

2023-05-12 15:522314
  • 日期:2024-03-12~2024-03-14
  • 城市:科隆
  • 展馆:科隆国际展览中心
  • 主办:德国MESAGO展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
    • 18SZ图片处理

      欧洲国际电磁兼容技术展览会EMV是欧洲规模较大的电磁兼容技术展览会,在国际上较具影响力和权威性的电磁兼容展览会,从1998年开始,一年一届,在德国杜塞尔多夫、斯图加特、科隆轮流举办。EMV参展商 - 主要来自欧洲,美国和亚洲公司 - EMC应用为例,展览主题:组装和电子生产,自动化技术,汽车电子,驱动器技术,车辆的EMC,EMC测试,电子迁移率,ESD保护,过滤器和过滤组件,智能楼宇/家,IT/数据技术,防雷和过电压保护,机电一体化,医学技术,服务及其他,屏蔽,模拟(软件和研究机构) ,电信及其它。




      EMV展是一个主题明确的展览活动、是行业内必须的参展的活动!它提供了一个企业对电磁兼容性问题存在不同看法的框架报告,促进信息与相关国际和区域公司的交流。 电容行业正面临着通过新技术和目前的规范许多挑战,作为EMV参展商已经展示了相应的解决方案,并讨论新的项目。




      展品范围(Show Products):


      2、雷击及过电压保护:防静电服装、防静电材料、防静电包装、涂料,防静电、避雷器,防雷、防雷技术、ESD保护的EMI +通过塑料箱和零件 、电磁脉冲,发电机、电磁脉冲,模拟器、浪涌发生器、防护服、护具,防静电、暂态信号发生器 、瞬态测量设备 、浪涌避雷器气体、过压保护;

      3、EMC服务:咨询及测试、计算机辅助EMC测量、校准、电磁脉冲模、拟及影响评价、印制电路板设计,EMC相关、电磁兼容检测实验室、辐射危害测量、屏蔽罩设计,测试、保税区/ VDE认证/ FZZ应用、电磁兼容咨询建筑物的电力装置设计、设施设计与施工 、现场调查、暴风雨、测试设备,校准、测试设备租赁和租赁、测试设备,维修、VDE认证测试中心、规例的研究;

      4、EMV培训标准和培训机构:EMC / EMI的相关书籍 、文学,技术 、互联网,EMC公司、研讨会 、训练EMC / ESD认证/电磁脉冲/暴风雨/ VDE认证/ CISPR ;


      6、过滤器和过滤器组件:有源滤波器、铅通过过滤器 、电容器,套管 、过滤器,单电源电路和三个阶段 、EMI滤波器 、P.C.B.过滤器 、屏蔽室用滤波器 、过滤器,舱 、微波滤波器 、干扰抑制滤波器、电源线滤波器、信号线滤波器、专用过滤器、电容器,稳定 、限流二极管 、电容器,真空 、压敏电阻器 、电阻器 ;

      7、电缆和连接器:整流圈,滤波器 、电缆组件及线束,屏蔽 、电缆测量段、EMC的电缆保护管系统 、EMC电缆固定头 、连接器的全方位学习 、编织带,电缆,电线,屏蔽 、线圈,滤波器 、连接器,滤波 、连接器,屏蔽、连接系统,EMC与保护、光纤系统 ;

      8、导电材料:胶带,导电(压敏胶)、涂料,导电、机柜,导电塑料、胶粘剂,导电、塑料导电涂层柜、导电工作场所设备、导电衬垫,环氧树脂和弹性体、导电材料 - 纤维,填料,薄片,纱线等 、润滑剂;

      9、测量和测试工程:吸收剂、减振器夹钳,CISPR 、电磁兼容分析,工具 、去耦网络、EMC的连接技术 、自动测试仪,药敏 、突发发电机 、控制器 、阻尼元件 、唱盘 、耦合网络 、电磁脉冲试验安装免疫 、电磁兼容测试中心 、电磁兼容,测试,系统 、电磁兼容,设备 、电力馈入 、地球(地面)电阻测试仪 、静电放电发生器 、探头,电场 、光纤光学测量系统 、软件,现场计算 、闪烁分析仪 、无线电设备 - 设施 、无线电干扰仪 、无线传输系统 、GTEM室细胞 、亥姆霍兹线圈 、高频 - 发电机 、雄风检漏仪 、高频 - 部件,设备,系统 、高频 - 组件 、氢氟酸 - 功率放大器 、检测设备和警报系统 、海沃放映大厅、阻抗表 、脉冲发生器、恒压稳压器、耦合/去耦网络 、线路阻抗稳定网络(LISNs) 、功率放大器 、磁场探头 、测量设备、接收器 、米传导干扰、场强场的“E”和“H”,静态电荷 、仪表,辐射危害 、测量技术 、传感器夹、电阻器、微波组件、发电机,核爆电磁脉冲、核爆电磁脉冲,模拟器 、线路阻抗稳定网络(LISN)、谐波表 、光电电子耦合器 、示波器 、定位系统 、定向耦合器 、信号发生器,信号仿真 、供电系统 、模拟器,静电放电 、EMC相关(克劳福德细胞)软件,免疫检测 、探头,辐射危害 、电压探头 、分析仪,频谱 、统计峰值检测器和分析仪 、接收器,风暴 、暴风雨测试设备、暴风雨抑制产品 、透射电子显微镜,细胞 、电容器、测试单元,变速箱类型(克劳福德细胞)、变压器,音频犯罪嫌疑人、不间断电源系统 ;

