

2024-06-13 13:151027
  • 日期:2024-10-10~2024-10-13
  • 城市:华沙
  • 展馆:华沙国际展览中心
  • 主办:波兰华沙展览集团公司(Ptak Warsaw Expo)
  • 展会详情
    • 18SZ图片处理

      波兰国际游艇及设备和水上运动展览会(Poland Boat Show)是波兰及东欧最大的游艇、游艇设备和水上运动贸易展览会,该展从2015年开始,一年一届,在华沙国际展览中心举行。该展是摩托艇和帆船、人造海滩、滑雪板跑道、测试设备游泳池等景点等待着华沙游艇沙龙的参与者。该活动的组织者希望在波兰创造和推广展览的最佳场所,最重要的是鼓励水上运动和船只的蓬勃发展。




      Poland Boat Show参观者将包括组织方和参展商邀请的客户类型:帆船爱好者,有兴趣购买游艇的客户,租船公司经营者,相关企业家,造船工人及工程技术人员,海事大学生,购买发动机兴趣者等。该展的参展商都是船行业的专业人士。在这里,您不仅可以找到最新型号的游艇和船只,还可以找到最高质量的划船配件和设备。每个参展商都有多年的经验和知识,可以为您提供建议并回答任何问题。您可以信赖个性化的方法、专业的服务和最高质量的产品。该展是一个要求最高的水手们将找到他们所需要的一切,以享受最高水平的激情的地方。


      Poland Boat Show参展商范围:游艇和摩托艇制造商,发动机制造商,电子电池相关公司,机修工和管理公司,租赁公司,修理公司和造船厂,船舶工程,相关生产商和经销商,顾问等。经验丰富的制造商、供应商和划船专家提供最高质量的船只、游艇和配件。他们的知识、热情和承诺保证了为每位游客提供卓越的服务和专家建议。相信该展的专业精神,在帆船世界中找到理想的解决方案。


      展品范围(Show Products):

      游艇和摩托艇,帆船,游艇,渔船,浮筒,喷气式滑雪板,独木舟和脚踏船,游艇设备, 甲板材料, 甲板厨房和配件,游艇设备,导航及电子产品,电池,航海服, 安全和救援设备,船用拖车和大篷车,游艇和租船服务,水上运动器材, 服务、保险和租赁,潜水学校,潜水设备。


      展会报告(Show Reports):

      Poland Boat Show - International Trade Fair for Yachts, Yachting Equipment and Water Sports

      Premieres of motor and sailing boats, artificial beach, skimboard track, swimming pool for testing equipment – these attractions await participants of the Warsaw Yacht Salon. The creators of the event wanted to create and promote the best place in Poland for the exhibition, and above all – encourage development of water sports and watercraft.

      During the Warsaw Yacht Salon, producers and distributors of sailing and motor yachts, sports boats, kayaks, bicycles and water scooters, fishing boats, houseboats, pontoons, safety and rescue equipment, boat trailers and tow trucks, as well as sailing clothing, electronics present their offer and navigation. There are also companies offering yacht and boat charters, as well as service, insurance and leasing providers.


      During 4 days, producers and distributors of sailing and motor yachts, sports boats, kayaks, bicycles and water scooters, fishing boats, house-boats, pontoons, safety and rescue equipment, boat trailers and tow trucks, as well as sailing clothing, electronics and navigation will present their offers. There are also companies offering yacht and boat charters, as well as service, insurance and leasing providers. All diving enthusiasts are cordially invited to the zone prepared especially for them, where diving equipment, diving trips and diving schools await.


      Join us for an unforgettable trade show Poland Boat Show at Ptak Warsaw Expo in Nadarzyn, near Warsaw! Discover the latest models of sailboats, power boats and innovative sailing technologies and accessories. Meet experts, exchange experiences and find the perfect boat for your passion. Be part of this passionate community that shares the love of sailing.

      Experienced manufacturers, suppliers and boating specialists present the highest quality boats, yachts and accessories. Their knowledge, passion and commitment guarantee excellent service and expert advice to every visitor. Trust the professionalism of Poland Boat Show and find your ideal solution in the world of sailing.

      Exhibitors at Poland Boat Show are professionals in the boating industry. Here you will find not only the latest models of yachts and boats, but also the highest quality boating accessories and equipment. Each of the exhibitors has years of experience and knowledge to advise and answer any question. You can count on a personalized approach, professional service and the highest quality products. Poland Boat Show is the place where the most demanding sailors will find everything they need to enjoy their passion at the highest level. (edited)


  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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