英国伦敦国际建筑及材料博览会(UK Construction Week)是英国建筑行业的一大盛会,是现代建筑业高速发展的风向标,由弗里曼特尔传媒有限公司(FremantleMedia Limited)主办,该展从2024年开始,每年五月份在伦敦举行,每年十月在伯明翰举行。由九个分支展组合展览,分别是:建筑展(Build Show)、能源展(Energy)、供热及制冷展(HAVC)、土木工程展(Civils Expo)、植物机械展(Plant & Machinery)、智能建筑展(Smart Buildings)、表面材料展(Surface Materials Show)、木材展(Timber Expo)、设计展(Grand Designs Live)。
UK Construction Week将买家与供应商聚集一堂:共享经验、展示新产品、讨论技术改进,并为整个建设工业的利益在双方间建立了良好持久的关系。而对于参展商来说,建筑业的九大分支展将是一个可以同时达到多种目标的理想场所:寻找新业务、开发新产品、拜会老客户、示范产品以及市场调研等。展览的一贯宗旨就是坚持不懈地为消费者和潜在客户建立起沟通的桥梁。
英国建筑周UK Construction Week带来的建筑环境中共同所有利益相关者在整个设计的各个方面,构建和产品创新。作为全球最大的事件,致力于分享知识,倡导良好的实践和解决问题的能力,这对整个行业看环境、交谈、规划、学习和做业务,提供的答案是什么、何时、何地以及如何构建(针对)我们的未来。英国建筑周UK Construction Week在一个屋檐下将提供适用于供应商和承包商最强大的机会,面对面地对接洽谈。
展会规模:超过650家参展商将通过估计的24,000建筑业承包商和专业人士,可以从研讨会、示范、辩论和讨论的搭配选择,使英国建筑周各级一个强大的和刺激的事件加入。英国建筑周UK Construction Week是免费参加,并为贸易观众提供设计参观入场券。
展品范围(Show Products):
展会报告(Show Reports):
UK Construction Week (UKCW) is the UK's largest built environment event.
Which means there's no better place to meet your suppliers and customers, unearth unique opportunities and discover new industry innovations - all in one location.
Your UKCW audience is already qualified for you - in every sense – they’ve chosen to attend and engage! Therefore, it's the No.1 event to generate new leads for your business, increase your ROI and network with your peers.
UKCW takes place twice a year, in London and Birmingham where a total of 45,000 trade visitors will come to meet and work with major contractors, house builders, developers, local authorities and many more from the sector.
UK Construction Week London ran for the first time in London’s ExCeL in 2022, as the only event designed to cater for the whole construction supply chain, and attracted over 20,000, alongside Concrete Expo, The Offsite Show and Grand Designs Live. This made it the largest construction trade show in London.
With leading construction products, all of the major construction professional bodies, international pavilions, industry and government leaders, and plenty of entertainment over 3 days, this is the must attend event for construction professionals from all over the UK and beyond.