美国国际过滤与分离技术设备展览会(Filtration / FiltXpo)是北美地区唯一的过滤分离技术专业展览会,展会由美国无纺布协会主办,一年半一届,在美国各重要城市举行,该展主题定位国际性专业分离过滤展,每届展会都会展出最先进的过滤分离技术和产品。范围覆盖无纺布过滤技术产品设备及衍生行业。主办方邀请的会员单位来自化工、水泥、电子、造纸、制药、冶金、煤炭、矿山、铸造、汽车、水处理及环保、机械、制冷、塑胶、医院、纺织、轻工、食品、电镀、国防、建筑、航空航天、电子电力、电厂、新型复合材料等企业。
展品范围(Show Products):
展会报告(Show Reports):
Launched back in 1963, Filtration+Separation has long been established as the essential information tool for filtration users worldwide. Filtration+Separation is at the forefront of technological advances, market movements, trends and breaking industry news. It is read by end users who need to source information on products and services worldwide.
FiltXPO is something you don't want to miss — it's more important now than ever that you stay ahead of this rapidly evolving industry — being able to identify shifts in customer demands could determine whether your company will exist in three years.
I look forward to exhibiting at FiltXPO to meet with my current filter industry contacts and new prospects. Instead of me traveling to see each one of them, we all meet at the FiltXPO. Now as an every 18-month show, it is more important than ever for my clients to attend the FiltXPO show.
FiltXPO is North America's premier exhibition and technical conference for the filtration and separation industry. Connect with technical experts who specify and utilize cutting-edge filtration products. Engage with the industry's key decision-makers. Source materials, components, technologies, and service-providers in one trip. Make your plans to attend or exhibit today!