

2023-01-13 20:411760
  • 日期:2023-11-22~2023-11-24
  • 城市:柏林
  • 展馆:柏林国际展览中心
  • 主办:德国ICWE国际展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
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      德国柏林国际在线教育与培训展览会(online Educa Berlin/OEB)是欧洲最大的在线学习交流峰会及教育展览会议,从1995年开始举办,一年一届,在柏林国际展览中心举行。online Educa Berlin会议聚集400多名发言人与来自100多个国家的2000多名参与者。online Educa为学习专业的创新解决方案,吸收新的思想提供了平台。




      OEB展会形成了会议的网络中心,并成为国际领先的国际教育技术、教育设备及教育用品等制造商、供应商、服务提供商和创业公司的主办方。其参展商的多样性是OEB的定义特点之一, 来自各种制造商、供应商和服务提供商的跨部门代表,这是任何希望与ICT支持的学习和培训领先全球参与者接触的重要目的地。

      展品范围(Show Products):



      展会报告(Show Reports):

      online Educa Berlin, the annual global, cross-sector conference and exhibition on digital learning and training since 1995,, which will take place in Berlin from 23-25 November, hosts the annual OEB Debate. It is a highly spirited, provocative, yet good humoured parliamentary-style Plenary session on a relevant and topical theme, which allows for a lively exchange of views as it brings two opposing sides to the stage. This year’s motion is "This House Believes Education Should Move to the metaverse".

      Will the metaverse enable more education for more people: an opportunity for greater democratisation in education, a fairer society, greater empowerment of peoples in hard-to-reach communities and societies, greater social mobilisation and more? Or will the metaverse cause more problems than it solves: perhaps leading to a more divided society for those who are 'connected' and those who are not; will it lead to greater social problems adding fuel to the technological challenges that society is already grappling with?

      Astrid Jaeger, OEB Event Director: “The metaverse has been described as the next evolution of the internet or Web 3.0. It offers an ‘extended reality,’ in which people can socialise, work and learn. Mark Zuckerberg, its most prominent champion, believes ‘the metaverse is the next chapter for the internet’. Do edtech professionals buy into this or do they see things differently?”

      “Is it the future for education – a brave, new, digital world where every experience is an immersive learning opportunity and students’ grades are higher than ever before? Or is it a dangerous distraction from the essential discipline and structure of traditional education?”

      At OEB 2022 the conference will debate the essential issues facing the future of education in the metaverse - its pros and its cons. At an important juncture in education, as the world recovers from pandemic and faces significant social and technological challenges, OEB will provide edtech professionals with the opportunity to help to shape the next phase of education and workplace learning.


  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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