在电子制造业营收下降的背景下,两年一届以电子制造为主要内容的productronica展(慕尼黑第21届国际电子生产设备贸易博览会)将于2015年11月10-13日在新慕尼黑会展中心开幕。用慕尼黑国际博览集团首席执行官Klaus Dittrich话说就是,“我们决心通过productronica抗击衰退,让我们从低谷中走出来。productronica 2015上所展示的创新是向这一方向努力的重要组成部分。”
productronica 以创新作为焦点,突出领先供应商所提供的创新产品与应用。根据行业市场增长特点,慕尼黑国际博览集团将焦点话题定为:光伏制造、纳米生产、有机电子、混合元器件和电子生产服务等。光伏产业已经吸引大批原先在半导体、电子制造领域领先业者,为了满足这些公司多元市场推广需求,productronica 从整个光伏系统层面展示光伏制造各环节所需的最新技术,参展商中包括传统半导体器件、设备材料及制造供应商,也有许多专注太阳能光伏业务的新公司。Kurt Schraudy介绍,考虑到初创公司资金普遍不足现状,在慕尼黑当地政府支持下,组办方为新创公司推出了“创新企业套餐”服务,让最具活力的初创公司以较低的价格争取到参展机会。
展品范围(Show Products):
5、PCB制造技术:基础材料、印刷电路板工具,PCB加工的工具和零件、PCB化学加工、 加热与干燥、净室技术、MID生产、PCB处理、PCB生产的加工控制软件等;
展会报告(Show Reports):
productronica was held on the fairgrounds of Messe München on November 16—19 in observance of strict hygienic rules: Exhibitors were required to be recovered from a COVID-19 infection, be vaccinated or have a negative PCR test result. Visitors had to be either recovered or vaccinated. A total of 894 exhibitors from 36 countries and about 20,000 visitors from nearly 70 countries attended this year’s edition of the world’s leading trade fair for electronics development and production. The share of international visitors among all visitors was around 60 percent in spite of all the restrictions.
The Top 10 visitor countries after Germany were (in this order): Italy, France, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Israel, Spain, Turkey, Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Netherlands.
Dr. Reinhard Pfeiffer, Deputy CEO of Messe München, expressed his satisfaction with the trade fair: “We are really very happy that we could hold productronica as an in-person event. As you might expect, this year’s exhibition turned out to basically be Europe’s leading trade fair. But its appeal extended well beyond the region of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, as the large number of visitors from Italy, France, Israel and Turkey demonstrated.” Barbara Müller, the Exhibition Director of productronica, added: “productronica underscored its position as a leading trade fair for the industry.” Exhibitors agree: attendance more important than ever
Rainer Kurtz, the Chairman of the Advisory Board for productronica and the CEO of Kurtz Holding, agreed with Barbara Müller: “productronica demonstrated once again that it is actually something more than the leading trade fair for electronics production.” Elaborating on his experience with the in-person event, he added: “For our customers and business partners, there is no alternative to personal contact. The industry lives from this showcase of innovation. Considering the current pandemic situation, we think the trade fair was a complete success.” Thilo Brückner, the CEO of EMINT productronic, a trade association of the German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association, expressed his satisfaction with the event: “productronica was a very successful trade fair for EMINT and its members. Visitors, many of whom came from European countries outside Germany, had specific projects in mind and showed just how important in-person trade fairs are.” Volker Pape, a co-founder and member of the Supervisory Board at Viscom AG, stressed one other point: “We are happy that we could meet face to face with our customers once again and make live presentations of Viscom technology, even amid all of the restrictions. productronica proved its importance as a leading trade fair even in these times. The number of visitors was certainly below the levels seen during ‘normal’ times, but it was still much higher than expected.” productronica Innovation Award
For the fourth time, Messe München joined with the publishing company Hüthig Verlag to present the productronica Innovation Award. The 60 nominations for the award, the winners of which are traditionally honored on the first day of the trade fair, demonstrated that the industry possesses an immense amount of ingenuity even amid today’s unsettled times.
The next productronica will be held from November 14—17, 2023, at the fairgrounds in Munich.