

2024-07-18 18:022169
  • 日期:2026-06-17~2026-06-20
  • 城市:纽伦堡
  • 展馆:纽伦堡国际展览中心
  • 主办:纽伦堡国际展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
    • 德国纽伦堡国际石材及加工技术展览会(STONE+TEC)是当今世界上最大的专业石材加工技术展之一,该展从1979年开始举办,两年一届,在纽伦堡国际展览中心举行。到目前,两年一届国际石材及技术展汇集了全球各地的参展企业,在展会展出世界各类的天然石头材料,展会上将参展商分为三个展区:石材、技术、纪念碑&配件,吸引了几万名专业贸易买家,中国企业也不少企业参展,主要展出的是室内外用天然石;环境石材;工业石材品;用于祭奠、墓碑和纪念碑的天然石、各式石材和加工设备;各种磨料、刀片等工具;开采设备;运输和保养设备等。

      Stone + tec主要是一个专注于德国市场和周边国家的石材交易会。

      Stone + tec是石材行业的聚会场所。 展会主要关注天然石材和可比材料的提取,加工和使用。 Stone + tec提供天然石材加工和其他材料以及生物化学结合使用的各种可能性。 在Stone + tec上,提供了加工和材料加工所需的所有机器和工具的综合概述。

      市场分析: 德国及其领国仍然是世界上最大石材进口市场之一。出口到德国市场石材主要来自意大利、西班牙、法国和瑞士国家。全世界一半以上石材都是由欧洲国家提供。欧洲依然是石材消费最大的阵地。欧洲人已经发现石材作为建筑材料的用途。在欧洲大家觉得天然石材具有时尚、坚固耐久性以及能源节约特点,所以价格比以往更有优势了。自1980年以来,欧盟石材用量已经增长了40%。就石材产量而言,虽然欧洲几乎不能与世界其他地区水平相比,但欧洲作为石材进口目标地区的领军地位不可动摇,欧洲需要石材。 随着整个欧洲天然石材业的复苏,消费量日益强劲增长,展商和买家对STONE+TEC的 质量满意度不断提高,德国纽伦堡国际石材展作为欧洲中心的天然石展会,该展已成为欧洲石材界不可逾越的风向标,是企业开拓欧美市场不可错失的良机。

      展品范围(Show Products):





      展会报告(Show Reports):

      Stone+tec 2024 has grown in all areas and is thus aiming for continued positive development. Both the number of participating exhibitors (+ 20 per cent) and the number of visitors (+ 12 per cent) increased compared to Stone+tec 2022. The mood was good on all four days of the trade fair, and the first registrations for Stone+tec 2026 have already been received.

      Nuremberg – Stone+tec continues to grow: over four days, around 250 exhibitors from over 20 countries presented their products, services and innovations at Stone+tec in Nuremberg. Around 10,800 visitors came to Stone+tec 2024, most of them from Germany and neighbouring countries, but also from Italy, India and China.

      The large product areas "Building with Natural Stone", "Equipment for Professionals", "Place of Remembrance" and "Design with Tiles" attracted a good level of visitor interest. The highlights of the programme were the presentation of the German Natural Stone Award and the competition for young talent organised by the Federal Association of German Stonemasons (BIV), whose winners were honoured at the ceremony to mark the 75th anniversary of the BIV at Stone+tec.

      Division Manager Michael Löffler is satisfied with the response to Stone+tec 2024: "It's great that more visitors have come to Stone+tec again, and discussions with our exhibitors have shown that the quality of the visitors was also impressive. I am particularly pleased that some non-exhibitors from Stone+tec and Tile+tec were also at the trade fair and showed interest in exhibiting next time."

      Stone+tec is regarded as the international competence forum for natural stone and stone technology and takes place every two years at the Nuremberg Exhibition Centre. The exhibition was accompanied on three days by the Stone+tec Congress, which provided specialist information and offered opportunities for further training and networking. The number of participants at the Stone+tec Congress increased compared to the previous event. The living workshop, as a stage for specialist lectures, demonstrations and workshops, complemented the trade fair programme.

      The managing directors of trade fair organisers AFAG, Henning and Thilo Könicke, draw a positive conclusion for Stone+tec and Tile+tec: "The concept of the event has been a success and the combination of Stone+tec, Tile+tec and Congress has worked well. We would like to thank the industry associations and exhibitors for their strong commitment and are delighted with the support from the industry. We are proud of what Stone+tec has become and are continuing to work on further developing the trade fair in the interests of the industry."

      New: Tile+tec offers tiles for the first time

      Tile+tec took place for the first time as part of Stone+tec and expanded its range to include tiles. Some companies were still cautious at the start, partly due to the economic mood in the industry. Nevertheless, the organisers described the start as a success, with divisional manager Michael Löffler holding numerous discussions during the trade fair: "Tile+tec has got off to a good start and we are confident that we will be able to significantly increase the range of products and services relating to tiles and design at the next edition of Stone+tec. The interest in a platform for the tile market is there."

      Save the date: Stone+tec and Tile+tec 2026

      The next edition of Stone+tec and Tile+tec will take place from 17 to 20 June 2026 at Messe Nürnberg, and the first exhibitor registrations for the upcoming Stone+tec have already been received.


  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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