美洲国际创意手工艺品及业余爱好制品展览会(h+h americas - The international trade fair for creative handicraft and hobby)是一届国际性业余爱好者手工艺品创新展览会,每年一届在芝加哥史蒂芬会展中心举行。该展是编织,钩针编织,缝纫,刺绣工艺品的世界。该展注重促销与贸易、手工艺创作产品展示,研讨会和特别表演艺术家和相关机构参与激发你的创新与参加。参展收效明显,同时获得很多创作灵感,h+h展是手工艺术品行业的一次盛会。
h+h americas提供种类繁多的产品,从纱线、织物、艺术和工艺材料到玩具和消遣。我们的产品种类繁多,从绘画、手工艺品、胶粘、缝纫、建模、捏粘土装饰和装饰的各种材料和工具,到高质量的纸张和油漆、画架画笔和图形配件。
h+h americas越来越多地采取了国际上率先作为纺织品设计的论坛。每年三月,手工艺品业界聚集在科隆,汇聚最新的趋势和收藏品交易行业的信息。观众可对工作坊、时尚展和特别展览的享受。展会规模近400家展商,近1万5千观众。
展品范围(Show Products):
平面艺术、艺术家必备品:丙烯酸涂料,气刷及配件,艺术家专用纸、设计专用纸,DIY纸,艺术家用品,帆布,粉笔、块状粉笔、油画和粉彩粉笔,木炭,清洁剂和溶剂,拼贴框架,彩色笔,搁架,蚀刻 ,泡沫板,一般草图配件,玻璃刻划、蚀刻和雕刻,墨水,毡浮雕版 ,光刻机,手动印刷机,油漆,画笔,色漆和清漆,选项板,图片挂钩,图片/拼贴画框架,演示文稿文件夹,底漆和固定剂,印刷技术,纯色素用品,丝网印刷及配件,素描本、画板和纸,狭窄板,水彩配件,水彩纸,水彩;
男子服饰用品:作品/蕾丝/辫子和标签/缎带,熨烫图案,顶针,针织针和钩针,钮扣,男子服饰用品,缝纫纱线,亮片,珠 ,拉链,刺绣缎带,击球和填料;
针织、刺绣、地毯和钩针、线/纱线/羊毛: 针具套件, 打结套件/打结羊毛, 刺绣纱线, 刺绣套装, 针织和钩编纱线, 针织机纱线, 地毯纱线, 编织纱线, 纱线图案,
文学书籍/手工艺品: 建筑书籍/手工艺品, 建筑书籍/爱好, 贸易杂志/书籍, 市场营销服务, 电子邮件营销与自动化;
视频制作服务: 网络主机, 营销和广告服务, 社交媒体管理, CRM软件, 虚拟助理服务;
辅助设计软件及其它: 计算机/软件, 车间装配与设计, 缝纫和工艺储存, 容器, 修剪, 日光灯, 毛毡/毛毡羊毛, 引脚, 业余爱好室设施, 工艺品放大镜和阅读放大镜, 协会和机构;
手工针具: 针具, 剪刀, 地毯打结架/机具, 编织框架/织机/配件;
包装材料: 包装/运输袋, 包装材料和系统, 绿色/可持续包装, 标签/标签/RFID;
缝纫机/针织机/刺绣机及配件: 熨斗/熨衣板/熨衣系统, 马克拉姆纱线/配件, 缝纫机/配件, 刺绣机/配件, 针织机/配件, 长臂绗缝机, 缝纫家具;
运输和电子商务:标签和标签打印系统, 电子商务平台, 移动应用程序和支付, 履行和交付服务, 销售点解决方案和集成, 订单管理系统, 供应链解决方案, 运输解决方案;
挂毯/戈贝林:针刺支架, 家用纺织品、刺绣, 装饰帆布, 挂毯/戈贝林, 纺织品设计。
展会报告(Show Reports):
h+h americas 2025 Setting Records with 310 Exhibitors and Expanded Halls, Poised for Continued Growth
The fourth edition of h+h Americas is gearing up to be a record-breaking event, with significant milestones achieved well ahead of schedule. Currently, the event has attracted 310 exhibitors from 23 countries, marking a remarkable growth rate of over 55%. This surge in participation includes over 60 first-time exhibitors, underscoring the event’s expanding appeal within the handicraft industry in the U.S.
To accommodate this growth, the exhibit space is expanding from two to four halls. These halls will feature a diverse array of crafts showcased in themed pavilions, including the Indie Untangled Newcomer, Craft Book, Sewing & Quilt, Bead & Button, Pattern Designer, Needlearts, and the new “Spinning & Weaving” Pavilion.
Education remains a cornerstone of h+h Americas, with the Craft Industry Alliance preparing innovative and enriching educational sessions. Upgrades to the Master Class program are underway to provide enhanced value and a more comprehensive curriculum, aimed at fostering professional development and business growth. Business classes will continue to offer insightful content tailored to support the community.
New initiatives for this year include the debut of the Sewing Dealers Summit, catering specifically to the sewing dealer network and individuals involved in selling, maintaining, repairing, and operating sewing machines. This summit will address unique industry challenges and provide specialized education to drive success within these businesses.