

2024-09-24 16:39208
  • 日期:2025-11-18~2025-11-20
  • 城市:马德里
  • 展馆:马德里国际展览中心
  • 主办:马德里IFEMA国际展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
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      GENERA展创新展区一直致力于为可再生能源、能源利用效率和环境领域的创新项目提供认可。对于创新展区的参展企业必须先审核评选,符合条件才能参展,申请人必须填写“项目提交表格”,该表格可在GENERA 网站上的“条款和条件”找到。来自该行业协会的专家、专业人士和代表的陪审团将负责选择项目,考虑到其创新贡献,能源效率,适用性和潜力,鼓励可再生能源和能源效率的发展。所选择的项目将受益于作为一个长期的和有声望的活动在该部门的承认,并将在各种媒体出版,获奖项目也将在本届GENERA展会期间展出,将由展会专业人士参观。


      GENERA的内容将考虑与不同能源相关的设备和服务的新发展,来自热电联产和微生物,太阳能热能,光伏太阳能和热太阳能,生物质能,风能和微风能,氢能和电池,地热能源等行业,以及能源服务公司的建议。该展会将得到多元化和节能研究所(IDAE)的支持,也将成为一个有趣的科学技术会议计划的设置,并围绕FORO GENERA举办培训会议,会议将以敏捷和教学的形式深入探讨展会上的新发展和提案。




      展品范围(Show Products):


      展会报告(Show Reports):

      The International Energy and Environment Fair concluded a successful event with strong institutional support, backing from major sectoral associations, and high business attendance. esarial.

      Over 43,000 specialised participants committed to developing renewable energies, energy efficiency, and environmental sustainability attended pavilions 9 and 10 of IFEMA MADRID. Moreover, GENERA has demonstrated a significant international presence, with 41% of exhibiting companies originating from foreign countries.

      The 27th GENERA event has ended, breaking all previous attendance records in the fair's history. The International Energy and Environment Fair was visited by a total of 43,292 professionals, which represents a 24% increase compared to the previous year.

      GENERA is established as the key platform in Europe for Energy and Environment. Over three days, professionals have made the most of the offers presented in the 24,000m2 exhibition space, with over 500 participating companies. The fair was attended by professionals from energy services, installation and maintenance companies, as well as engineering, procurement and construction companies.

      GENERA’s most international year

      The positive reception received for this GENERA indicated a growth in the event's international relevance. Professionals from abroad have shown strong attendance, accounting for 17% of the total visitors received by GENERA 2024. Portugal has the highest percentage at 43%, followed by Germany at 8%, France at 7%, Italy at 6%, China at 5%, and Türkiye at 3%.

      The participation figures foreshadowed these records, with 41% of exhibiting companies coming from abroad, including China, Türkiye, and Germany with the highest number of firms present.

      An internationally focused event

      The support of the IDAE, the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving, under the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, is crucial for this event organised by IFEMA MADRID. The event was inaugurated by the President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, together with the Third Vice-President of the Government and Minister for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Teresa Ribera.

      At GENERA, the IDAE celebrated its 40th anniversary with a stand that hosted various activities and meetings of great interest without interruption.

      GENERA reasserts itself as the leading platform for a sector that is currently thriving due to the progress of renewable energies. Spain, with its significant capacity to produce clean energy, remains a strategic country in this field.

      Genera 2024 Forum and Genera Solar Forum are platforms for sharing knowledge.

      These three days of intense trading have been accompanied by a full activities programme that address the new challenges facing the sector. These forums have analysed new energy challenges and how to manage them, with topics including innovation in efficiency, emerging technological tools and applications, energy transition and decarbonisation projects, and new developments in energy storage. Key companies, benchmark institutions, and strategic associations provided support.

      GENERA 2024 is supported by the sector.

      Furthermore, various associations and important sectoral groups have also endorsed this event, including the Association of Energy Efficiency Companies (A3E) and the National Association of Energy Services Companies (ANESE). The National Association of Energy Services Companies (AEDIVE); Solartys, the Spanish solar energy and energy transition cluster; and the Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF); along with ACOGEN, AEE, ADHAC, AeH2, AELEC, AEPIBAL, AMI, APPA, ASEALEN, ASEME, ASIT, ATECYR, ATEG.ES, CENER, CIDE, Ciemat, COGEN España, ENTRA, FENIE, ICOG, and IMDEA Energía, among others.


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