

2021-02-14 12:11672
  • 日期:2022-06-21~2022-06-24
  • 城市:慕尼黑
  • 展馆:慕尼黑新国际展览中心
  • 主办:慕尼黑国际展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
    • 慕尼黑国际机器人及自动化技术贸易博览会(AUTOMATICA)是一个国际性的贸易展会,将世界各地的机器人自动化领域的人们聚集在一起。从2004年开始展会每两年在慕尼黑举办一次。展会旨在展示整个机器人自动化行业附加值产业链。

      AUTOMATICA 展是制造商及装备和处理技术,机器人技术和机器视觉用户中心交汇点。展会由德国机械制造协会机器人与自动化部倾力赞助和支持,展会参展商、观众数据由会展自控统计社(FKM)公证,展会经“UFI认证”的国际性展会,资质证书由全球展览行业协会颁发。同样作为一个供应商的相关技术平台的理想选择。所以,AUTOMATICA是能够覆盖整个自动化应用领域,从通过个别组件来完成,通过相关服务,从具体应用系统,展品自动化整个增值链,同时汇集供应商和客户从世界各地,满足各自的需要,生产和工程管理人员通过展会可接触开发商和设计师。慕尼黑国际机器人及自动化技术贸易博览会的另外一个亮点是它与机器人与自动化工业合作密切。组装与处理、机器人自动化、机器视觉等关键技术成为了领域的核心。




      展品范围(Show Products):

      装配和处理技术:装配站和系统 ,为特定应用领域的装配系统 ,存储设备 ,设备的组织,排序和喂养 ,联和运输设备 ,连接部件和运输设备 ,紧固和连接设备,打标设备 ,测试和测量系统 ,基地及施工要点 ,手动工作系统 ,工作场所设备 ;

      机器人:工业机器人,按建设性质上市 ,机器人系统组件 ,为特定应用领域的工业机器人 ,专业使用服务机器人,供个人使用的服务机器人 ;

      机器视觉:机器视觉测量系统 ,机器视觉部件 ,为特定应用领域的机器视觉系统;

      定位系统:模块,爪 ,夹紧装置 ,停止装置 ,气动定位系统 ,气动进给装置 ,气动饲料中风病房 ,微定位系统 ;

      驱动技术:轴承,直线导轨,直线运动驱动元件及系统 ,数控旋转轴 ,数控直线轴 ,特别的驱动器 ,多轴系统 ,齿轮 ,工业电机,马达控制,电机保护装置;

      传感器技术:接近开关 ,旋转编码器,机械限位开关 ,线性位移传感器 ,距离和厚度传感器 ,力力矩传感器 ,光电传感器 ,超声波传感器和开关 ,微型传感器 ,气动测量器,气动压力开关 ,附件 ;



      供电技术:载波系统的电缆和软管 ,电力供应 ,压缩空气供应 ,真空技术 ,液压供给 ,载波系统的电缆和软管 ,电缆保护系统 ,通风技术和抽气系统 ,组件通风和抽气系统职业技术 ;




      Our greatest source of inspiration: the needs of the community.

      On the one hand there is an ongoing pandemic with massive contact and travel restrictions along with the associated economic damage. On the other hand there is a community requiring orientation, exchange, inspiration and business. Our answer to this challenge: automatica sprint.

      A virus is changing the world: both in business and private life. Back in spring we hoped that everything would go back to normal by the end of the year. Unfortunately, things did not go that way. COVID-19 continues to dominate the headlines and probably will for a while to come. How can we as a community deal with this? How can we continue to provide inspiration to an industry that neither wants nor can afford to wait another two years for the next automatica?

      Future prospects instead of status quo.

      One thing is clear: In the current situation, it is not an option to simply prepone a leading international exhibition with the size and aspirations of automatica and to host it as usual. What we need is a new solution that considers the needs of both exhibitors and visitors for personal exchange and that offers the community a veritable business and dialog platform. One that covers the entire market with a compact format. One that is focused on personal attendance, yet COVID 19-compliant. One that is flexible, yet facilitates advance planning. And above all: One that is beneficial for all automatica stakeholders.

      Who’s involved? The industry, VDMA Robotics + Automation and the experts of automatica and Messe München. The result? automatica sprint – an agile and compact event format that will go live as early as summer 2021 on the traditional automatica date in June. With a consistent focus on personal customer contact and lots of machines – up close and in action. With a digital extension and a digital substitute in case a pandemic-related emergency requires it. With significantly reduced lead times and free late cancellation. All in all: convincing reasons to be there.

  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
  • 如遇无效、有误、错误信息,烦请您指正




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