俄罗斯国际信息与通信技术展览会(Sviaz)是俄罗斯及东欧举行的最专业的信息及通信技术展览会,是一年一度信息和通信行业顶级盛会。Sviaz 成立于 1975 年,成为俄罗斯和东欧最大的电信和信息技术盛会。
Sviaz 是俄罗斯最大的商业网络平台,供行业参与者寻找供应商、产生销售线索、创建新的解决方案并确定 IT 和电信行业的发展趋势。
Sviaz 是俄罗斯高科技周的一部分,该周汇集了有关信息技术、电信、导航和远程信息处理的多个展览、论坛和会议。 俄罗斯高科技周是俄罗斯创建和发展数字经济基础设施的跨行业平台。
增加销量: 吸引新客户, 留住现有客户, 恢复与失去的客户的关系, 与竞争对手的客户互动;
提高品牌知名度: 向您的目标受众提供广告曝光, 提高品牌知名度和记忆力;
建立积极的公司形象: 建立并保持成功和可靠公司的声誉, 将您的公司推销为行业领导者, 展示行业专业知识;
确保业务发展: 与合适的人建立联系,寻找新的合作伙伴,与政府代表面对面, 评估竞争对手并分析市场, 获取开发您的产品、服务和业务的想法。
展品范围(Show Products):
智慧城市, 物联网:数字未来, 5G, 电信设备、技术、解决方案和服务, 数据网络, 电信和网络基础设施, 卫星通讯, 无线电通讯, 移动通讯, 光缆、系统, 数据中心:设备、软件、解决方案和服务, 电源系统, 智能设备展示, 俄罗斯软件, 知识产权技术, 电信电子元件, 导航技术, 导航系统、技术和服务, 人工智能, 电视和无线电广播, AR&VR, 资讯科技服务, 移动支付, 基于互联网的技术和服务, 初创公司。
展会报告(Show Reports):
Sergey Selivanov, First Deputy Director General at EXPOCENTRE AO
“In today's environment, the trade show is one of the most effective tools for finding new business partners, for developing industrial, international and regional cooperation, and for establishing new supply chains when a number of manufacturers leaving the Russian market.”
Sviaz 2022 was traditionally the main event of Russian Week of High Technologies.
Venue: EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds
Organised by EXPOCENTRE AO
Attendance: 8,000+ professional visitors
Exhibitors: 160+ companies (Russian regular exhibitors included Angstrem-Telecom, Gartel, Satellite System Gonets, IRE-Polus, IskraUralTEL, Cable Alliance Holding, Corning CIS, Microwave Electronics, Nateks, Smarts, T8, Russian Broadcasting and alert Networks, Race-Communication, Radiovolna, ISS — Reshetnev Company, Radiofizika, Satis-TL-94, Supertel, Telta Perm Telephone Plant, Courier Communication Central Board, Protei, etc.; newcomers: Safe Technology, SPB, FIBO Telecom, Sim Telecom, IMAQLIQ Service, Dipaul, LIS, Esil Power Systems, ITIS, Control IT, etc.)
Countries: Russia, China, Iran, Italy, Kazakhstan
Group stands and pavilions of Russian regions: 7 federal districts and 27 regions (the Republic of Mordovia, the Chelyabinsk, Ivanovo, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Perm, Pskov, Samara, Saratov, Yaroslavl Oblasts, etc.)
Types of products on display: solutions for mobile and satellite communications, radio communications, landlines, 5G, IoT, AI, AR and VR, telematics and navigation, data processing and storage centres, TV and radio broadcasting, telecom equipment and network infrastructure, etc.
“Sviaz and Russian Week of High Technologies are attracting particular attention today. At a time when we are experiencing broken supply chains, a lack of components, and a breach of previous commitments by our former partners, it is extremely important to look at what we have in our country, and what those partners who have stayed with us have. Advanced information technologies combined with a high intellectual and scientific potential are the basis for major systemic transformations and the successful breakthrough of this country to a new technological level.”