

2024-07-04 16:312128
  • 日期:2026-06-09~2026-06-11
  • 城市:科隆
  • 展馆:科隆国际展览中心
  • 主办:科隆国际展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
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      科隆国际轮胎贸易展览会(THE TIRE COLOGNE)是国际轮胎业贸易展览会之一,展会重点除了展示轮胎与车胎外,还有汽车轮胎 及车轮生产设备及技术展示,提供轮胎翻新、旧轮胎回收和处理技术。从2018年开始在科隆国际展览中心举办。 在科隆有多年的轮胎行业展 览会举行,得到很多国际展商的关注,以及埃森举行的欧洲轮胎技术展,吸引力更多的轮胎厂商关注,德国的汽车行业及轮胎技术行业领先地 位保证了展会的质量。


      参展商范围:轮胎制造商,轮毂制造商,汽车配件制造商,机动车车间设备制造商,轮胎和车轮批发商,网上交易平台,轮胎翻新,胴体 贸易,旧胎回收,陈列室及店铺配件供应商,车间概念提供商/特许经营。




      展品范围(Show Products):

      轮胎、内胎、壳,轮子(轮毂),轮胎和车轮配件,车辆配件,车间设备,轮胎翻新的设备和材料,修复材料,旧轮胎回收, 处理旧轮胎,有关仓储和销售区域厂商的组织/运行,服务。


      展会报告(Show Reports):

      Strong growth on the exhibitor and visitor sides +++ More internationality +++ Industry shifts the focus to sustainability

      Cologne, June 2024 - THE TIRE COLOGNE 2024 ended with a very good result on Thursday, 6 June 2024. 430 exhibitors from 35 countries came together at the most important industry platform with around 14,400 participants from 109 countries. THE TIRE COLOGNE this year proved itself not only as an outstanding B2B platform that connects international tire and wheel manufacturers with tire wholesalers and the specialist trade, but also as a place for exchanging ideas, advancing innovations and shaping the future of the industry. "‘This event was full of positive energy from day one and clearly showed how important this stage is for establishing and expanding international business relationships in the industry ", says Oliver Frese, Chief Operating Office of Koelnmesse. "For us as an industry association, the success of the trade fair is a clear signal that a strong trade fair is indispensable for the industry. Here is where the important themes are discussed and the foundation for the business success of the future is laid", Stefan Helm, Chairman of the German Tyre Retail and Vulcanisation Trade Association (BRV), stated with enthusiasm.

      Industry assumes responsibility

      This year's THE TIRE COLOGNE was entirely defined by sustainability and the responsible use of resources. It became clear just how much the trade fair struck a chord with the industry at the trade fair stands, where nearly all companies recognised the increasing importance of environmental issues. Themes like the conservation of resources or re- and upcycling played a decisive role for many innovations of the exhibitors: proof that the tyre industry can no longer be imagined without the circular economy. THE TIRE COLOGNE 2024 therefore presented its own theme world: the Circular Economy Area. With its central positioning in Hall 7, the 50 companies dedicated to retreading and recycling profited from considerably greater visibility. Theme-specific panel discussions rounded off the innovative approaches of the exhibitors on the new stage, the Circular Economy Forum. "In that we don’t talk just about technical innovations, but also about socially relevant issues, we inspire companies to think ahead and provide concrete results. THE TIRE COLOGNE is active at the pulse of the times and advances not only economic efficiency, but also the sustainability of the industry", according to Frese.


      An outstanding example of this commitment was the signing of a used tire resolution of the initiative of the Allianz Zukunft Reifen at THE TIRE COLOGNE 2024. This promotes the more sustainable handling of old and new tires. More than 70 European organisations, associations and institutions are already active as partners for old tyre recycling.

      Future-looking themes

      This year too, THE TIRE COLOGNE has shown that it offers a trade fair experience with added value with the three theme worlds Tyres/Rims/Trade, Retreading/Recycling and Workshop/Automotive. Particularly the service segment will occupy more space in future and offer new business potential. "However, increasing digitalisation and electrification in automotive engineering also comes with new challenges for the workshop and service companies", Stephan Helm explains. "Here too, THE TIRE COLOGNE was the ideal forum, where the market participants could inform themselves about future requirements and pioneering solutions, and from which they could take practically oriented impulses with them into their operations“, according to the BRV chairman.

      In the Workshop LIVE area, the trade fair, together with the partner companies Hunter and Würth, presented the digital workshop requirements of the future to visitors. Processes revolving around diagnostic and repair technologies like rapid measurement including driving assistance calibration and glass service were thus demonstrated and new products presented for the tyre specialised trade. In that the need for information and investment will continue to increase, the goal is also to gradually expand the offering of THE TIRE COLOGNE in the workshop technology segment.


      Also on the TIRE STAGE, the central stage of THE TIRE COLOGNE, aspects were discussed that are of great significance for the global tyre and wheel industry: sustainability, shortage of staff, the development of international markets and digital transformation. The event programme with high quality talks and innovative theme areas provided solutions of relevance for the future and moving inspiration with customised content and live demonstrations.

      Strong national and international participation

      Renowned international exhibitors met young, up-and-coming brands ranging from budget to premium in the halls. A total of 430 exhibitors from 35 countries presented the entire world of tyres and rims. They met with around 14.400  participants from 109 countries.Around 65 per cent of visitors came from abroad, most of them from Italy, the Netherlands, the UK and France, but also increasingly from Eastern Europe, such as Poland and Romania. International trade visitors from China, the USA, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco and Israel were strongly represented.  

      Outlook on 2026

      THE TIRE COLOGNE has once again proven to be the most important provider of impulses for the industry. With its comprehensive offering and its international orientation, the trade fair clearly pointed the way for the safe and sustainable mobility of our society - a perfect template for raising THE TIRE COLOGNE 2026 to the next level. THE TIRE COLOGNE will take place in two years from 9.-11.06.2026.


  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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