

2022-11-25 00:417700
  • 日期:2024-06-11~2024-06-13
  • 城市:纽伦堡
  • 展馆:纽伦堡国际展览中心
  • 主办:德国MESAGO展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
    • 德国纽伦堡国际微电子系统集成、集成电路展览会(SMTconnect / SMT Hybrid Packaging)是国际微电子集成电路最专业的展览会,是欧洲同类最大的展会,一年一届,在纽伦堡国际展览中心举行,该展也称电子贴片混合包装展,SMT Hybrid Packaging展是欧洲最大的微电子系统集成的贸易展览会,与该展同时举行的国际电子电路会议(Electronic Circuits World Convention ECWC)成立于1978年,研讨电子电路的发展方向。展会积聚了行业领先的公司,提供了理想平台,展示最新的趋势和发展,以及最新解决方案。除此以外,每年展会上还提出的最新发展趋势和相关技术改进等,以及保持在最新的解决方案等。参展商中超过33%的公司来自德国外,该展会不仅提供广泛的,也是具有国际领先水平。

      SMT混合包装展是欧洲唯一一个从微电子系统集成的全面视角,从最初的理念和发展到生产电子组件制造过程中的所有技术过程。SMT Hybrid Packaging展的参展企业或观众也可以受益于展会现场各种行之有效的活动取得的成功,来自多个国家的专业观众非常积极的评论高质量的展览。该展会从设计、开发到PCB生产、元器件、包装和测试系统-贴片/混合/包装提供了一条龙生产下的所有产品和相关技术介绍。

      SMT Hybrid Packaging 展是世界上最完整的系统集成微电子展览活动,是在该领域的电子制造业提供最新的产品,服务和解决方案的国际会议。从电子组件、印刷电路板、焊接试验等完成市场概述集中在一起共同展示与讨论。展览主题:组件、组成部分、设计和开发、环境管理体系、印制板生产、包装材料、丝网印刷、焊接、测试系统等。

      展品范围(Show Products):


      展会报告(Show Reports):

      At the SMTconnect, which took place from 10 to 12 May 2022 in Nuremberg, Germany, it became clear how much life and energy there is in the electronics manufacturing industry: Around 9,000 qualified visitors took advantage of the reunion, to exchange views on trends and to work out solutions for efficient, clean and optimized electronics production in personal discussions. about 35 percent of the trade show visitors came from abroad.

      The mood on-site was consistently positive, with 321 companies and partners expressing their gratitude and delight at the opportunity for spontaneous and fruitful business encounters: “My personal favorite aspect of the fair so far is the event itself!” says Iván Rodrigo Flor Cantos, Manager Marketing Europe Planning & Marketing at Panasonic Connect Europe GmbH. “I love the atmosphere and the opportunity to meet a lot of customers, partners and colleagues personally – all together at the same time. This intensive exchange of information after a long break is so valuable. Thank you to the SMTconnect team!” EMS Park continues to gain importance

      Numerous companies as well as consulting service represented the European EMS industry at the special show area EMS Park. Organizer Mesago, Dieter G. Weiss and the IPC Association Connecting Electronics Industries invited participants to the Welcome Reception on Wednesday evening for a joint trade fair conclusion and networking. In addition, Dieter G. Weiss presented valuable insights from his analyses and studies on the European EMS market at the exhibition forum.

      Mario Salhofer, Business Development and customer advisory service Germany, at GINZINGER ELECTRonIC SYSTEMS GMBH confirms the uniqueness and sinificance of the event for the industry: “The SMTconnect is certainly something special! At this fair, you can exchange ideas with like-minded people with complete openness. The honest communication within the SMTconnect community and the focus on a joint way forward are very important, especially after the past two years.”

      Thomas Michels, Managing Director of ILFA Industrieelektronik und Leiterplattenfertigung aller Art GmbH, also acknowledges this: “The greatest value for us at the SMTconnect is to meet and talk to people who, just like us, are very close to the product. That's why SMTconnect is a fixed point where we would like to exhibit regularly.” Variety of highlights: Forum program, hand soldering competition and more.

      Trade visitors were able to connect with suppliers of printed circuit boards, components and materials at the PCB meets Components joint booth and discuss individual solutions. In addition, as in previous years, the IPC Association Connecting Electronics Industries invited interested parties to put their soldering skills to the test in the hand soldering competition. At the trade fair forum in particular, it became clear which topics are currently occupying the community: In the multi-faceted program, topics such as sustainability, procurement management or artificial intelligence were addressed.

      The next SMTconnect will take place from 9 to 11 May 2023 in Nuremberg.

  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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