

2024-05-28 10:591306
  • 日期:2025-05-05~2025-05-08
  • 城市:休斯顿
  • 展馆:休斯顿NRG公园展览中心
  • 主办:美国石油工程与技术协会
  • 展会详情
    • 美国国际海上石油、天然气开采技术展览会(OTC - Offshore Technology Conference)也称美国休斯顿石油展OTC,是由美国石油工程与技术协会(SPE)于1969年开始举行,一年一届,在美国休斯顿举行。由于得到美国石油协会等12个专业行业组织的大力支持,通过40多年石油、天然气工业的新科技的发展,目前已成为世界上在石油和天然气勘探、开采、生产和环境保护领域中最重要的专业展 览会。展览会云集了世界上各大石油公司和众多国际优秀的石油机具的供应商和来自全球各地的买家,是所有参展商及业内人士公认的产品进入美国、加拿大及欧洲市场的最佳平台。

      OTC主办方同时组织相关展览会议,OTC北极科技大会(Arctic Technology Conference)每年在不同地点举行,如丹麦或休斯顿等地举行;亚洲海上石油、天然气开采技术展览会议(OTC Asia);巴西海上石油、天然气开采技术展览会议(OTC Brasil)等。


      美国国际石油、天然气展览会(Offshore Technology Conference)简称:(OTC)展览会成立于1969年,每年一届,目前,地点设在休斯顿(Houston)(Reliant Center),作为全球规模最大的石油天然气展览会。每年参观者来自全球100多个国家约7万人,参展的企业来自几十个国家约2千多家,其中包括全球最大的石油公司;沙特阿美公司(Saudi Arabian Oil Company)、伊朗国家石油公司(NIOC)等世界石油巨头分别参加和参观了OTC展会。


      展品范围(Show Products):





      其 它:一切石油、石化、天然气产品;钻井平台、钢铁架构;绝缘材料;指示器材等。


      展会报告(Show Reports):

      Houston, Texas, USA (9 May 2024) – The 55th annual Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) concluded today at NRG Park, uniting the world’s elite energy experts and professionals, to discuss the future of offshore energy. OTC 2024 showcased breakthrough innovations in the industry, and a multi-disciplinary technical program exploring the technologies needed to address the world's increasing energy demands as populations and economies continue to modernize and advance.

      This year’s agenda included a diverse lineup of 51 sessions—featuring 30 executive dialogues and keynote presentations, 13 panels, 7 networking events and 9 countries highlighted in the Around the World Series. More than 30,000 participants from 107 countries attended, reinforcing OTC’s status as the premiere global energy and innovation conference amid rising energy demand. On the exhibition floor, 14 international pavilions and almost 1,300 companies showcased innovative technologies across 257,350 square feet of space and virtual reality and interactive setups. This growing international presence highlights OTC's expanding influence and importance within the offshore energy sector, highlighted further by the presence of 205 media and press.

      Alex Martinez, Chair of the OTC Board, reflected on OTC 2024 success, stating, "It was inspiring to see the global energy community come together to discuss and partner in solutions that will shape a sustainable future. As the world’s population continues to grow and require more energy, there is no other event that provides attendees with more diverse conversations focused on the latest developments needed to accelerate the global energy mix.” Martinez concluded.


      The Energy Transition Pavilion made a notable return to OTC 2024. At the pavilion, our partners presented innovative solutions including geothermal energy, rig electrification, and the role of AI and data analytics. This year’s Offshore Wind Thread included key speakers from the U.S. Department of Energy, and three days of focused discussion on topics like site characterization, AI applications and project design challenges and advancements.

      OTC launched Young Professionals Day effectively engaging and challenging the next generation of offshore energy leaders. Held on Wednesday, May 8, the event provided a dynamic forum and networking platform for those early in their careers. Expert panels discussed career advancement opportunities and the significant roles young professionals can play in the industry. Attendees also had the opportunity to participate in guided tours that offered a unique view of the latest technologies driving the offshore energy sector forward.

      OTC is a landmark event in Houston, and continues to demonstrate its commitment to the city’s economic and community development. OTC 2024 was no exception, making a substantial impact by contributing an estimated USD $3 billion to the local economy, attracting global visitors, and significantly benefiting local businesses. As OTC continues to innovate and expand, the energy community eagerly anticipates the next conference, promising even more groundbreaking discussions and technologies to advance the offshore industry and global energy transition in years to come. OTC 2025 will take place 5–8 May at NRG Center, Houston, Texas, USA.


  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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