

2023-03-30 18:463885
  • 日期:2024-02-10~2024-02-19
  • 城市:芝加哥
  • 展馆:芝加哥麦考密克广场展览中心
  • 主办:Chicago Automobile Trade Association
  • 展会详情
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      美国芝加哥国际汽车博览会(Chicago Auto Show)是全球最大的汽车展之一,芝加哥车展于1901年首次上演,是北美最大的车展,一年一届,每年二月份在芝加哥麦考密克广场(McCormick Place)举行,其举办次数超过了该大陆的任何其他汽车博览会。该展由芝加哥汽车贸易协会(CATA)组织,展览包括:多个世界和北美的介绍,全系列的国产和进口乘用车和卡车,运动型多功能车,以及实验车或概念车。总共将展出近1,000种不同的车辆。此外,与会者还将有机会看到众多配件和汽车相关展品,竞赛车辆和项目,古董车和经典收藏车。


      芝加哥车展在McCormick Place综合大楼的南北展厅中占地超过100万平方英尺。 McCormick Place提供总面积达270万平方英尺的展厅,另有700,000平方英尺的会议室供应。芝加哥车展于1901年首次上演,是北美最大的车展,其举办次数超过了该大陆的任何其他汽车博览会,2018年是芝加哥车展的第108届。




      芝加哥车展多年来,芝加哥车展上的亮点有:Corvette克尔维特(1953)的首次亮相;第二代Chevrolet Camaro雪佛兰卡马罗汽车,旁帝克火鸟(1970)首次亮相。坐落于巨大的McCormick中心,芝加哥车展不仅可以容纳好几打概念车和出厂车,并曾为克莱斯勒提供了一整条试车跑道。芝加哥车展重要新型汽车、经典收藏车和概念车的均会亮相。


      芝加哥车展在概念方面,芝加哥车展让我们一睹Honda Civic Si的风采:200马力,2.0升四缸发动机。 另一款领头概念车是Dodge Nitro SUV,底座与吉普自由人Jeep Liberty一样。虽然芝加哥车展规模稍小于底特律车展,但是它仍是一部分新型汽车的登台起点。芝加哥车展囊括了多个来自世界的新车的首次亮相,如丰田FJ酷路泽Toyota FJ Cruiser, 勤劳公羊道奇Dodge Mega Cab Ram,奔驰Mercedes-BenzS65 AMG 超级小轿车。凯迪拉克Cadillac展示了它最新的DTS轿车,别克Buick 首次展出其新型车,同样还有来自现代hyundai的概念车和来自水星Mercury的两款新车。




      展品范围(Show Products):

      新能源汽车、纯电动汽车、油电混合双引擎汽车;乘用车 / 小型巴士 / 特殊车辆(包括运输车、大篷车、救援拖车,小型客运车),两轮或三轮汽车 / 3.5吨以下拖车 / 模型车部件和零配件:引擎、发动机部件、动力传输部件、底盘部件、悬挂和减震部件、制动系统部件、转向系统部件、轮胎、车架部件和附件、内饰部件、灯光技术、电动与电子部件、连接件、软管、零配件、半成品、原材料等;检测、修理、维护和供应:检测器材、汽车店设备、工具、清洁产品等;交通运输:交通数据处理、汽车通讯、交通巡航系统等;防护服装(司机用)/ 报废车辆处理;汽车融资租赁服务。


      展会报告(Show Reports):

      First staged in 1901, the Chicago Auto Show is the largest auto show in North America and has been held more times than any other auto exposition on the continent. This year marks the 114th edition of the Chicago Auto Show.

      Held in McCormick Place South Building, the Chicago show features multiple world and North American Introductions and the complete range of domestic and imported passenger cars, trucks, sport-utility vehicles, minivans, and experimental and concept cars.

      In total, the 2022 Chicago Auto Show boasts nearly hundreds of different vehicles from 19 different manufacturers. In addition, you'll find numerous automotive accessories and auto-related exhibits, competition vehicles, project cars, antique and collector vehicles, and interactive exhibits.

      All Chicago Auto Show exhibits are held in the McCormick Place complex. Exhibitions include: multiple world and North American introductions; a complete range of domestic and imported passenger cars and trucks; sport utility vehicles; and experimental or concept cars. In total, nearly 1,000 different vehicles will be on display. Additionally, attendees will also have the opportunity to see numerous accessories and auto-related exhibits, competition vehicles and project, antique and collector cars.


      The Chicago Automobile Trade Association (CATA), Chicagoland's new-car dealer association continues to show their care and support to the community by sponsoring Versiti Blood Center of Illinois and A Safe Haven food drive at the 2023 Chicago Auto Show. Emblematic of the new-car dealer members’ dedication to the community, the Chicago Auto Show’s annual blood drive and food drive each resulted in remarkable success.

      Versiti’s 2023 Chicago Auto Show Dennis Buckley Memorial Blood Drive ran from February 11-20, during the public run of the show. Dennis Buckley, a former staff member of the Chicago Automobile Trade Association, helped lead the auto show and was a driving force behind the blood drives. After passing away from cancer in 2004, the blood drive was named in his honor. It continues as the largest annual blood drive in the state of Illinois.

      This year at the 2023 Chicago Auto Show, the Dennis Buckley Memorial Blood Drive collected an extraordinary 1,047 units of blood. Of the 928 people that registered, 658 of those individuals gave blood for the first time and 370 were diverse donors.

      “We see a lot of first-time donors at the auto show, said Amy Smith, Versiti’s Director of Donor Services Operations. “People are coming for the opportunity to look at the cars, but end up giving to a lifesaving mission while they are on the show floor.”

      “Out of all of our special event drives, we see the highest amount of first time and diverse donors that come through the auto show,” said Smith. “There is a great mix of diverse communities that come to the auto show and they tend to be the most giving.”

      Smith explains that diverse donors are crucial because Versiti “ensures the right blood types and matches as we look at rare patients that need blood in the Black and Brown communities. We are constantly in need of O-Positive and O-Negative types of blood, as only four percent of the Black and Brown communities are giving blood.”

      A Safe Haven Foundation helps Chicagoans experiencing homelessness become self-sufficient through housing, healthy lifestyles, and employment. The new-car dealers of the Chicago Automobile Trade Association recognize the importance of helping those in their communities. With that, the Chicago Auto Show partnered with A Safe Haven’s Community Food Pantry that distributes food to families in Chicago.

      From February 15 through the 17, individuals who brought three cans of food to the Chicago Auto Show received a coupon of $5 off a full-price adult ticket. All the food brought was donated to A Safe Haven and will be distributed to families five miles from McCormick Place. Through the kindness of attendees of the Chicago Auto Show, the amount of food collected doubled from last year. This year, seven gaylord boxes were filled to the top. This equates to four tons of food and provides nutritious meals to thousands of families in need.

      "A Safe Haven is grateful to the Chicago Automobile Trade Association for their sponsorship of the Chicago Auto Show Food Drive and their continued partnership in addressing the issue of hunger in our community, said Mark Mulroe, A Safe Haven’s president. “Each year, we receive thousands of canned goods to aid our pantry and other local food pantries in North Lawndale. This support helps us ensure that individuals and families experiencing homelessness and food insecurity have healthy meals and do not go hungry!”

      “I am so humbled to be part of a group of car dealers that takes pride in giving back to the community and for making all of this possible for more than two decades, said Kevin Keefe 2023 Chicago Auto Show chairman.


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