

2023-05-23 18:312413
  • 日期:2024-04-09~2024-04-11
  • 城市:柏林
  • 展馆:柏林国际展览中心
  • 主办:柏林国际展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
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      该展经过11年的发展后,原名称conhIT (Connecting Healthcare IT)-连接医疗IT技术展是欧洲最大的医疗IT行业盛会,取了一个新名称:DMEA(Digital Medical Expertise & Applications-数字医疗专业知识和应用)。新标题反映了吸引医疗行业新专家和受众的战略举措。在未来,目标是反映整个供应链,包括整个过程中的每个过程。

      该展的传统与创新 - 是成功未来的基础:DMEA希望保留conhIT的成功概念,逐步成为代表现在和未来所有医疗保健系统中所有感兴趣的数字领域的平台。贸易博览会,学院和国会以及众多网络活动的久经考验的组合仍然存在。个别领域希望在更大的论坛中做好准备,以获得创新的想法和关于专业主题的辩论。

      DMEA - 数字医疗专业知识和应用:DMEA宣布的目标是促进各院系和部门之间的数字联网,并在此过程中解决相关的新受众问题。数字化转型正日益影响着护理部门,常驻医生,医院医生以及希望通过创新产品和服务进入医疗保健行业的公司。 DMEA的贸易展览会,学术会议,大会和社交活动需要更多个性化的方式。在同一个足够的空间寻求提供人工智能和区块链等热门话题。

      conhIT展会的主题是直接贸易观众和新的产品及解决方案展示在conhIT。 解决方案的讨论会还将在一些医院附近举办,在那里参观者将能看到它的解决方案在实践工作中的应用。


      展品范围(Show Products):


      展会报告(Show Reports):

      DMEA 2023 concluded yesterday with a significant increase in attendees. In his keynote speech opening the event, Federal Minister of Health and patron of DMEA Prof. Dr. Karl Lauterbach described the next steps for digitalising the healthcare system.

      More than 16,000 visitors, over 700 exhibitors and 300 speakers from Germany and around the world – after three days DMEA, Europe’s leading event for digital health, came to a successful conclusion. Attendance at DMEA rose significantly again, marking an increase of almost 50 per cent over last year’s event.

      From 25 to 27 April everyone with an interest in driving the digital transformation in the healthcare system gathered on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds. Federal Minister of Health and patron of DMEA Prof. Dr. Karl Lauterbach opened the event: “We live in fast-changing times, which is why an opportunity for discussion such as this is so important. I am delighted to be acting as patron of DMEA again and in particular to be able to present you with something I had announced a year ago in this very place, namely our digitalisation strategy. Digital solutions are indispensable for driving Germany’s economic growth.“

      In his keynote speech Lauterbach talked about further concrete steps on the way to digitalising the healthcare system. Following the March presentation of the digitalisation strategy for the healthcare system and nursing care, it is intended that the electronic patient file (ePA) will become standard and that by providing detailed information it will gain the trust of users. The aim is that by 2025 80 per cent of patients will be using the ePA and that ePrescriptions will become the norm. There are plans to introduce a Medical Messenger as early as this year, which medical professionals can use for secure communications.

      Melanie Wendling, Managing Director, German Association of Health IT Vendors – bvitg e. V., the holders of DMEA: “Why look further afield when all that is good is nearby! DMEA has no reason to feel upstaged by HIMMS and nobody needs to travel to Israel or northern Europe to find out about the sensible, user-friendly and cross-sectoral digital transformation also taking place in the German healthcare system.“

      Dirk Hoffmann, CEO, Messe Berlin: “An approximately 30 per cent increase in exhibitors and almost 50 per cent more visitors than before the pandemic – that sends a clear message and confirms DMEA’s role as one of Europe’s leading events for digital health. DMEA is the ideal platform for exchanging views, obtaining information and networking here in Berlin, which is one of the world’s leading locations for healthcare business.“

      In terms of topics DMEA reflects all aspects of digital health – ranging from the electronic patient file, ePrescriptions, AI, the telematics infrastructure, digital health applications, data protection, health data usage and green IT to interoperability and IT security.

      DMEA sparks, the format for young professionals, placed an even greater focus on careers, newcomers and sustainability, three important topics. Students, graduates and young professionals were able to make contact with established companies, universities and hospital IT departments, and employers were able to get to know prospective employees.

      The next DMEA will take place from 09 to 11 April 2024. 

      DMEA is Europe’s leading event for health IT which gathers decision-makers from every area of the healthcare sector – including IT specialists, physicians, hospital and nursing care executives as well as experts from politics, science and research.

      Every year, the DMEA dedicates a separate program to the central topic of "young talent and careers".

      2022, the DMEA was able to achieve an increase in visitors: More than 11,000 trade visitors attended DMEA - plus over 500 exhibitors and 300 national and international speakers.

      In 2020 and 2021, the DMEA could only take place digitally due the pandemic. In 2021, more than 4.000 participants registered for the digital version of DMEA, and around 2.500 viewers watched the program items every day.

      The DMEA is organized by the Bundesverband Gesundheits-IT - bvitg e.V. (Federal Association for Health IT) and is hosted by Messe Berlin GmbH. The DMEA is also organized in cooperation with the industry associations GMDS (German Society for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology) e.V., BVMI (Professional Association of Medical Informatics) e.V. and with the content-related participation of KH-IT (Federal Association of Hospital IT Managers) e.V. and CIO-UK (Chief Information Officers - University Hospitals).


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