美国国际边境安全博览会(Border Security Expo)是全球最专业的边境安全设备及技术贸易展览会,每年在德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥举行的边境安全博览会为来自美国和世界各地的地方、州和联邦执法部门提供教育、解决方案和联系,以做出保护国家的边界免受各种威胁所需的关键决策可以想象。
Border Security Expo 提供见解、解决方案和联系,帮助联邦、州、地方和国际边境和执法机构做出保护我们的边境免受国家和跨国威胁所需的关键决策。
此外,展厅提供了一个无与伦比的机会,可以近距离接触最新的安全产品和服务——从门禁和装甲车辆到来自 125 多家参展商的生物识别和视网膜扫描技术,应有尽有。这是演示产品、与专家交谈和建立战略合作伙伴关系的宝贵机会。
展品范围(Show Products):
展会报告(Show Reports):
Nearly 100 years ago in 1924, the U.S. Border Patrol was established by Congress in El Paso, Texas. So, we’re bringing Border Security Expo back to where it all began: El Paso—home to Joint Task Force–North, CBP Special Operations Group including BORTAC and BORSTAR, the DEA's El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC), and of course, the thousands of men and women responsible for 1,000 of the 2,000-mile southern border, the CBP El Paso Sector.
Border Security Expo is the largest and longest-standing event of its kind, designed specifically for the border community—policy leaders, operational commanders, procurement officers, on-the-ground agents, local law enforcement, and industry leaders—to exchange ideas, expand networks, and experience new and developing technologies. And this year, you will have even more opportunities to engage in critical discussions with a who's who in the border security community.
For 16 years, Border Security Expo has served as the preeminent event for border security and this year won't be any different. Don't miss this opportunity to join us as we bring the most important border security solutions, ideas, and people to El Paso.
The Border Security Expo exhibit hall provides an unparalleled opportunity to get up-close and hands-on with the most innovative technologies and solutions from 175+ leading manufacturers and providers. Showcasing the full spectrum of border security, the packed exhibit hall allows you to explore, compare, and invest in the best solutions for your specific needs.