

2024-06-14 19:2379
  • 日期:2024-09-10~2024-09-12
  • 城市:芝加哥
  • 展馆:芝加哥史蒂芬会展中心
  • 主办:英国塔苏斯媒体集团公司
  • 展会详情
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      美洲国际标签和包装印刷展览会(Labelexpo Americas)是美国及北美标签和包装印刷行业最大的展览活动 ,是标签与印刷企 业推出或推广新产品的最佳机会。Labelexpo Americas成立于1989年,两年一届,在美国芝加哥史蒂芬会展中心举行,是北美标签和包装印刷 行业最大的盛会。


      Labelexpo Americas于1989年推出,是美洲最大的品牌活动。 拉丁美洲印刷商数量不断增加,推动了近期增长的大部分。


      美国是最大的单一市场,占全球标签消费量的29%。 与加拿大一起,它在经济上占主导地位。 近年来,拉丁美洲市场增长强劲。 事实上 ,拉丁美洲正在以与发达市场类似的速度安装先进的数字印刷技术。


      Labelexpo Americas展目标观众: 标签,软包装和折叠纸盒的打印机/转换器;;品牌所有者;标签和包装设计师;行业供应商和制造商。 观众人数近2万,四分之三的为经理级及以上人物,参与购买决定的达88%,来自90个左右的国家数量。


      参加Labelexpo Americas展可实现提高采购新技术:领先于竞争对手;降低成本并提高效率;提供增值服务;吸引新客户;进入新的高价 值利基市场;改善供应链管理;优化工作流程并减少印刷机停机时间;以环保的方式运营。


      展品范围(Show Products):

      标签,包装印刷,耗材,纸和基材,控制和检查制度,处理和印前,印刷机械,生产加工设备,组件和基础设施,服 务、资讯及通讯。


      展会报告(Show Reports):

      Labelexpo Americas has partnered once again with Convergen Energy, TLMI (Tag and Label Manufacturers Institute) and Rosemont Exposition Services on a label waste sustainability program.

      The program is aimed at saving any printed materials, that would otherwise be going to landfill, at Labelexpo Americas 2024. The show takes place from 10 – 12 September at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, in Rosemont, Illinois.

      We spoke with Ted Hansen, CEO at Convergen Energy, about the label waste program, and how exhibitors at the show can get involved in this initiative to help drive a more sustainable future.

      Hello Ted, it’s great to be once again partnered with Convergen Energy, TLMI and Rosemont Exposition Services on the label waste sustainability program. Can you tell us a bit more about Convergen Energy?


      Convergen Energy has been providing sustainable alternatives to landfilling for non-recyclable industrial by-products for the past 15 years.  Over this timeframe we have diverted more than 700,000 tons of non-recyclable materials away from landfill.  We utilize these materials to produce a renewable fuel that is used in solid fuel boilers to displace fossil fuels.  For every ton of renewable fuel we produce, at least one ton of fossil fuel is eliminated. 

      Can you talk us through the label waste sustainability program and what the industry benefits will be?

      Our goal is to work with the label industry to provide cost-effective means to send non-recyclable by-products to our facility.  We try to use a come-as-you-are approach and accept materials in loose, bale, roll, and almost any other form the customer has.  We have worked with TrueNorth Collective to complete a full Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) to calculate the environmental benefits and greenhouse gas emission reductions that result from sending non-recyclable materials to Convergen.

      Industries throughout the U.S. and the wider world are increasingly under greater pressure to demonstrate sustainable business practices. Our solution helps these companies avoid landfilling and can be used to meet their customer’s sustainability requirements and demands.


  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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