

2024-09-24 17:44200
  • 日期:2025-08-26~2025-08-28
  • 城市:圣保罗
  • 展馆:巴西圣保罗国际展览中心
  • 主办:德国推广太阳能有限公司
  • 展会详情
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      南美国际太阳能技术贸易博览会(Intersolar South America /The smarter E South America)是南美国际领先的太阳能技术专业展览会,根据发展需求分类为智慧能源展、储能展、电力技术展、太阳能展,该展由德国推广太阳能促进会主办,是Intersolar品牌展之一,在巴西圣保罗国际展览中心(北)举行。该展是南美洲最大的太阳能技术及电池储能技术展。至今已成为南美洲最大的太阳能技术和产品贸易展览会。


      The smarter E South America 拥有三个平行的能源展览和一个特别展览,是拉丁美洲新能源世界的创新中心。


      它通过展示跨行业的能源解决方案和技术,对新能源世界的主题进行了全面的探讨。更智能的 E South America 创造了解决价值链上所有关键领域的机会。 The smarter E South America 专注于能源的产生、储存、分配和使用以及这些方面相互作用和智能组合的方式,汇集了来自世界上最具影响力市场的能源未来的国际利益相关者。


      Intersolar South America 成为第 5 届 Intersolar 盛会,这是世界领先的太阳能行业展览系列。南美太阳能产业国际展览和会议在巴西圣保罗的北博览中心举行,重点关注光伏、光伏生产技术和太阳能热技术领域。自成立以来,Intersolar已成为太阳能行业制造商、供应商、分销商、服务商和合作伙伴最重要的行业平台。


      Intersolar 的活动横跨四大洲,如今已成为太阳能行业及其合作伙伴的世界领先展览。我们的目标是增加太阳能在能源供应中的份额。通过提供一流的服务,我们的展览和国际会议将来自全球最重要市场的企业、技术和人员聚集在一起。我们在开拓市场、提供专业知识和创建链接方面拥有 30 年的经验:连接太阳能业务!


      展品范围(Show Products):

      太阳能展区:光伏电池及组件 、光伏生产技术 、光伏系统技术、太阳能经销商与分销商、光伏产品和服务、太阳能热利用技术 、逆变器 、组件、安装配件、安装系统 、跟踪系统。

      太阳能配件展区:减震器、集成装备系统、各类太阳能产品、能量供应设备、热能转换、变极器、过电压保护、发光保护、投资提议和太阳能基金、计划编制和咨询服务、程序控制和控制工程学、产品技术工艺、研发设备、软件编程和远程太阳能监控、太阳能空调系统、太阳能光缆、太阳能电池及晶片、太阳能充电器、太阳能采集、太阳能厨房设备、太阳能正面屋顶建造、太阳能 玻璃、太阳能模块、太阳能存储、阳光水疗、跟踪系统、太阳能光伏芯片、太阳能热水器、太阳能发电芯板、太阳能新型动力装置。



      Eletrotec+EM Power展区:系统和工厂工程,能源管理/楼宇自动化,建筑设计和设施管理软件,能源服务,电气工程-组件和服务。




      圣保罗(葡萄牙语:São Paulo),位于巴西东南部圣保罗州,是圣保罗州的首府、巴西最大的城市,也是南美洲最大最繁华的城市、世界著名的国际大都市。




      展会报告(Show Reports):

      São Paulo, September 2, 2024: This year’s edition of The smarter E South America, LATAM’s largest platform for the new energy and mobility world, wound up on last Thursday 29th after featuring more than 650 exhibitors and welcoming around 55,000 visitors from 50 countries and more than 2,500 attendees to its four parallel conferences delivered by more than 172 global decision-makers spanning the whole renewable energy supply chain. The 3-day event brought together the exhibitions and conferences of Intersolar South America, ees South America South America, Eletrotec+EM-Power South America and Power2Drive South America.

      New trends, emerging technologies and government policies were presented, along with product launches from the renewable energy industry. The event has grown 20% in size over 2023, which is not only an indication of how mature Brazil’s renewable energy industry is, with its energy mix already one of the cleanest in the world, but indeed of the country’s potential to lead the way forward in the region. Currently, solar claims 46 GW of installed capacity in the country, with a further projected 2 GW by the end of this year.

      The bustling activity on the exhibition floor during the event’s three days was a common theme among the more than 650 exhibitors, who were able to introduce their new products to their peers and close deals with new clients. Juliano Pereira, SolarEdge’s Country Manager, says that “Intersolar South America is a key event for establishing new partnerships, consolidating old ones and discussing joint projects. We feel honoured to work on developing the solar energy market.” He further notes that the event has again demonstrated its success this year in terms of both the large flow of visitors and the numerous new business opportunities on offer.

      Debuting this year, Power2Drive South America, LATAM’s key exhibition and conference for charging infrastructure and e-mobility, has expanded and enriched the event’s roster of exhibitions by highlighting the viability of e-vehicles for the future of transportation. Rafael Cunha, COO of Move and a consultant to the conference, points out that “In recent editions, we noted the growth of electric mobility solutions coming to The smarter E South America. This market segment was mentioned repeatedly at the conferences, as it’s been growing amazingly fast in Brazil, practically doubling year on year. So we found the need to bring e-mobility professionals together to network, offer insights and share experiences. Power2Drive South America arrives at just the right time to make that happen.” He adds that “We were in the Munich event and realized how much further we can go as that is the path that the Brazilian market is currently taking. This is exactly the type of event that was missing in our industry.”

      The focus of the first Power2Drive Conference in Brazil was to provide an overview of the e-mobility market by pointing to the challenges of smart charging, the main opportunities, the essential technologies for expanding the charging network, and the supply chain segments yet to be fully explored.


  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
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