德国莱比锡国际零部件、元器件、模具和技术转包展览会(简称Z展,Z - International subcontracting fair for parts, components, modules and technologies - DIE ZULIEFERMESSE)是专业的特殊行业转包技术展览会议,也称国际转包展览会,是德国唯一的转包展览会,是国际转包商协会RIOST的指定展览会。从2000年开始举办,每年6月份在莱比锡国际展览中心举办,从2007年开始每两年一届,展期延长,并将国际制造、工具、特种行业施工展览会INTEC也合并到Z展,在单数年3月份举办。展商主要来自最终生产商、系统提供商、供货商等行业,以分包商的需要为主的交易博览会议,主要行业:汽车和汽车行业;机械,机器和工具的建设;其他工业部门(例如电气工程/电子,电站工程,塑料工程和加工,农业机械,航空,医学工程,光学行业,铁路机车车辆制造);服务行业。Z和INTEC交易会在制造,工具和专用机施工分包应用方面的成功结合,以及整个工艺链 - 从半成品材料,零部件,元器件,模块和技术,直到完成机器和制造系统,加上广泛的工业服务。该展的观众来自:公司管理层,购买和采购,生产和制造,研究与发展等。
展品范围(Show Products):
元器件,焊接,连接和装配工艺;半成品,成品组件,流程,技术供应性能;纤维增强塑料;工具,设备制造供应零件和电源模块;电气/电子设备 - 单个零件,部件,制造,加工,装配和测试过程;流程和服务;服务,其它和信息。
展会报告(Show Reports):
Z is one of the leading international subcontracting fairs in Europe. Every other year, it provides a platform for subcontractors who cover the early and middle stages of production and for industrial service companies. The 2023 edition of this subcontracting trade fair offers a wide range of products and services and will once again provide an industry get-together for decision-makers and professionals from machine tool and plant engineering, the automotive and vehicle industries, toolmaking and other industrial sectors.
The trade fair combination created by Z and Intec is unique in Europe and covers the entire value chain from raw materials, parts, components and assembly units to manufacturing technology for machining, subtractive and additive processes as well as digitalisation in production. Professionals in this field will find tailor-made solutions across all stages of planning, production preparation, operative manufacturing and distribution.