

2024-04-12 10:31121
  • 日期:2025-03-19~2025-03-22
  • 城市:伊斯坦布尔
  • 展馆:伊斯坦布尔国际展览中心
  • 主办:法兰克福国际展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
    • 18SZ图片处理

      伊斯坦布尔国际摩托车、零配件及用品展览会(Motobike Istanbul)是欧亚大陆最大的摩托车及两轮车、零配件及用品贸易展览会,该展由法兰克福展览集团主办,一年一届,在伊斯坦布尔国展览中心举行。伊斯坦布尔摩托车展是该地区最大的摩托车、配件和设备展览,伊斯坦布尔摩托车将与欧洲自行车伊斯坦布尔共存,Motobike是摩托自行车和未来便利交通的新平台。


      法兰克福展览集团在全球拥有约35场交通运输及物流贸易展会及活动,其中包括在亚洲举办的10场贸易展会。伊斯坦布尔摩托车展 作为交通运输及物流板块新成员,也是法兰克福展览集团在土耳其聚焦两轮车市场的首个贸易展会,凸显了摩托车及两轮车对公司乃至全球出行领域的重要性。




      探索所有伊斯坦布尔摩托车展、零配件及用品展览会的参展商及产品。 展会期间将举行一系列同期活动, 议题涵盖行业发展、可持续发展、创新技术。


      展品范围(Show Products):



      展会报告(Show Reports):

      With the contributions of sector associations MOTED and MOTODER, Motobike Istanbul 2024 hosted more than 300 brands in the halls 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Istanbul Expo Center. The show was attended by a total of 134.938 motorbike and bicycle enthusiasts over 4 days.

      The show, where thousands of products were exhibited in a wide range from motorbike and bicycle models to accessories and equipment, also provided a full experience for the visitors coming to Motobike Istanbul from different parts of Türkiye and the world with training programs, interviews, presentations, competitions, raffles and maintenance workshops from the opening day until the closing. At the largest Motobike Istanbul edition of all time with a net exhibition area of 20,000 m², the world-famous brands that two-wheel enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting attracted great attention from the visitors, in addition to the country pavilions from China and Pakistan where manufacturers who want to expand their business volume by entering the Turkish market took part.

      In addition to the product groups of motorbikes, bicycles and accessories, Gendarmerie and Police Forces under the roof of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, sector associations and custom motorbike workshops were present at the show. Instructor Zafer Akçay, one of the doyens of the motorbike world, came together with motorbike enthusiasts throughout the show within the scope of the Motobike Academy program powered by Akbank, made presentations on safe driving and answered the questions of the audience. While the Motobike Academy program also included famous names such as Serkan Ozdemir, Yosi Mizrahi, onur Caki and Saliha Ozkan, social media phenomena Motorcu Muhabbeti and Kolaçan also met with their fans. Omer Faruk Gunay and Sefa Aynal made a presentation about the introduction of motorbike police teams and their training processes, informing the drivers and introducing young people who are passionate about motorbikes to a profession they can pursue.

      Motul, the main sponsor of Motobike Istanbul 2024, Motobike Academy sponsor Akbank, and radio sponsor Power App had the opportunity to come together with the visitors at their stands and introduce their products and services in full detail, and gave the visitors colorful moments with surprise events and raffles. Visitors had the opportunity to access exhibitor lists, contact information, hall plans, event program, news and announcements from their mobile phones by using the Motobike Istanbul official mobile application for the first time at the 2024 edition.

      The next edition of Motobike Istanbul will be held at the Istanbul Expo Center in 2025. Official show dates will be announced very soon.


  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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