

2024-12-01 14:51519
  • 日期:2026-10-12~2026-10-18
  • 城市:巴黎
  • 展馆:巴黎凡尔赛门展览中心
  • 主办:法国高美艾博展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
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      法国巴黎国际汽车展览会(MonDIAL PARIS MOTOR SHOW)是全球最大的汽车展之一,起源于1898年的国际汽车沙龙会,两年一届,在巴黎凡尔赛门展览中心举行。巴黎车展是世界上第一个车展,与法兰克福车展、日内瓦国际汽车展、北美车展和东京车展并称为五大车展。巴黎车展至今已有120年的历史,自1898年至1976年,每年一届,此后每两年一届,双年的9月底至10月初在巴黎举行。


      巴黎车展始终围绕着“新”字作文章。与此同时,巴黎车展也是概念车云集的海洋,各款新奇古怪的概念车常常使观众眼前一亮。 为配合整个展会的新定位,凸显品牌形象,主办方邀请著名的Havas Paris事务所重新设计了展会的视觉形象体系,参照巴黎高档时尚品牌的设计风格,突出了豪华、品味和现代风格这三大元素,设计了巴黎世界汽车展、巴黎世界摩托车展、巴黎世界出行展和巴黎世界汽车技术展等四个展览板块的新标识。


      巴黎车展四大板块中,以整车为主的传统展出内容始终是展会的主要部分。而在车企的混战中,德系三巨头奔驰、宝马、奥迪将进一步发起新车攻势。德系三巨头之间的博弈从未停歇,而此次在欧洲召开的巴黎车展更是成了绝佳的展示舞台。在车展上,全新奔驰GLE、全新奥迪Q3、宝马X2 M35i、宝马X5等车型将首发亮相,而全新宝马3系、全新奔驰B级等车型也将在本次车展全球首发。值得关注的是,对中国内消费者而言,这些新车将在首发亮相后,引入国内市场。


      法国是汽车的发源地之一,第一次车展也是在法国举行的。因此,作为国际五大汽车展览之一,巴黎车展一直在汽车业界具有很大的影响力,对推动汽车业界的发展起到十分积极的作用。作为浪漫之都的巴黎,它的车展如同时装,总能给人争奇斗艳的感觉。该展起源于1898年的国际汽车沙龙会,直至1976年每年一届,此后每两年一届。在每年的9月底至10月初举行。 1998年10月,巴黎车展恰逢百周年,欧洲车迷期待很久的巴黎“百年世纪车展”以“世纪名车大游行”方式,让展车行驶在大街上供人观赏。 法国的汽车设计一向以新颖独特著称于世,富于浪漫和充满想像力的法国人,总是在追求最别具一格的车型、风一般的速度和最舒适的车内享受,这些法国人的嗜好,都在巴黎车展中显露无遗,使得巴黎车展始终围绕着“新”字作文章。与此同时,巴黎车展也是概念车云集的海洋,各款新奇古怪的概念车常常使观众眼前一亮。


      展品范围(Show Products):

      新能源汽车、纯电动汽车、油电混合双引擎汽车;乘用车 / 小型巴士 / 特殊车辆(包括运输车、大篷车、救援拖车,小型客运车),两轮或三轮汽车 / 3.5吨以下拖车 / 模型车部件和零配件:引擎、发动机部件、动力传输部件、底盘部件、悬挂和减震部件、制动系统部件、转向系统部件、轮胎、车架部件和附件、内饰部件、灯光技术、电动与电子部件、连接件、软管、零配件、半成品、原材料等;检测、修理、维护和供应:检测器材、汽车店设备、工具、清洁产品等;交通运输:交通数据处理、汽车通讯、交通巡航系统等;防护服装(司机用)/ 报废车辆处理;汽车融资租赁服务。


      展会报告(Show Reports):

      125 years after its establishment and 4 years after its absence, Hopscotch Group, the producer of the event and the co-organizer of PFA, reshaped the World Auto Show. Despite the complex environment, fuel shortage and traffic strike, car enthusiasts gathered together, with a total of 397812 tourists.

      This number exceeds the original goal of the event and is shorter than before (only 7 days, including 1 news day and 6 public days):

      "In terms of attendance, our initial goal was 350000 tourists. We are particularly pleased to see that tourists came to Rendez vous after four years of absence, which exceeded our expectations. The French like this car. Most importantly, we hope that this is an auto festival, and also a demonstration of a very innovative and healthy industry, showing the (near) future of automobiles. With nearly 400000 tourists, we have made this great bet. "Serge Gachot, director of Mondial de l'Auto, said.

      2024 World Auto Show: popular activities for tourists

      Although traditionally, most of the visitors to the World Auto Show come from provinces, this year's fuel crisis has questioned their arrival in Paris, and Parisians account for 60% of the tickets. The number of journalists is large, because the World Auto Show Organization has counted more than 3200 registered journalists.

      Visitors especially like road tests, and conducted more than 3000 tests during the whole exhibition. A large number of professionals participated in the Paris Auto Summit, which is an initiative of PFA, aiming to bring together decision-makers from the whole industry. 3000 professionals were welcomed at the Paris Dome, with a cumulative audience of 30000.

      2024 World Auto Show: positive results of exhibitors

      The exhibitors said that they were particularly satisfied with the quality of the visitors. The visitors were qualified, usually the person in charge of the procurement project. For example, in Renault, the sales recorded at the exhibition were not less than 500 vehicles, and more than 4000 customers bought souvenirs in the brand's stores.

      The 2024 World Auto Show is an opportunity to display new brands, such as the pioneering hydrogen powered concept vehicles Hopium and NAMX, which signed a contract with Cr é dit Agricole for 10000 vehicles. Each vehicle recorded about 1000 pre-orders.

      Serge Gachot, Director of Mondial de l'Auto, concluded: "The world has changed... In this context, the exhibition successfully completed its mission, allowing exhibitors to display their new products and products for sale, while guiding and interpreting the ongoing revolution for consumers who need information.


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