

2024-06-01 10:083116
  • 日期:2026-04-14~2026-04-17
  • 城市:阿姆斯特丹
  • 展馆:阿姆斯特丹国际展览中心
  • 主办:阿姆斯特丹国际展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
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      荷兰阿姆斯特丹国际清洁与维护展览会(ISSA/INTERCLEAN® Amsterdam)欧洲最大的日用清洁用品与设施维护用品贸易展 览会,该展由美国国际清洁卫生协会(ISSA)组织,两年一届,在阿姆斯特丹国际展览中心举行。ISSA/INTERCLEAN始于1967年,是迄今为止清 洁行业历史最为悠久的专业博览会,吸引众多家国际国内知名企业参展,共同展现代表世界清洁领域的最高水准的清洁设备、工具、用品、材 料和技术,是开拓欧洲市场最佳平台。


      在世界领先的清洁和卫生专业展览会上,30,000多名参观者和800名参展商面对面交流与洽谈业务,ISSA / INTERCLEAN阿姆斯特丹为您提 供了一个很好的机会,在阿姆斯特丹展示广泛的产品创新:在最美丽的一个世界城市开拓您的业务。


      在欧洲约三万名ISSA / INTERCLEAN阿姆斯特丹观众将会寻找新的产品,服务和技术。 与现有客户建立网络,迎接新的前景,开始建立长 久的关系。 面对面的接触使得这个数字世界有所不同。在ISSA / INTERCLEAN阿姆斯特丹进行销售,75%的访客是清洁产品,分销商和企业家 领域的国际市场领导者的决策者。


      ISSA/INTERCLEAN®阿姆斯特丹国际清洁与维护展览会紧跟清洁行业的最新发展趋势,力求突破和创新并展示给观众最前沿的行业信 息、技术和产品。主办方将通过各种研讨会、和创新大奖赛等专业活动,为业内人士的沟通洽谈提供方便的平台。研讨会将涉及一些热门主题 ,如公共卫生管理和传染控制、如何提高生产力、如何降低运营成本以及如何将新技术应用于清洁项目。


      展品范围(Show Products):



      展会报告(Show Repoprts):

      Last Friday, Interclean Amsterdam closed its doors after four days of business and networking. Visitors were treated to a whole new Interclean experience, where forging global connections, experiencing the newest innovations and discovering the latest trends was the centrepiece of the biggest Interclean Amsterdam to date. In addition to an extensive range of knowledge sessions, Interclean offered a vibrant networking programme including the daily Interclean Social Club with live entertainment and Feel Good Friday where referee Bjorn Kuipers and the biggest Friday afternoon drink ensured a superb finish. Overall, an international crowd of 875 exhibitors and 30,000 visitors from 143 countries converged on RAI Amsterdam.

      Looking ahead: Interclean Shanghai from 11 - 13 December at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC). Interclean Amsterdam will be back from 14 -17 April 2026.

      Robert Stelling (Director Interclean) is delighted with the turn-out and results at Interclean Amsterdam 2024: "We’re looking back at an exciting four days. One of Interclean’s main objectives is to enable the cleaning and hygiene industry to grow and thrive, by creating the right environment and atmosphere to do business in. I think we really succeeded in this, looking at the positive atmosphere in the halls, at all the networking events but most of all the busy stands where many new contacts were made, and orders closed. We once again saw the positive impact of the personal connection! I am also proud that we hosted the Global Executive Summit of the World Federation of Building Service Contractors, as well as the Global Association Meeting, a gathering of all the international cleaning and hygiene associations from across the world. Amsterdam really was the global capital of cleaning last week!”

      On Thursday 16 May, the third edition of the Healthcare Cleaning Forum was held. This unique 1-day conference was organised by Interclean in close cooperation with CleanHospitals®, focussing on the importance of environmental hygiene in the fight against infections in hospitals and other care institutions. Here healthcare experts, including infection prevention specialists and facility managers, cleaning experts and industry members joined to discuss new (scientific) insights, innovative technology and groundbreaking procedures. The programme, with breakout sessions and top keynote speakers Prof. Didier Pittet, Clare Nash, Prof. Martin Kiernan, Prof. Brett Mitchell, Edmée Bowles, and Dr Alexandra Peters, was a huge success. This year's edition was attended by an international gathering of healthcare professionals from 143 countries.


  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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