      10、屏蔽:屏蔽元素、屏蔽小屋、屏蔽材料、组件载体、容器,屏蔽、涂料,吸波、涂料,干扰保护、底盘,案例和罐头、垫片,屏蔽磁场、箔,屏蔽胶带 、机柜,建筑物屏蔽、屏蔽室、引擎盖,垫片,屏蔽高频、氢氟酸- Shieldings、氢氟酸 - 垫片、氢氟酸 - 屏蔽小屋、高频 - 塑料机柜屏蔽、手指带 、空气过滤器,磁屏蔽、后壳,屏蔽组件、消声材料、电波暗室、筛选子组件 、屏蔽材料 、屏蔽透明视窗、机柜和外壳、屏蔽变压器;



      展会报告(Show Reports):

      Since the end of the 80s, the international EMV trade fair with conference and practice-oriented workshops has developed into one of the most important platforms for the EMC-community. Under the headline "Creating a compatible future", the event offers a comprehensive overview of the latest products and developments in the industry and is held alternately in Cologne or Stuttgart.

      116 exhibitors presented their products and services on an area of 4,345 sqm during EMV in Stuttgart 2023, which was attended by a total of 2,571 visitors.

      There were also 40 speakers who held 32 workshops, that were well attended with 845 workshop bookings.


      once again the EMV 2023 demonstrated that electromagnetic compatibility is an essential topic. With new and more diverse areas of application such as electromobility and renewable energies, current challenges are rising for the EMC industry. At the trade fair, expert visitors and workshop participants had the opportunity to exchange ideas with experts on these and other issues.

      In addition, around 2,600 visitors were able to obtain information from 116 national and international exhibitors on topics such as measuring equipment, EMC test service providers, equipment for EMC rooms, simulation software and shielding materials on an exhibition area of more than 4,300 m².

      Key players in the industry such as AMETEK, Rohde & Schwarz, Phoenix Testlab or Frankonia were present to showcase their products at the industry hotspot for electromagnetic compatibility.

      New and familiar formats to increase knowledge

      There were some new program highlights at the trade forum this year. In addition to the exhibitors' product presentations, the event featured Special Sessions.

      The "Ask the Experts" format offered visitors the opportunity to get answers to their individual technical questions on the topic of "EMC simulations" from four experts on the stage.

      A further new highlight was a discussion forum focusing on the topic of "Radio protection & charging - coexistence of electromobility and radio services".

      With a total of nearly 850 registrations, participants showed a high level of interest in the 32 workshops on offer. These workshops focused on expert knowledge from basic topics to specific applications of electromagnetic compatibility.

      The following workshops were especially popular among the visitors:

      Strategies for analyzing emissions problems at the device and board level, Sven König, Langer EMV-Technik GmbH 

      EMC filters, design, applications and tricks, Prof. Dr. Frank Leferink, University of Twente

      EMV von Hochvoltsystemen in Elektrofahrzeugen, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Richter, Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau

      Professor dr. Ir. Ing. Frank B.J. Leferink, Speaker at the EMV, Special Professor of the University of Twente and Technical Authority Electromagnetic Compatibility System Engineering at Thales emphasizes: “The EMV event is the only event in the world that focuses on the transfer of knowledge, especially leaning towards industry. This is a highly valuable exchange for all experts in the field regardless of whether they are newcomers in the field or experienced professionals - everyone can benefit from the unique offering of workshops and exhibition here”.

      Together into the future

      Young professionals particularly enjoyed the opportunity of meeting potential employers. The "Career Day" included a guided tour across the trade fair as well as professional career advice.

      "We are very pleased that the overall concept of the event excited the EMC community so much. once again the great response makes it clear to us how important it is to offer this platform and bring together the experts in the industry and enable professional exchange," concluded Petra Haarburger, President Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH.

      Next year, the EMV - international trade fair with accompanying Congress for Electromagnetic Compatibility - will take place in Cologne from 12 - 14 March 2024.


  • 姓名:Angela
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