machine, TMT Steel Public and many others.

      “While this year saw a more focused group of visitors, what truly stood out was the depth of engagement and the quality of discussions on the show floor. It was evident that participants came with clear objectives and a genuine interest in collaboration. The value of these interactions and the potential for lasting business relationships cannot be understated. We remain committed to providing a platform for meaningful exchanges for the industries we serve,” said Gernot Ringling, Managing Director, Messe Düsseldorf Asia.


      As a first-time visitor, Professor Dr. Suchatvee Suwansawat, former President of the Council of Engineers, Thailand, was deeply impressed by the international representation, particularly from Europe, and the extensive display of machinery and solutions on offer. “Witnessing such global interest from the exhibitors, right here in Bangkok, with a vast range of machines, products, and solutions, also highlights how fortunate the Thai and regional industries are to be able to experience such exhibitions. This is not just a sourcing ground; it is also a unique opportunity for the local industry to learn, share, and embrace best practices."

      Reflecting a similar standpoint was Thai exhibitor Pine-Pacific Corporation, one of Thailand’s leading suppliers of both raw materials and equipment for the foundry industry, who remarked that this was also a good opportunity for the local industry to meet and network with an international audience.

      The next editions of wire and Tube Southeast Asia will return to a biennial cycle and will take place in 2025 at BITEC, Bangkok from 17 to 19 September.


  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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