

2024-08-26 18:4028
  • 日期:2025-01-21~2025-01-23
  • 城市:纽约
  • 展馆:纽约贾维茨展览中心
  • 主办:法兰克福国际展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
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      美国纽约国际服装、面料及纺织展览会(Texworld USA,Apparelsourcing,Textiles Sourcing Expo)是北美举行的纺织及家用纺织、服装及布料、面料采购贸易展览会,属于以采购为主的贸易展览会,由法兰克福展览有限公司主办,每年七月份以三个展览同时举行,分别面向服装、面料和家用纺织品的国际专业贸易展,即美国服装面料展(TEXWORLD USA)、纽约国际服装采购展(Apparelsourcing)以及纽约国际家纺采购展(Textiles Sourcing Expo)。主要展出各类服装、服饰、面料、家用纺织品、其它纺织品等,也称纽约服装展、纽约家纺展、纽约面料展或布料展。


      建设创新亚洲是兰精公司(Lenzing)和法兰克福展览公司( Messe Frankfurt, Inc.)的成功已合作产生的美国国际面料展览会( Texworld USA),一个充满活力的行业盛会,是服装纺织品制造商和买家汇集的最佳场所。基于举办巴黎国际面料展览会(Texworld Paris)的成功经验,美国国际面料展览会是面料生产商与顶级买家在美国市场超越连接绝佳机会。这个国际商务平台提供广泛的面料、高创造力和良好的价格与质量关系的布料。采购商来自以下厂商:活动服,儿童/婴儿服,少年服,女士服装店,新娘/特殊场合/酒会装,男装,运动装,泳装/内衣。此展一年两届,分别在一月与七月份举行。




      家纺采购展(Textiles Sourcing Expo)是北美地区最大的纺织品采购活动,只专注于面料和制成品为所有家庭应用软布料之一。每年7月举行沿着美国国际面料展览会和国际服装采购展,展会创造北美市场最大的面料采购目的。家纺采购展为制造商,零售商,批发商,转化商,合作商和设计师提供了一站式采购的场所,他们可以找到新的面料和产品,为他们的最新产品系列。除了产品、服务和资源,家纺采购展提供主导产业专业人士的宝贵的研讨会计划。


      展品范围(Show Products):

      Texworld USA展:绵布、牛仔布、环保型布料、刺绣品、纤维、功能性面料、针织物、花边布料、麻布、打印布料、丝绸、聚酯/人造/丝质、毛织品、饰件、配件、其它布料。


      Textiles Sourcing Expo展:各类家用纺织品成品、面料及辅料。


      展会报告(Show Reports):

      Texworld NYC, Apparel Sourcing NYC, and Home Textiles Sourcing wrapped up their Summer 2024 edition, held from July 16-18 at the Javits Center in New York City. The event brought together thousands of industry leaders, innovators, and professionals from around the globe, setting new benchmarks in textile and apparel sourcing.

      The show floor was abuzz with activity as attendees explored the extensive array of country pavilions, featuring premier textile, apparel, and home textile products from Vietnam, Korea, Bangladesh, Taiwan, Pakistan, and India. In addition to the pavilions, visitors had the opportunity to source from over 24 countries, including Peru, China, Türkiye, Singapore, Germany, Poland, USA, and Egypt, showcasing the event’s expansive global offerings.

      The much-anticipated Texworld Trend Showcase, curated by esteemed trend agency DonEGER | TOBE, returned with insightful segments for the Fall/Winter 2025/26 season. Creative Director and visionary, Kai Chow, presented the new direction followed by an "Explore the Floor" tour of the showcase, offering attendees an in-depth understanding of all four segments.

      The new Trend+ feature, in collaboration with Material Exchange, integrated in-person discovery with digital sourcing for the best of both worlds. Attendees were able to get detailed data and order samples by scanning QR codes on each trend fabric as well as interact with the brilliant new AI sourcing assistant, Frank the Bear. Missed him at the show? Chat with him online here. Interested in more? Find the Trend+ showroom and order samples here.

      Adding even more inspiration and sourcing offerings to the floor, Printsource New York returned with leading studios and designers from around the world showcasing the latest trends and innovations in print and pattern design.

      The Texworld Next-Gen Innovation Hub made a triumphant return, focusing on high-performing, sustainable fiber and material alternatives from 15 leading innovators, and highlighting the cutting-edge solutions that are addressing the industry's growing demand for eco-friendly and technologically advanced materials.

      This edition further emphasized sustainability through the introduction of specialty sourcing categories, Deadstock and ‘Econogy’ Certified. The Texpertise ‘Econogy’ initiative, which is promoted among the more than 50 textile fairs of the Messe Frankfurt group in 13 countries worldwide, ensures that all sustainability claims by participating exhibitors are verified by a third-party committee of experts. Reinforcing the co-located event’s commitment to eco-friendly practices, these initiatives provided attendees with a more transparent roadmap to sourcing sustainably.

      From groundbreaking innovations and sustainable insight to global sourcing solutions and networking, the Summer 2024 edition of Texworld NYC, Apparel Sourcing NYC, and Home Textiles Sourcing proved to be a hub of industry advancement and inspiration. The event’s team thanks all attendees, exhibitors, and partners for their invaluable contributions and continued support and looks forward to welcoming everyone back for future shows.


  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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