

2022-12-01 20:371696
  • 日期:2023-11-28~2023-11-30
  • 城市:慕尼黑
  • 展馆:慕尼黑新国际展览中心
  • 主办:慕尼黑国际展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
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      慕尼黑国际体育用品及运动时尚贸易博览会(ISPO MUNICH)是国际上最大的、最专业的体育运动用品博览会,是国际上领先的专业展览会,从1970年开始,每年一届,在慕尼黑国际展览中心举行。该展约2000家国际参展商通过ispo munich 向来自100多个国家的80000多名观展展示与极限运动、传统运动和健身运动相关的最新产品。由德国慕尼黑国际博览会公司于1970年开始独家举办ispo慕尼黑展,作为全球第一的体育用品与时尚博览会,几十年来ispo一直保持良好的上升势头。ispo全球系列展:在德国慕尼黑举办的ispo、在中国北京举办的ispo china展,在德国慕尼黑举办的BIKE EXPO(国际自行车展)和Golf Europe (国际高尔夫运动贸易博览会)及在香港举办的亚洲运动用品采购展(Sports Source Asia)均已成为运动用品行业成功展会的典范。


      慕尼黑是欧洲体育运动用品出口加工区(Sports Source Europe)展的主要目的地: 随着国际运动/休闲用品的日益时尚化、生活化,短期潮流对运动用品市场的影响也日趋显著。根据对ispo参展商及观众的调查,越来越多拥有自主品牌的参展商及批发商建议展览会主办方针对整个欧洲市场举办独立的采购商展会,以帮助他们更高效、更全面地开拓市场和集中采购商品。 为适应国际体育用品市场的不断变化和更有针对性地服务于相关细分市场,慕尼黑国际博览会公司决定从2008年夏季展起,开始举办具有成熟市场的细分的独立展。目前举办的有欧洲运动用品采购展(Sports Source Europe)及国际跑步运动用品展(Running Order Show)。

      在慕尼黑本土ispo展的出口加工展区日益成熟及2007年在香港成功举办首届亚洲运动用品采购展(Sports Source Asia)之后,慕尼黑国际博览会公司为以欧洲为中心的体育用品产业打造一个独立的采购贸易展会平台—欧洲运动用品采购展(Sports Source Europe)--展览会简称:SSE,并率先进行其对体育用品展细分市场有针对性办展的尝试。该展会的参展商、展品来源将基于原慕尼黑ispo展的出口加工展区(sourcing hall),该展区在每年的ispo展中都占有20,000平方米的展览面积。

      展品范围(Show Products):



      展会报告(Show Report):

      ISPO Munich 2022: The leading international platform for sports convinces with a new concept

      Under the motto: "New Perspectives on Sports", the world's leading sports trade fair offered a host of product innovations, a prominent conference program and many well-known athletes as guests from November 28 to 30. 1,700 international exhibitors and around 40,000 trade visitors from 117 countries celebrated a successful reunion of the sports community with the restart of ISPO Munich at the Munich exhibition center.

      Sustainability and innovation were the top topics at the restart of ISPO Munich from November 28 to 30. It was clear to see there that within the sporting goods industry, the outdoor sector in particular is a pioneer when it comes to sustainability. And it’s not just about the innovative processing of environmentally friendly materials, but about the entire value chain, from the design to production and packaging. “Durability is the most important factor in sustainability,” as Rainer Gerstner, Senior Vice President Marketing at Schöffel, stressed at ISPO Munich, saying that it was up to the brands to make it clear to consumers that sustainability also costs more. Antje von Dewitz, CEO Vaude, added: “At the moment, sustainability is an add-on in the purchasing decision for most people.” She said, however, that this attitude was beginning to change especially in younger target groups.


      The focus was also on sustainable business practices in the award of the newly designed ISPO Cup, which was presented on the evening of the first day of the trade fair to Patagonia for outstanding social commitment. The company has already stood for decades for the fight against the climate and environmental crisis. Ryan Gellert, CEO Patagonia: “We are humbled and honored to receive the ISPO Cup for this work. As an industry built on a shared love of the natural world, this is the moment for us all to be bold in our activism, in reducing our footprint and in supporting those working to save our home planet.”

      It was clear to see that ISPO Munich has, in the meantime, become far more than just a product show for the sporting goods industry: It is the platform for driving forward partnerships, initiatives and innovations beyond the trade fair, and discussing current pressing issues. The ISPO Munich Conference therefore also kicked off on the first day of the trade fair with a panel on the future of winter sports in the face of climate change and energy shortage. All the participants agreed: Winter sports only have a future if they change and develop more sustainable approaches. Reto Aeschbacher, Chief Marketing Officer at Scott: “The last two years were a challenge for us all. Issues such as reconciling sustainability and innovation, and, especially for us, the decline in ski tourism, are a lasting concern for us. What ISPO Munich has shown us is that there are still many people who want to experience “nature” and are fans of winter sports, and that proves to us that there are opportunities and potential for giving the ski industry a boost again.”

      1,700 exhibitors from more than 50 countries

      Alongside the product innovations of the more than 1,700 exhibitors, ISPO Munich offered extensive insights at its November premiere into the entire ecosystem of the sports industry. Just under 90 percent of the exhibitors came from abroad, and a total of more than 50 countries were represented. The five countries with the most exhibitors were Germany, Italy, France, China and Taiwan. Around 20 percent of them were at ISPO Munich for the first time. The 40,000 trade visitors came from a total of 117 countries, and 73 percent of them were international guests. The top five participating countries were Germany, Italy, France, Great Britain and Austria.


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