

2023-04-12 12:1411630
  • 日期:2025-03-24~2025-03-27
  • 城市:纽伦堡
  • 展馆:纽伦堡国际展览中心
  • 主办:纽伦堡国际展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
    • 18SZ图片处理

      德国纽伦堡欧洲国际涂料展览会(European Coatings SHOW/ECS)是国际上涂料、粘合剂、密封剂、建筑化学品等领先的贸易展览会,ECS展是欧洲涂料协会邀请全球涂料界了解最新的研究成果及工业发展的一次盛会,从1993年开始,两年一届,在德国纽伦堡国际展览中心举行。由德国纽伦堡国际展览公司同著名的涂料行业媒体Vincentz共同主办,该展目前已经发展为世界涂料行业规模最大的专业展览会。该展览会同美国涂料展(ACS)已经形成了覆盖美洲和欧洲的系列展,成为涂料行业最具影响力的品牌展览会。




      除了技术发展会议上涂料,粘合剂和密封剂,印刷油墨,生产工艺和建筑化学品,下面的特别会议将举行主题:“今日科技,涂料未来”!提供一个欣赏到先进的聚合物和材料科学在未来涂料的生产及存储系统。 将有两个会议提出的最新成果,欧盟的“AMBIO and NAPOLEON”项目 。 这些合作项目按行业和大学研究小组工作发展现代高性能的涂料系统。

      展会回顾:2015年参展企业1024家,观众人数28500名;2013年参展企业962家,观众人数26000;2011年的欧洲国际涂料展览会上,887家参展商吸引了来自100个国家的20,000名专业观众参加了展览会,展出面积55300平方米。其中中国企业121家,参展十分积极踊跃,该展览会已经成为我国涂料企业打入欧洲市场的一个重要机会。 2009年数字统计,该展会有来自42个国家和地区的806家生产、贸易厂商参加,展出面积达27490平方米。其中约687家参展商是来自法国以外的29个国家。中国有80多家企业参加了此展会。专业观众人数达到19756来自于100多个国家,行业主要来自原料、实验室设备、生产设备、检测和测量设备等。


      展品范围(Show Products):





      实验室及生产设备:调音台/挤出机,捏合机/米尔斯,三辊轧机及配件/工程/过滤器和过滤/水泵/计量装置,/输送系统/充填系统/包装/标签机/ /调色系统/筛分机和烧结厂/冷却器物流天平/管技术;


      应用:环境保护与安全工作 职业安全/集装箱清洗设备/ 废气处理/污水处理/溶剂回收;

      服务:软件,硬件/电子商务/培训和教育,资格/技术信息与出版/ 顾问/研发/合同制造。

      展会报告(Show Reports):

      2023 European Coatings Exhibition and Conference

      The paint and coating industry is cited in Nuremberg

      1017 exhibitors from 42 countries

      European Coatings Exhibition Challenging the Strike

      Product introduction: Keep track of your pulse in a timely manner

      The joy of meeting again after the 2023 world leading European Coating Exhibition and conference hall were forced to be suspended due to the coronavirus at the Nuremberg Expo. On Monday, March 27th, a nationwide public transportation warning strike almost paralyzed public life in Germany. However, all pavilions are filled with the enthusiasm of exhibitors and visitors. From March 28th to 30th, 24605 paint experts collected information on the latest trends in paint and coatings exhibited by 1017 exhibitors from 42 countries. The high-level meeting began on March 27th and received special attendance. The response of 730 participants was always positive.

      In eight exhibition halls, professional visitors from the paint and coatings industry were showcased with all the trends and innovations in industries such as coatings, inks, laboratory technology, production, testing or measurement, adhesives or building chemical materials. The focus is on sustainability, nanotechnology, or organic coatings: formulators, process engineers, quality managers, and buyers discover all the innovations in the entire coating market here.

      European Coatings Exhibition and ECS Conference Award

      At the start of the European Coatings Exhibition meeting on Monday, the national public transportation warning strike almost paralyzed public life. However, 730 attendees managed to arrive at the venue to participate in the high-quality solution of the two-day European Coatings Exhibition conference. It opened on March 27th and provided extensive knowledge transfer space for developers and engineers at 143 meetings. Outstanding speakers from over 40 countries provided interesting insights on a wide range of topics. Akzo Nobel's Wijnand Bruinsma opened with his keynote speech: "The Role of Painting and Coatings in a Sustainable Future". The climax of the conference was the awarding of the coveted European Coatings Exhibition Award. This year, Doctor. Hong Xu and his co authors, Cardolite USA and Cardolite China, won an award for their article titled "Pursuing Green - A Sustainable Novel Dilution based on CNSL, Designed for High Performance Low Noise Protective Coatings".

      The next meeting of the European Coatings Exhibition Conference will be held on March 24th and 25th, 2025.


  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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