

2024-05-29 11:162897
  • 日期:2027-04-21~2027-04-24
  • 城市:巴黎
  • 展馆:巴黎北维勒班展览中心
  • 主办:法国高美艾博展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
    • 18SZ图片处理

      法国巴黎国际土木工程和建筑机械展览会(INTERMAT)是法国最大的工程机械及建筑机械展览会,是世界工程机械和建筑机械领域的三大名展之一。该展从1988年开始,三年一届,在法国巴黎北维勒班特展览馆举行。参加该展是开拓法国、地中海和非洲等地工程市场的最佳选择。 INTERMAT是吸引来自52个非洲和中东国家的观众,也是该区域唯一的工程机械展。展览涉及土木工程机械,起重机械,部件与零配件,道路机械、挖掘机械,混凝土机械,脚手架,所有与建筑机械设备相关的组件和配件等。





      同期举行的第三届欧洲混凝土展(World of Concrete Europe / WOC Europe)将为所有混凝土行业参与者提供一个专用的中心。该展会是混凝土行业制造商、规范制定者和用户交流的独家机会。 WOC Europe将在从制造到应用的每个阶段,将最全面的“混凝土行业”产品组合在一起: 混凝土工业、其他设备和机械; 混凝土生产设施和机械; 预制混凝土设施和机械; 混凝土材料; 特殊和装饰混凝土设备和机械; 预拌混凝土的设备、交付和铺设; 混凝土新技术、服务和工程。


      展品范围(Show Products):






      展会报告(Show Reports):

      INTERMAT 2024: an edition driving progress and promoting business

      Decision-makers were definitely present as a third of the visitors came with investment plans to accelerate the low carbon and digital transition of construction projects. The 1,065 exhibitors, including 68% from outside France, went back home with a lot of new contacts as they had an average of 30% more contacts per day per exhibitor compared with 2018 edition.

      INTERMAT 2024 was thus a real business catalyst, a federating point of convergence for all the professionals who came in search of a concentrate of innovation to address the climate and societal challenges faced by construction. Exhibitors and visitors met up in a particularly animated and convivial atmosphere has they alsways do at INTERMAT. Unity is strength : a mobilised construction industry

      Chairmen of the five main construction trade associations in France (DLR, EVOLIS, FFB, FNTP and SEIMAT) opened INTERMAT 2024 united and committed with the signature of the manifesto “4 keys to support the decarbonisation of construction equipment”.

      Talks, round tables and special features like a Hackaton – especially in the two new areas Filière and Academy - gave an opportunity to visitors, and in particular to the 1,400 young people present, to gain insight into the major issues in the sector in the aim of accelerating the green and digital transitions: adopting the right energy for each use, saving it, raising stakeholder awareness to CSR and improving the safety and appeal of jobs… INTERMAT, a real International innovation showcase

      Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, the UK, Finland, North African countries and Türkiye among others : major international construction companies were there with 68% from outside France.

      INTERMAT Innovation Awards distinguished 17 designers or manufacturers of equipment and machinery to support the energy transition, digitalisation and safety during a beautiful ceremony gathering 500 professionals eager to discover the latest trends in innovation in the industry.

      The new born New Technologies and Energies hub and Start-up Village offered a real showcase to technology and equipment incorporating new, alternative or renewable energy sources (biofuel, electric, hydrogen), virtual and digital engineering, energy storage solutions and autonomous vehicles.

      Last but not least, the INTERMAT demonstrations kept their promise, with a ballet of machines and equipment both indoors and displaying electric machines and giving visitors a chance to discover the momentum of the latest developments by manufacturers for better safety, productivity and energy efficiency.

      In the current and particular context, INTERMAT organised in partnership with Business France and Premier Expo the ReBuild Ukraine Conference to address all the themes essential for the reinforcement of the Ukrainian nation through reconstruction, representing multiple opportunities for French companies, investors and partners. Low-carbon concrete : star material of the World Of Concrete Europe

      The World of Concrete exhibition zone and forum, real place to be for the concrete industry, focussing on the low carbon transition of the concrete sector zone attracted the attention of nearly one in two visitors of INTERMAT. With a special dedicated price « Worlmd of Concrete », the INTERMAT Innovation Awards rewarded the sector’s efforts to activate all the levers in a push to reduce the carbon impact of materials, processes, technology and equipment.

      2024: a redesigned model around the major challenges of construction

      The 2024 vintage was one of renewal, with a tradeshow redesigned in terms of format and offering, and revolving around four pillars; Innovation, Energies, New equations and Commitments. Over and above the valuable business opportunities, the show reasserted its ambition of bringing together and sharing with the entire ecosystem the wealth of innovation in support of decarbonisation. Exhibitors were able to meet a great many visitors and help them bring their purchasing plans to fruition. The 2024 show succeeded in its goal of collectively providing novel and virtuous responses to professionals, whose pleasure at being able to come together in a convivial climate was clear for all to see throughout the four days of the event!

      The next edition will be held in April 2027.


  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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