

2024-07-02 15:5231
  • 日期:2025-05-06~2025-05-08
  • 城市:纽伦堡
  • 展馆:纽伦堡国际展览中心
  • 主办:德国传感器行业学会服务公司
  • 展会详情
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      德国纽伦堡国际传感及测量测试技术展览会(SENSOR+TEST)是全球领先的传感技术、测量技术、测试技术国际贸易博览会,该展由德国AMA–德国传感器行业学会(AMA Service GmbH)主办,从1994年开始,每年一届,在纽伦堡国际展览中心举行。SENSOR+TEST是在所有应用行业周期性的日历条目,因为他们需要越来越多的传感器,测量和测试的发展和创新产品的生产系统。利用这些关键技术,以实现未来的有关任务,已成为近年来日益显着的启用直接集成,易于操作和用户友好的设备和系统。






      展品范围(Show Products):

      传感器元件,传感器,传感器系统和感官的测量设备,服务,研究和传感器技术的发展; 测量系统,设备,零部件和软件; 航空/汽车工程,材料和质量检测,客户特定的测量和测试系统的测量和测试系统; 实验室测量设备,校准,分析和测试设备; 测量与测试设备的校准和服务。


      展会报告(Show Reports):

      The SENSOR+TEST 2024 has once again shown the high innovative strength of the sensor and measuring technology companies. After three exciting trade fair days, exhibitors and organizer can draw a positive conclusion. A total of about 5,000 visitors from Germany and abroad found their way to the Nuremberg exhibition halls. The SENSOR+TEST was able to confirm its leading position as an international trade fair.

      The SENSOR+TEST 2024, which successfully took place from June 11 to 13, 2024, was characterized by a very high professional level. 383 exhibitors presented their range of sensor, measuring and testing technologies. The international trade fair once again impressed with its clear thematic focus and an extremely lively innovation dialog. "We experienced a lively and exciting SENSOR+TEST 2024. Our 383 exhibitors on an exhibition area of 5,520 m², about 5,000 visitors, and 500 participants in the two parallel conferences contributed to its success," concluded Elena Schultz, Managing Director of the organizer AMA Service GmbH. 47 percent (178 companies) came from abroad - a record result. The top visitor countries after Germany were China, the USA, Switzerland, Great Britain and France.

      Peter Krause, Managing Director of Insenso GmbH from Berlin, confirms the satisfaction of the exhibitors: "As a new exhibitor at the fair, it was very successful and important for us. We were able to meet numerous new contacts and potential customers. We will definitely be back next year." Christoph Kleye, Managing Director of SonoQ GmbH from St. Ingbert and Chairman of the Exhibitors’ Committee, is also very positive about his participation: "The importance of trade fairs for the industry has once again been clearly demonstrated. The atmosphere was extremely positive and we were able to hold many interesting discussions. The visitors took advantage of the intensive professional exchange with us with their specific concerns from their everyday work and thus helped to shape the trade fair."


      Future-oriented topics characterize the trade fair

      On the three days of the trade fair, the focus was not only on personal encounters with customers and business partners from all over the world, but also on future-oriented topics such as energy efficiency, climate protection, sustainability, artificial intelligence and hydrogen. "With the SENSOR+TEST 2024, we have succeeded in sending an important signal to the industry. The exhibitors have shown the high relevance of sensor and measuring technology for important future topics in all areas," says Elena Schultz.

      Focus on calibration technology

      In the new "Calibration Area", visitors were able to discover innovations for calibrating sensors and measurement technology. It was complemented by an exciting lecture program with best-practice presentations in which exhibitors presented their tried-and-tested applications. In special sessions, renowned institutions such as PTB, NIST and BAM shared their expertise with visitors. The focus was primarily on digital concepts and the challenges of calibration.

      Forum gains in attractiveness

      An extensive forum program with top-class presentations has been a hallmark of the SENSOR+TEST for many years. "We were able to significantly increase its attractiveness once again by integrating it into a centrally located and openly designed marketplace. This concept was very well received. The seats in almost all of the presentations were fully occupied," says a delighted Elena Schultz.

      Conference combines research and industry

      The 22. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme which was organized on the first two days of the trade fair by the Information Technology Society in the VDE (ITG) in cooperation with the VDI/VDE Society for Measurement and Automation Technology (GMA), once again addressed the latest trends in sensor and measurement technology. The approximately 300 participants were able to engage in intensive discussions about new fields of application in the area of measurement systems, their analysis and description as well as system-related (multi-)sensor technology. "The close integration of research and development with industry and targeted applications, which provide solutions and added value there, was particularly inspiring. This was also made clear by the fact that numerous participants took advantage of the direct exchange with the exhibitors of the SENSOR+TEST," says conference director Prof. Dr. Rainer Tutsch (Technical University in Braunschweig) enthusiastically.

      Telemetry you can touch

      With the ETTC 2024 European Test and Telemetry Conference (June 11-13, 2024) in hall 2, the most important international platform for telemetry, telecontrol, test instrumentation, and data processing took place again this year. More than 200 participants were able to experience the important role telemetry technologies play for applications in the aerospace, automotive and biomedical industries, for example, in current industrial developments such as IoT, big data, wireless or UAV (drones) today and in the future.

      2025 with lively dialog and a strong conference

      Next year, the SENSOR+TEST will take place in Nuremberg from May 6 to 8, 2025. "We are planning to have two halls again and want to expand the trade fair with additional attractive application areas and action program components that will allow visitors to obtain even more targeted information. This will create a more lively dialog on innovation," says Elena Schultz.

      The successful series of parallel conferences will also be continued. With the SMSI 2025 - Sensor and Measurement Science International Conference - national and international experts from research, science, industry and government institutions will meet for the second time to present their latest research results and exchange ideas and future trends. "With a strong program of lectures and presentations, the event will take a look into the future of our technology. The SMSI 2025 thus not only offers an excellent platform for the exchange of the latest research results, but also impresses with top-class lectures, poster sessions or the science slam," says conference director Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schmid (TU Vienna), already looking forward to the coming year.

      The SENSOR+TEST continues

      The SENSOR+TEST 2024 will continue its innovation communication digitally even after the trade fair days. Until the end of the year, interested parties will find innovations and topics presented at the trade fair on the trade fair website. "The regular newsletters, which draw attention to the technologies offered by exhibitors, and the social media channels, which provide continuous and up-to-date reports, round off the offer," explains Elena Schultz.


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