

2024-06-12 18:1352
  • 日期:2025-05-01~2025-05-04
  • 城市:腓特烈港
  • 展馆:腓特烈港国际展览中心
  • 主办:腓特烈港国际展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
    • 18SZ图片处理

      德国腓德烈港国际汽车改装技术博览会(TUNING WORLD BODENSEE)是专业的国际汽车改装及生活方式和改装俱乐部现场活动展览会,是欧洲最大的汽车改装产业展,展会从2003年开始举办,每年一届在腓德烈港博登湖边举行,同期举行的Car+Sound汽车音响博览会。近几年新兴的德国Tuning World Bodensee改装车展,除了可看到酷炫的改装车外,每年还会举办Miss Tuning。


      Tuning World Bodensee为当前欧洲最大的汽车改装产业展,参展的企业超过200多家,有超过上千辆酷炫的改装车。与Tuning World Bodensee共同举办的 Miss Tuning,有来自各地的几百位佳丽参赛,进入决选的仅有20位,而最后获得后冠的女郎,将可获得Seat Ibiza SC一整年的访问权,并担任改装车工业的亲善大使。为了宣传Tuning World Bodensee改装车大展,每年主办单位都会拍摄一辑非常性感的《Miss Tuning Calender》香车美女图片作为日历的素材。


      参展商不仅可以在博登湖找到特殊的目标群体和市场,他们还将找到一个具有巨大附加值的展会概念:形象建立或品牌定位,公关活动和不寻常的媒体合作 - 更多的可能是在TUNING WORLD BODENSEE 比其它任何地方均有收益。

      TUNING WORLD BODENSEE提供行业大市场和理想的环境:完美的国际位置,专注于主动调谐场景,大量的购买力,低失业率,企业召开新产品发布会议活动的理想设置。


      展品范围(Show Products):



      展会报告(Show Reports):

      This year, 109,500 tuned vehicle fans gathered at the Friedrichshafen Exhibition Center to partake in the international trade fair event for car tuning, lifestyle, and the club scene. The event brought together many industry representatives and tuning enthusiasts from across Europe and nearly surpassed the previous record of 111,000 visitors set in 2006. “With its overwhelming number of visitors and the new show and supporting program, Tuning World Bodensee was a complete success for the exhibiting companies and a fantastic celebration for the community,” say Messe Friedrichshafen CEO Klaus Wellmann and Project Manager Emanuela Botta, who were both delighted with the success of the event. This year marked the first time that all twelve halls and the entire outdoor area were utilized to their fullest capacity. The exhibition grounds drew visitors in droves to admire more than 1000 customized cars, thrilling competitions such as the European Tuning Showdown and the AvD Drift Championship, and exciting new attractions, such as the US and Asia Halls. The well-attended after-show parties also added to the excitement of the event.

      The presence of tuning clubs, premium suppliers from the tuning industry showcasing their individually modified vehicles, and private exhibitors in the Club Area and Private Car Area lent the fair a special flair. The accessories sector presented a wide selection of rims, suspensions, and innovative software solutions. The new Show Ground sparkled with a stunning carwalk and a wide-ranging low-rider showcase. The exuberant atmosphere continued late into the night at the various parties, with live bands energizing the crowd at the Power Ranch and hip-hop beats blasting from the speakers at the Black Circus. On Friday evening, Sunshine Live brought back the 90s vibe with headliner Captain Jack, while Saturday saw the Ride and Rave party in collaboration with Open Beatz, with headliner le Shuuk bringing the crowd to its feet. Germany’s most successful car influencer, Gercollector, wowed the crowds on the first day of the event. Thousands of fans flocked to Foyer West to queue up for a coveted autograph and to snap a selfie with the man with the helmet. “It was awesome,” writes Raimund on Instagram, with Nico chiming in to add: “the best Tuning World in five years.”

      Exhibiting companies express great enthusiasm and give a positive bottom line for the event

      Harald Schmidtke, Managing Director of the Association of Automotive Tuners (VDAT), gushes with praise: “In my view, the trade fair has become even more appealing. We encountered not just young men but also entire families, who are now passing on their fascination with tuning to the next generation.” Björn Beisheim, Team Manager of Vogtland Autosport, says: “We are delighted to have been a part of the fair. Our conversations were of exceptional quality, and we chalked up significant sales as well. Tuning World Bodensee has established itself as a significant trade show that plays a vital role in our daily lives.”

      The updated hall design and the rollout of new themed halls were met with great enthusiasm by the participating companies. “The new signage effectively directs visitors through the various halls,” says Johannes Wacker, Head of Marketing at KW Automotive. Steven Koppenhöfer, Managing Director of LCE Performance, says: “I have to say that the trade fair’s efforts over the past two years are definitely paying off – particularly in our motor sports hall, for example. I can only tip my hat and offer my admiration. They really put a lot of thought into it and were very keen to draw in new people and businesses. I think the concept is really well-rounded now.”

      The large crowds also made for happy faces everywhere. “There were significantly more visitors here than in previous years,” says Klaus Aulitzky, Managing Director and owner of Aulitzky Tuning, summing up. “Our booth attracted a highly engaged audience, leading to insightful discussions and interactions. It was really great.” The new Club Area was also very well received. “Tuning World Bodensee is a shining star on the tuning firmament, known for consistently fostering a unique family atmosphere at each annual event. The Club Area also contributes to this,” emphasizes Clemens Kaufmann, who helped organize the hall. “After evaluating feedback from last year’s visitors, we decided to incorporate some fresh, new ideas – and it was worth it. We are thrilled with the positive response to the tidy look of the largest exhibition hall, Zeppelin Cat A1.”

      ETS crown goes to Great Britain

      Visitors to the European Tuning Showdown had the chance to marvel at the top 48 show cars vying for the hotly contested title. “The ETS featured twelve top-tier vehicles as finalists. We had a total of 15 different countries represented among all the participants,” reports ETS organizer Sven Schulz. “It’s no longer just a competition for the coolest car; it has evolved into a celebration of lifestyle, spirit, and tuning culture – that’s what Tuning World Bodensee is all about for me.” This year James Batty of Great Britain clinched the coveted top tuning crown with his Chevrolet 3100. Second place went to Jonathan Cetrangolo of Switzerland in his Honda s2000. Rene Pucher of Austria took third place with his BMW E21. “I want to express my gratitude to the entire project team, led by Emanuela Botta, for their exceptional work in transforming the event in such a short time and giving it a fresh new look.”

      Further information and event date 2025

      The next Tuning World Bodensee will take place on the exhibition grounds in Friedrichshafen from May 1 to 4, 2025.


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  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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