

2022-09-02 16:327979
  • 日期:2024-04-23~2024-04-26
  • 城市:纽伦堡
  • 展馆:纽伦堡国际展览中心
  • 主办:德国工艺品协会展览GHM有限公司
  • 展会详情
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      德国纽伦堡国际公共卫生、采暖、空调技术及可再生能源展览会(IFH/Intherm )是德国领先的公共卫生、采暖技术和空调技术以及可再生能源技术展览会议,也是国际上最重要的公共卫生服务低炭技术展览会议,始于1976年,每两年一届,在纽伦堡国际展览中心举行,纽伦堡公共卫生、采暖、空调技术及可再生能源展览会。在IFH/ Intherm上,参展商将展示什么是重要的资源友好的卫生设施和可持续浴室和卫生解决方案,所有这一切结合最现代的设计和材料。参展企业大都来自公共卫生工程、暖气、空调及通风系统、水暖系统、测量与测试控制设备、管道和配件、泵、车间设备、工具、汽车、IT、办公设备、文学/组织等行业。游客都来自贸易,工业和批发业,建筑师,太阳能安装,能源顾问和住宅产业。




      IFH/Intherm 是德国暖通空调行业最重要的展会,所有暖通空调公司都可以使用这个平台接触来自贸易、工业和批发行业的专业人士和决策者。



      展品范围(Show Products):



      展会报告(Show Products):

      IFH/Intherm 2022: "The trade fair concept inspires again" - Successful restart for the network of the HVAC industry

      For four days, an energetic, optimistic mood prevailed at the Nuremberg Exhibition Center. After the break caused by the pandemic, crafts, trade and industry were finally able to meet again from April 26th to 29th, 2022, touch and try out products, have intensive discussions and do business from person to person. Whether the encounters were planned, spontaneous or coincidental - the joy of seeing each other again and meeting new people was clearly noticeable everywhere.

      The challenges for society and the HVAC industry are enormous. The Corona crisis continues and the gas crisis, supply bottlenecks and inflation are now added to the long-term issues in the industry such as a shortage of skilled workers and the energy transition. “If you look at the current social upheavals, it becomes clear that a rethink must take place. It is no longer possible for all of us to continue as before. That is why we have also redefined our goals for the IFH/Intherm. Direct talks at eye level are now particularly important in order to find new solutions together and to explore the implementation options," says Dieter Dohr Managing Director of GHM Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen mbH, the organizer organization of IFH/Intherm. "With the trade fair, we offer the qualitative network for the HVAC industry in presence, which now extends far into the virtual world and extends the radius beyond the exhibition center in Nuremberg."

      Network concept connects all market partners


      With this strengthened network concept, the IFH/Intherm focuses on all market partners. The pure sender-receiver relationship continues to dissolve, personal relationships are equally important for trade, commerce and industry. A total of around 39,000 SHK industry players (total entries from visitors, exhibitors, media representatives) came together in person over the four days of the fair. Craftsmen and wholesalers were able to find out about new products and trends directly from their contacts in the industry and exchange ideas. 341 exhibitors took the IFH/Intherm as an opportunity to present their new solutions, capture reactions and get feedback.

      "The sense of satisfaction among manufacturers and trades at the IFH/Intherm is overwhelming," says Dr. Wolfgang Schwarz, General Manager of the SHK Bavaria trade association. “The trade fair concept inspires again. Many only realized what they had been missing for so long when they experienced the IFH/Intherm.” And Wolfgang Becker, General Manager of the trade association in Baden-Württemberg, adds: “The atmosphere was great and we are also more than happy with the number of visitors. We hoped that many people would come together at this fair. Anything over 20,000 visitors would have made me happy. The fact that there have now been 29,600 visitors is fantastic. But the positive feedback from everyone involved makes me even happier. What we experienced here goes far beyond pure numbers and will have an impact on the entire HVAC trade fair industry.”

      Communication and knowledge transfer are crucial


      "The challenges for our industry are currently immense, so we and our partners are so happy that we were finally able to get back together," confirms Andreas Wohlt, Sales Manager Viessmann Southern Germany. “Business is going very well, but of course the topics of logistics and inventory also dominated our discussions. Changes in the systems or electrification are also great opportunities for the skilled trades. The craftsmen are correspondingly interested, and their thirst for knowledge is noticeably high. It is also striking that significantly more decision-makers came to our stand. At the IFH/Intherm we were able to make up for the lack of personal exchange for two years.”

      In order to reach even more people in addition to the 71 percent of decision-makers on site, an increasing proportion of exhibitors used the IFH/Intherm for their content production and virtually expanded their participation far beyond the duration of the trade fair. For example, Georg Fischer presented itself for the first time with a new trade fair concept. “We came to the fair this year with a completely new network concept. Today, trade fairs are events and communities for us. With our stand concept, we have connected our analogue presence at the IFH/Intherm with the digital world and thus created a new trade fair experience from which we will continue to benefit sustainably in the coming months," explains Marketing Manager René Habers. Production took place live at the trade fair in the podcast and TV studio, partly in hybrid events with experts involved. The contributions can be heard and seen beyond the IFH/Intherm, individually and around the clock.

      Hansa also uses the strong changes in communication and marketing. “Social networks are increasing. That is why we are very active digitally and present on all channels. For us, this also means that we use our budget for marketing and communication in a very focused manner. We therefore think carefully about how we can reach our partners. As a live event, we rely on the IFH/Intherm”, says Sales Director Central Europe Thomas Musial. “Our skilled workers want personal contact, concentrated and focused. We had expected that despite the pandemic, visitors would want to visit the IFH/Intherm trade fair again. The currently increased deadline pressure and shortage of skilled workers have not stopped the tradespeople from celebrating the trade fair.”

      Visitors and manufacturers satisfied with the course of the trade fair

      The trade fair visitors accepted the offer from IFH/Intherm. Around 90 percent rated what was on offer at the trade fair as good to very good in the visitor survey. The exhibitor survey also showed a comparable picture. The overall concept of the IFH/Intherm was also rated good to very good by around 90 percent. The conclusion of the BDH is also positive. Uwe Glock, in his function as President of the Association of the German Heating Industry, puts it in a nutshell: “IFH/Intherm was a refreshing new start for face-to-face trade fairs for the HVAC industry. Many decision-makers from German heating manufacturers showed interest in the top trade fair IFH/Intherm by attending and used it successfully for personal contacts with the trade.”

      The next IFH/Intherm will take place from April 23rd to 26th, 2024.


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  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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