意大利国际紧固件展览会(Fastener Fair Italy)是意大利及南欧区域最专业的、最大的、领先的紧固件及技术专业贸易展览会,该展两年一届,双数年在意大利米兰the CityLife - Allianz MiCo举行。该展经过专业的市场分析及调查,具有很强的国际影响力。该展汇聚了国际著名的紧固件产品、设备制造商和批发商,展会上将展出各种最新的产品,类别繁多,科技含量高,代表了相关行业的技术走向和流行趋势。以往参展的企业成交效果相当理想。该展会是紧固件行业最权威的展会,为参展商加强与国外相关行业的技术交流、引进新产品、新技术提供了不可多得的机会,另外也是紧固件企业拓展欧洲及其它国际市场的最佳场所,及时了解欧洲及国际市场的最佳途径。
Fastener Fair展作为紧固件行业的品牌展,以斯图加特为最大的展览,同时在其它国家也举行子展:意大利米兰紧固件展、土耳其伊斯坦布尔紧固件展、墨西哥紧固件展、印度新德里紧固件展、印度孟买紧固件展等,如今并与汉诺威工业展同期举行汉诺威紧固件展。
Fastener Fair展览会成为紧固件和固定行业专家的中心联合点,大约来自40个国家的800多家参展商提供全面的紧固件和固定技术,该展作为世界上最大的这个行业展览会议场所,展会涵盖了紧固件和固定技术的完整范围:工业紧固件和固定件,建筑固定件,装配和安装系统以及紧固件制造技术。展品涉及范围:各类标准及非标紧固件;螺栓、螺钉、螺母、螺柱、垫圈以及相关的加工设备、专用模具、检测仪器;弹簧,汽车零部件,仪表零部件,各种五金工具零件。
欧洲紧固件展提供以下行业的产品和服务:工业紧固件和固定件,建筑固定,装配和安装系统,紧固件制造技术,仓储、配送、工厂设备,信息、通信和服务等。 斯图加特紧固件展针对经销商、供应商、工程师和其他行业专业人士,从以下行业获得和交付紧固件和固定件:施工,汽车,航天,海洋,电子电器,一般工程 - 轻/重,暖通空调/空调/服务,能源和发电,通信技术,金属制品,家具制造,卫生洁具和管道,安装等参观。
展品范围(Show Products):
建筑固件类:混凝土锚、机械,化学锚栓和树脂,轻型锚及定价,混凝土螺丝,外观和绝缘定价,内部定价,墙上插头,砌墙定价及系统,木材/纤维板/装饰螺丝,窗户螺丝/帧锚,卫生和管道定价,钉、钉书针和,结构钢紧固件,自钻/自攻螺丝,建筑物安全紧固件,不锈钢定价,螺纹杆件、悬挂定价,屋面安装固定装置和太阳能,硬件/ 自装的预包装和花色品种,支架和连接器,其他建筑扣件和定价;
紧固件制造技术:紧固件的设计和生产模拟,原料及半制成品,材料的制备及检测,锻造/标题机械,数控加工和车削设备,压力机和冲压机械,其它成型技术,螺纹成型、二次加工和装配,工装、模具及冲头,热处理,材料/产品处理和传输,维修和环境控制,过程控制和数据处理,表面处理、涂料和密封系统,检查和质量控制,电线抽屉/ 开卷;
展会报告(Show Reports):
Fastener Fair Italy is the showcase event dedicated to the fastener and fixing industry. The show enables companies specialising in fastener manufacturing equipment and materials, producers, wholesalers, resellers, distributors and end-users of fastener and fixing systems to come together for commercial activities and strengthen their business relationships.
Fastener Fair Italy provides a unique showcase and a business forum in one of Europe’s leading industrial economies. As essential components of your everyday life, fastener and fixing systems find application in various manufacturing sectors. They are the key to holding everything together, from your desk to your computer, phone, car, home appliances, windows — literally anything you can see right now.
Fastener and fixing technologies go way behind the commonly known nuts, screws, nails and bolts. From raw materials to moulding and forging processes, as well as coating treatments, custom-designed fixings and distribution, at Fastener Fair Italy, we have got all the supply chain covered for you!
Milan, 8 November 2024 – The fourth edition of Fastener Fair Italy, the biennial event dedicated to the Italian fasteners industry, concluded with resounding success, solidifying its position as a premier event for the sector in Italy. Held at the CityLife - Allianz MiCo venue, this year’s fair hosted 214 exhibitors—including 111 international companies and 57 first-time participants—from 19 countries. The event was highlighted by a robust presence of Italian, German, Turkish, Chinese, and Taiwanese firms, drawing over 3,700 professionals from across the industry. Among them, 2,461 attendees, from top executives and managers to engineers, explored the latest innovations, products, and emerging trends, cementing Fastener Fair Italy’s reputation as the industry’s definitive networking and knowledge-sharing platform.
The profile of visitors to Fastener Fair Italy, primarily from Italy but also from countries such as Germany, France, Spain and Turkey, reflects the diversity of markets and sectors served by the fastener and fixing industry, including automotive, aerospace, construction, distribution, and other key sectors. This international mix fostered know-how and commercial exchanges, enabling participants to establish new collaborations and deepen their knowledge of the most advanced products and technologies in the fastener and fixing industry. Given the renewed success of this edition, Fastener Fair Italy will return to Milan at CityLife - Allianz MiCo, from 6-7 October 2026.