

2023-04-25 11:182324
  • 日期:2023-09-12~2023-09-15
  • 城市:胡苏姆
  • 展馆:胡苏姆国际展览中心
  • 主办:胡苏姆国际展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
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      胡苏姆欧洲国际风能展览会(HUSUM WIND)是最重要的国际风能展览会,处于风能行业的领先水平,该展经过多年的发展如今是行业的领先者,是风能行业推动者和发起者们最重要的聚会场所。该展从1989年开始,两年一届在胡苏姆展览中心,为经销商和市场部门提供了使新的业务联系,巩固现有的联系人的最佳环境。 HUSUM Wind的贸易目标是乐观的,快乐的气氛,和感染力作为主要交易驱使,并提出总结成功的项目,最好的基础。

      HUSUM WIND两年一届的欧洲风能展会来访的均是全世界风电同行,展会规模和参加展览的人数与其它同类展会相比在规模和参加人数上不及,但到访的与会人员都为专业人士。展商来自以下行业:风力涡轮机制造商,组件供应商,涡轮机运营商,金融服务,保险公司,项目规划者和开发商,公用事业公司,服务提供商,电网运营商和电网工程供应商,存储解决方案提供商,行业协会和组织,离岸 专家,研究和教育机构,安全专家和PPE制造商,物流企业,服务和维护公司,以及所有相关领域的创新者。


      胡苏姆位于风力发电行业摇篮北弗里西亚中部,HUSUM Wind一直不仅仅是一个贸易展览会,胡苏姆的气氛、大会和特别活动,都是以特殊的胡苏姆精神结合在一起,使之如此独特。每个人都在这里感受到这种商业和会议的结合,总是有决策和能量的回报。组织方邀请您参加德国风电行业最重要的贸易展览会,并亲身体验HUSUM Wind特别精神。

      展品范围(Show Products):



      展会报告(Show Reports):

      HUSUM WIND is the most important themed renewable energy industry show for the German market. Originating from Germany’s first national wind energy fair in 1989, it has grown to encompass all players and segments in the field of renewable energy. onshore and offshore wind power, green hydrogen, sectoral linking, and storage technologies, as well as digitalisation, recycling & repowering, and the associated financing infrastructure, are the focus of this trade show with its tradition of innovation. Domestic and international exhibitors and visitors spanning the entire range of the value chain involved in transforming the energy systems will be meeting in Husum from 12-15 September 2023. HUSUM WIND showcases both established companies and start-up ventures in a bid to advance the future of technological change and promote networking, and – in good HUSUM WIND tradition – to generate business deals.

      The onshore and offshore wind energy sector is the backbone of the energy transition and the focus of the German federal government’s plans to expand renewable energy production. HUSUM WIND, hosted in the heart of Germany’s biggest wind park network between the North Sea and the Baltic, provides all wind industry players with a unique platform that is characterized by practical relevance and networks built over decades, as well as a personable atmosphere.

      A key factor in achieving the energy transition is the availability of green hydrogen, which will help transform Germany’s biggest CO2 emitters into more climate-friendly operations. HUSUM WIND showcases innovative companies and provides first-rate networking opportunities in the heart of Germany’s leading model region for wind and hydrogen. It is the region where the first real-life energy transition laboratory is coming on line, and a consortium is implementing what is currently the country’s most extensive hydrogen mobility project.

      600 Exhibitors, 15.000 Visitors, 55 Nations


  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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