

2024-07-08 18:091306
  • 日期:2025-05-06~2025-05-09
  • 城市:慕尼黑
  • 展馆:慕尼黑新国际展览中心
  • 主办:德国推广太阳能有限公司
  • 展会详情
    • 慕尼黑国际太阳能技术贸易博览会(Intersolar Europe )是国际领先的太阳能技术专业展览会,自1991年开始,一年一届,在慕尼黑国际展览中心举行举行,该展是欧洲最大的太阳能技术及电池储能技术展,受到世界各地贸易展商们越来越多的关注。至今已成为欧洲最大的太阳能技术和产品贸易展览会。作为一个公平的国际太阳能技术贸易枢纽,在整个产值链的动态发展体现了光电和光热系统领域 - 使作为任何其他事件全部过程。


      并列举行的ees Europe——欧洲大陆最大、最国际化的电池和储能系统展览会


      Intersolar Europe 是世界领先的太阳能行业展览会。 在“连接太阳能业务”的座右铭下,来自世界各地的制造商、供应商、分销商、服务提供商以及项目规划者和开发商每年都会在慕尼黑聚会,讨论最新发展和趋势,直接探索创新并结识潜在的新客户。


      Intersolar Europe 是 The smarter E Europe 的一部分,与 2024 年 6 月 18 日至 21 日在 Messe München 举行的三个能源展览 ees Europe、Power2Drive Europe 和 EM-Power Europe 同步举行。ees Europe——欧洲大陆最大、最国际化的电池和储能系统展览会; Power2Drive Europe - 充电基础设施和电动汽车国际展览会; EM-Power Europe – 国际能源管理和综合能源解决方案展览会。


      Intersolar Europe参展商来自: 光伏(PV)产品和解决方案的制造商、供应商、分销商和服务提供商; 太阳能热 (ST) 产品和解决方案的制造商、供应商、分销商和服务提供商; PV和ST系统供应商; PV和ST系统集成商; 项目开发商/EPC承包商; 电网基础设施和可再生能源整合解决方案提供商; 认证机构; 研发机构; 协会/社团; 贸易媒体、出版; 金融服务。

      Intersolar Europe访客目标群体: 安装商和集成商; 项目开发商/EPC 承包商; 制造商和供应商; 经销商; 能源顾问; 实用程序; 投资者和分析师; 建筑师/能源规划师; 政府官员/决策者。


      每年有50%以上的参展商来自国外,欧洲Intersolar 2010年再次巩固了其作为世界领先的展览位置。随着参展商的1884家来自43个国家,总共才比以往任何时候更多的公司派代表参加2010年欧洲Intersolar。认为Intersolar在许多欧洲增长了自己的代表机构的太阳能市场,这意味着它从该部门的国际化发展的利润。







      展品范围(Show Products):

      光伏电池及组件 、光伏生产技术 、光伏系统技术、太阳能经销商与分销商、光伏产品和服务、太阳能热利用技术 、逆变器 、组件、安装配件、安装系统 、跟踪系统。

      减震器、集成装备系统、各类太阳能 产品、能量供应设备、热能转换、变极器、过电压保护、发光保护、投资提议和太阳能基金、计划编制和咨询服务、程序控制和控制工程学、产品技术工艺、研发设备、软件编程和远程太阳能监控、太阳能空调系统、太阳能光缆、太阳能电池及晶片、太阳能充电器、太阳能采集、太阳能厨房设备、太阳能正面屋顶建造、太阳能 玻璃、太阳能模块、太阳能存储、阳光水疗、跟踪系统、太阳能光伏芯片、太阳能热水器、太阳能发电芯板、太阳能新型动力装置。


      展会报告(Show Reports):

      After three packed exhibition days featuring inspiring conferences and forums, Europe’s largest platform for the energy industry has once again broken various records. Across 19 exhibition halls and an outdoor area spanning 206,000 square meters, 3,008 exhibitors from 55 countries presented their latest products, applications and solutions for a renewable 24/7 energy supply.

      This was met by a great deal of interest from approximately 110,000 industry professionals from 176 countries. The conferences and side events also broke some records this year, as they attracted more than 2,500 attendees from across the globe. The smarter E Europe once again managed to grow and become even more international, demonstrating the full potential of renewable sources of energies. The smarter E Europe returns to Munich from May 7–9, 2025. The alliance of exhibitions brings together Intersolar Europe, ees Europe, Power2Drive Europe and EM-Power Europe.

      Large crowds attending The smarter E Europe 2024.

      The message from this week’s exhibition and conference is clear and positive – that providing people and the economy with electricity from renewable energy sources, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, is technologically and economically possible. The required technologies are already available on the market, and economies of scale are leading to a drop in prices across various sectors. Indeed, a spirit of optimism can be felt across all industries and sectors.

      Everyone involved is highly motivated to join forces and drive the energy transition forward. This year, particular attention was paid to smart, cross-sector networking; increasing digitalization and flexibilization of the energy infrastructure; the continuing dynamic global market ramp-up of renewable energies and electromobility, as well as the boom in battery electric storage systems.

      Star power and political clout

      For the transformation towards a climate-neutral economy to be as comprehensive, efficient and smooth as possible, all players depend on favorable political and administrative framework conditions. During his tour of the exhibition, Stefan Wenzel, Parliamentary State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, pledged his Ministry’s continued support, and expressed his optimism about the future.“I’m impressed with the industry’s progress and innovative power,” he said. “The exhibitors presenting photovoltaics, battery and storage products, and combined digital solutions demonstrated vividly that we already have the technology for a 100 percent renewable energy supply, and that this is also financially viable.

      The government is creating the conditions necessary to accelerate the development of these technologies and their introduction to the market. With Solar Package 1, we just recently took another important step in that direction. We now have to implement the Net-Zero Industry Act as quickly as possible, so that we can become more resilient and to make Europe more independent from a technological, energy policy and strategic standpoint.”

      The presence of a number of celebrities underscored the significance of the event. Well-known political figures, and even Hollywood stars, graced The smarter E Europe with their presence – among them were former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Oscar winner, climate activist and actor, Cate Blanchett. They were in attendance as part of the “We Choose Earth Tour 2024”, organized by Portuguese utility company EDP, and taking place within the framework of the The smarter E Europe conference.

      Organizers express satisfaction

      The organizers of The smarter E Europe also indicated how dynamic the industry’s growth is. “The fact that we’ve once again broken our own records in terms of exhibitor and visitor numbers is a clear sign that the energy transition has gathered considerable momentum in recent years, and is continuing to do so. This year has shown us that the vision of a renewable 24/7 energy supply is taking shape and becoming a reality. Our exhibitors and visitors will carry this message out into the world and continue to drive the energy transition forward in their respective countries,” said Markus Elsässer, CEO of Solar Promotion GmbH, who organizes The smarter E Europe alongside Freiburg Wirtschaft Touristik und Messe GmbH & Co. KG (FWTM).

      “The decarbonization of industry, and of life in general, is a global challenge that can only be met if we all work together,” added FWTM’s CEO Hanna Böhme. “once again, The smarter E Europe in Munich has created a significant platform for bringing together talent, innovators and entrepreneurs from around the world, all eager to meet, share, trade and inspire each other. The inspiration that this event has both generated and spread will help us on our journey towards the energy world of tomorrow.”

      The smarter E Europe 2025, which encompasses four individual exhibitions (Intersolar Europe, ees Europe, Power2Drive Europe and EM-Power Europe), will take place from May 7–9, 2025, at Messe München.

  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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