

2024-05-21 22:502887
  • 日期:2025-04-16~2025-04-19
  • 城市:伊斯坦布尔
  • 展馆:伊斯坦布尔安塔利亚博览中心
  • 主办:欧洲博闻展览资讯有限公司
  • 展会详情
    • 18SZ图片处理

      土耳其伊斯坦布尔国际珠宝首饰展览会(ISTANBUL JEWELRY SHOW)是欧亚最大的珠宝、首饰、钟表及设备展,从1986年开始,一年两届,在伊斯坦布尔国际展览中心举行。参展商来自行业制造商、出口商、批发商、供应商、经销商、设计商,观众来自:制造商,供应商,零售商,出口商,进口商,珠宝设计师,批发商/零售商代理,部门/连锁店,礼品店,高端珠宝收藏家,宝石实验师/宝石鉴定师,电视家庭购物/邮购公司等。





      展品范围(Show Products):






      展会报告(Show Reports):

      Ranking 3rd in world’s gold jewelry, Türkiye’s local jewelry brands and the pioneering global brands of the jewelry sector are preparing to showcase their newest collections at IJS Istanbul Jewelry Show. One of the top five global jewelry fairs and the first and only international meeting point of specialists in Türkiye,IJS Istanbul Jewelry Show, will be held for the very first time at a new date and new days. IJS Istanbul Jewelry Show will be held in April 17-20, 2024 for four days from Wednesday to Saturday. It will bring together the professionals of the entire jewelry sector from East Europe to Near East, Russia, North Africa, CIS Countries, and the Middle East at the Istanbul Expo Center for the 55th time.

      The jewelry sector achieved an export of 6,9 billion dollars in January-November 2023 as a substantial part of these export volumes accounts for IJS Istanbul Jewelry Show. The show will once again assume a major role in jewelry trade in 2024. IJS Istanbul Jewelry Show, held twice in a year by Informa Markets will host showcasing of a range of product groups like gold, jewelry, diamonds, colored gemstones, precious and semi-precious stones, pearls, silver, silver ornaments, and silverware, gold monture, refinery, watches, molds, window dressing, machinery-equipment and subsidiary industry, case box, software, logistics, and lightening. The Fair to be held in April is expected to be attended by over 33.500 visitors and over 1.500 companies and brands from over 140 countries.

      The world of jewelry is focused on IJS Istanbul Jewelry Show which is preparing to open its gates in April. While domestic and international sectoral professionals will find the opportunity to see the most special Turkish designs inspired by Anatolian culture of thousand years and will be able to discover the newest collections of future seasons at international pavilions of various countries.

      The jewelry trends of future will be shaped at the Fair

      IJS Istanbul Jewelry Show, will not simply set the stage for new collaboration and trade agreements during the four days but will also host the events that define the design trends of the sector. In this context, “Designer Club”, the joint project of Jewelry Exporters’ Association and IJS Istanbul Jewelry Show will provide the opportunity to jewelry designers and craftsmen to exhibit their designs and jewelry at a special space and will offer the collections to the jewelry sector’s taste. During the Fair, “Art for Jewellery – Inspiration Hub” event will also be held with the cooperation of Jewelry Exporters’ Association and IJS Istanbul Jewelry Show. The event aims at ensuring the art and artists contribute to the jewelry sector and the world’s number one trend forecasting firm will also explain new trends relating to the sector, at the WSGN.


  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
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