

2024-03-30 10:08929
  • 日期:2026-03-24~2026-03-27
  • 城市:纽伦堡
  • 展馆:纽伦堡国际展览中心
  • 主办:纽伦堡国际展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
    • 18SZ图片处理

      德国纽伦堡国际门窗、幕墙及技术展览会(FENSTERBAU FRONTALE)是领先的门窗及技术、幕墙及技术专业展览会,由纽伦堡会展公司NürnbergMesse GmbH自1988起开始举办,两年一届,是全球最知名的门窗幕墙展之一。作为世界顶级展会,该展会引领潮流,不仅为这个繁荣的行业提供了更多展示的空间,也为各细分市场提供了更广泛和深层次的产品展示。展商和专业采购商们可以在这里找到决定市场前景的创新产品和技术、门窗幕墙领域更高的市场、更多的机械、设备展示及贴身的服务及未来幕墙行业的新材料和加固系统。




      在FENSTERBAU FRONTALE展会上,您会发现您正在寻找的是什么:新的联系方式,新产品以及驱动您的行业的新问题。 在FENSTERBAU FRONTALE举办中心舞台,是工业、贸易和自动化领域的创新和尖端技术,专业的建筑师专区和众多特别展览区。如FENSTERBAU FRONTALE论坛和其他令人兴奋的功能。 如果您想展示您的产品或获取有关数字化、安全性和质量的信息,行业展览平台FENSTERBAU FRONTALE是您的必参活动,您的竞争优势从这里开始。


      展会回顾:同期举办的木材加工设备展HOLZ-HANDWERK 两个展合在一起互补性强,吸引更多专业观众前来参观,来自包括法国、德国、英国、美国和中国在内的全球多个国家超过一千多家企业参展参加了这两个展。 两个展的参观者达到10万人次,90%的参观商对该展会十分满意,95%的观众对本展的信息及展位上的商务联系表示十分满意。80% 的观众参与到了公司的购买决定中。


      展品范围(Show Products):













      展会报告(Show Reports):

      The trade fair pairing of FENSTERBAU FRonTALE and HOLZ-HANDWERK has now returned to its usual date in spring – and with great success. Over the past four days, a total of around 75,000 visitors from 112 countries gathered at the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg to meet 973 exhibitors from 44 countries and discuss the latest trends in window, door and façade construction as well as woodworking and wood processing. Both trade fairs were accompanied by a comprehensive supporting programme that offered many valuable ideas on industry topics of current relevance.

      Immersion in new products and technologies, making valuable industry contacts and coming to grips with current challenges such as sustainability, protection against climate extremes, serialized construction and refurbishment and the shortage of skilled labour: Despite or rather because of the tense situation in the construction industry, the trade fair pairing of FENSTERBAU FRonTALE and HOLZ-HANDWERK proved very popular once again this year and attracted visitors from the carpentry, joinery, architecture and window and façade construction sectors to Nuremberg from around the world. A great atmosphere, lively discussions in the exhibition halls and extremely positive feedback from all sides allow the organizers to look back on four successful days at the trade fair with great satisfaction. The independent visitor survey also confirmed the quality of the trade visitors and the high proportion of decision-makers present.

      FENSTERBAU FRonTALE impresses with many innovations and programme highlights

      The latest profile systems, glass in architecture, fastening technology, security systems, machines, systems and much more all awaited discovery at the stands of the 644 exhibitors at FENSTERBAU FRonTALE 2024. “FENSTERBAU FRonTALE has once again clearly proven itself as the world’s leading trade fair for windows, doors and façades and was THE central meeting point for visitors from all over the world in search of the latest trending themes and solutions to key industry challenges, which is reflected in the key trade fair figures,” says Elke Harreiß, Executive Director FENSTERBAU FRONTALE, NürnbergMesse. “The exhibitors’ stands, some of which were very impressive, showcased exciting products, including many world firsts from both key players and start-ups.” Special highlights in the supporting programme included the FENSTERBAU FRonTALE FORUM, the Architecture-Window-Facade Forum with accompanying guided tours and the forum “A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO DIGITISATION”, in addition to numerous special shows such as “climate.safe.building”, metallbauTREFF, “Focus Interior doors” and Taste of windays. The JobMatch stand, the forum “A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO DIGITISATION” and the “Young Innovators” pavilion, which were realized jointly for FENSTERBAU FRonTALE and HOLZ-HANDWERK, were also very well attended.

      HOLZ-HANDWERK also very popular

      At HOLZ-HANDWERK, 329 exhibitors showcased the latest trends and innovations in the woodworking and wood processing industry, from sawing and sanding machines to woodworking machines and extraction systems. “We are very pleased that HOLZ-HANDWERK was so well attended despite the economic conditions in the construction industry and that we were once again able to showcase all the operational requirements of the carpentry industry and thus the entire value chain of woodworking and wood processing,” says Stefan Dittrich, Executive Director HOLZ-HANDWERK, NürnbergMesse. “The success of the event makes it clear: Challenging times, in particular, make an industry platform such as HOLZ-HANDWERK all the more important.” Additional highlights included the Bavarian Association of Cabinet Makers (FSH) special show “DesignObjekt – ObjektDesign” and the HOLZ-HANDWERK CAMPUS, where various vocational training colleges and other advanced training establishments presented their facilities.

      Extending the trade fair experience digitally

      Lectures from the specialist programme, along with impressions and exhibitor and visitor testimonials, are available on our YouTube channels beyond the timeframe of the event itself. You can also stay up to date digitally and conveniently via linkedIn, Facebook and Instagram and always receive news, trends and updates on the respective trade fairs.

      FENSTERBAU FRonTALE and HOLZ-HANDWERK will take place again as scheduled from 24 to 27 March 2026 at the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg.


  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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