

2022-07-18 18:5114710
  • 日期:2024-03-19~2024-03-22
  • 城市:纽伦堡
  • 展馆:纽伦堡国际展览中心
  • 主办:纽伦堡国际展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
    • 18SZ图片处理

      德国纽伦堡国际门窗、幕墙及技术展览会(FENSTERBAU FRONTALE)是领先的门窗及技术、幕墙及技术专业展览会,由纽伦堡会展公司NürnbergMesse GmbH自1988起开始举办,每两年一届,是全球最知名的门窗幕墙展之一。作为世界顶级展会,该展会引领潮流,不仅为这个繁荣的行业提供了更多展示的空间,也为各细分市场提供了更广泛和深层次的产品展示。展商和专业采购商们可以在这里找到决定市场前景的创新产品和技术、门窗幕墙领域更高的市场、更多的机械、设备展示及贴身的服务及未来幕墙行业的新材料和加固系统。




      在FENSTERBAU FRONTALE展会上,您会发现您正在寻找的是什么:新的联系方式,新产品以及驱动您的行业的新问题。 在FENSTERBAU FRONTALE举办中心舞台,是工业、贸易和自动化领域的创新和尖端技术,专业的建筑师专区和众多特别展览区。如FENSTERBAU FRONTALE论坛和其他令人兴奋的功能。 如果您想展示您的产品或获取有关数字化、安全性和质量的信息,行业展览平台FENSTERBAU FRONTALE是您的必参活动,您的竞争优势从这里开始。


      展会回顾:同期举办的木材加工设备展HOLZ-HANDWERK 两个展合在一起互补性强,吸引更多专业观众前来参观,2018年814家企业参展,两个展共1329家企业,观众人数达110000;2014年来自全球的展商共1320家企业参展,观众人数达100800人,其中海37000人;2012年来自包括法国、德国、英国、美国和中国在内的全球37个国家超过1,277家企业参展参加了这两个展,fensterbau/frontale:779家展商,HOLZ-HANDWERK:498家展商,fensterbau/frontale有中国大陆参展企业为二十七家,台湾两家企业参展。 两个展的参观者达到98973人次,90%的参观商对该展会十分满意,95%的观众对本展的信息及展位上的商务联系表示十分满意。80% 的观众参与到了公司的购买决定中。


      展品范围(Show Products):













      展会报告(Show Reports):

      We look forward to seeing you again in Nuremberg for the Summer Edition of FENSTERBAU FRonTALE & HOLZ-HANDWERK 2022

      Personal encounters and networking, finding solutions and trying out products, further training and the discussion of current industry topics were the focus of the trade fair combination FENSTERBAU FRonTALE and HOLZ-HANDWERK: The trade fair duo reported back with a "Summer Edition" in which 708 exhibitors from 33 countries took part. Over four days, around 28,500 trade visitors from over 100 countries found out about the latest trends in woodworking and processing as well as in window, door and facade construction. The exhibition in thirteen halls was supplemented by an extensive specialist program with topic-specific special shows, lecture forums and other program elements.

      The diverse thematic highlights included the new forum "Practical design of digitization in the trade" with keynote speeches and product presentations relating to the digitization of operational processes, the creative-inspiring special show "DesignObject - ObjectDesign" by the Bavarian Carpentry Association (FSH) Bavaria, and the HOLZ-HANDWERK Campus as a presentation area for technical and master schools, the joint stand "Innovation made in Germany" funded by the federal government, the FENSTERBAU FRonTALE FORUM, the special show "Green Deal" by ift Rosenheim and NürnbergMesse on CO2 efficiency and protection against climate extremes, the 10th forum Architectural window facade with the motto "ROBUST - resource responsibility - resilience - changeability", the GLASWELT Guided Tours, the new Expert Talks and the new metallbauTREFF. Meetings after the end of the trade fair were finally possible again: the window, door and facade community celebrated a unique party in the trade fair park in the best weather, and the HOLZ-HANDWERK birthday guests celebrated the anniversary of their industry meeting place - including quite a few participants who attended all 20 editions . Specialist program live and on demand


      In addition to the participants on site, interested parties who could not come to Nuremberg also had the opportunity to participate digitally in the live stream of the FENSTERBAU FRonTALE FORUM. The program as well as the guided tours and the forum "Designing digitization practically in the trade" were recorded. The contributions and presentations remain available at www.live.frontale.de.

      Personal encounters, good conversations and live demos

      "The anticipation of meeting again in person was great in advance, and that was also reflected in the mood in the halls," reports Stefan Dittrich, Head of HOLZ-HANDWERK. "'Finally again fair!' was often heard. For the 20th anniversary edition of HOLZ-HANDWERK, discover, experience, do remains the apt description of a trade fair with a hands-on and experience character that can only be experienced live and on site.” The exhibitors particularly praised the quality of the discussions and the high level of decision-making authority and the concrete procurement intentions of the visitors. The participants used the time for intensive consultation and for discussing concrete ideas and projects. "We are delighted with the great response and trust in the trade fair format," continued Stefan Dittrich.

      Elke Harreis, Head of FENSTERBAU FRONTALE, adds: "Every industry needs its meeting point. A large number of international decision-makers, high potential for new customers, the comparison with the competition and the opportunity to close ranks with fellow campaigners will find those involved in the industry at trade fairs. Digitization, sustainability, shortage of skilled workers, scarcity of materials and rising energy prices are among the current topics that shaped the discussions in the halls and lecture forums. With the FENSTERBAU FRonTALE in 2024, we will again offer our customers the platform to discuss the pressing issues that concern the industries.”

      Make a note of the next appointment!

      The FENSTERBAU FRonTALE and HOLZ-HANDWERK will take place again as scheduled from March 19th to 22nd, 2024 in the Exhibition Center Nuremberg.

  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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