

2024-06-17 16:112205
  • 日期:2025-04-27~2025-04-29
  • 城市:圣保罗
  • 展馆:巴西圣保罗国际展览中心
  • 主办:科隆国际展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
    • 18SZ图片处理

      巴西国际婴幼儿用品展览会(Pueri Expo)是拉丁美洲最大的优质婴儿和儿童产品交易会,该展从2018年开始,一年一届,在巴西圣保罗国际展览中心举行。该展与同期举行的FIT展,汇集了巴西和国际相关制造商以及整个南美地区的买家和零售商。展品涉及范围:玩具,装饰,家具,轻度儿童保育,托儿工作等。


      Pueri Expo是唯一一个将儿童世界爱好者团结在一起的独家交易会,汇集了来自全国各地的店主和零售商,他们带来了轻量化和重量化育儿的趋势。我们的使命是提供一个充满活力和鼓舞人心的空间,让富有创造力和创新精神的人能够在这里探索、讨论和实现涉及关爱和幸福的一切。在充满活力和丰富的氛围中,Pueri Expo是知名和新兴品牌展示其卓越产品的地方,从汽车座椅到婴儿护理。


      Pueri Expo观众包括:专业从事大型杂志、精品店、百货公司、零售商、玩具店和装饰品、儿童用品店、家具店、制造商、批发商和区域分销商、进口商、出口商、销售代表、电子商务、协会和媒体。


      通过参加Pueri Expo,您将有机会沉浸在一个促进高质量网络和丰富学习的环境中。我们的参展商带来了各种各样的产品,从玩具和家具到创新技术和日常生活的实用解决方案。此外,我们还提供由行业专家举办的一系列讲座和研讨会,分享宝贵的见解,推动市场增长。加入我们的这段激动人心的旅程,我们将探索育儿方面的新事物和令人兴奋的事物。


      展品范围(Show Products):

      玩具,装饰,家具,轻度儿童保育,托儿工作;婴儿车,童车,慢跑车,运载系统及配件,儿童汽车座椅,其他汽车安全产品,家具和家居用品,家用纺织品,室内外安全用品,婴儿和儿童时尚,孕妇装,玩具和游戏按年龄组 儿童/多媒体电子和声音玩具和游戏,幼儿园用品,户外玩具,娃娃,布,毛圈布,可爱玩具,塑料玩具,学习,阅读,多媒体,婴儿保健,母亲 - 保健, 食品和饮料,学校用品,媒体,协助,服务提供商,服务,产品安全和认证。


      展会报告(Show Report):

      More than 160 hours of content with fashion shows and trend forum Exclusive matchmaking for buyers and exhibitors Expressive numbers in business generated during the 4 days event 

      The newest edition of the largest and most complete event of the childcare products and children wear sector in Latin America ended on Saturday, 28 May. The event received 9,571 buyers from all over Brazil and more than 24 countries. Visitors were able to see first hand all the launches presented by 202 exhibiting brands in an area of 14,000 sqm. 

      Tree years after the last edition, the event had its long-awaited return, which marked the new cycle of the children´s sector with trends, novelties, and high-level meetings. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the market underwent significant changes, owing mostly to the challenges associated with the isolation period and the uncertainties that resulted. As such, the organization recognizes the enormous significance of this event in relation to the re-start of the entire kids’ products sector. “With its network of trade fairs for the premium baby and children segment, Koelnmesse offers the industry unique access to important and attractive markets around the world. With its once again successful event in São Paulo, FIT 0/16 and Pueri Expo 2022 has shown that it is further expanding its leading role in Latin America”, says Mr. Gerald Böse, President and Chief Executive Officer of Koelnmesse GmbH. 

      In general, business trade fairs correspond to 4.6% of the national GDP – a very expressive number for the Brazilian economy. “Trade fairs are a great opportunity for exhibitors and shop keepers to do business. We are deeply satisfied with this return and its results after two long years off due to the pandemic. The quality of buyers who visited the fairs impressed me and the exhibitors a lot”, says Jonathan Tadayuki, Project Manager. 


      Despite everything, the trade fairs attracted an extremely qualified audience. Among the visitors, 61% were shopkeepers, 10% manufactures and 6% distributors. 

      The great majority of visitors came from Southeast Brazil summing to 65% of the total, followed by the ones from Northeast, South and North regions. 

      The event had more than 160 hours of dedicated content and special attractions, like trend forum and consulting with big names like: Nancy Fukuda, mentor and expert in sales, Enrico Cietta from Diomedea, Cristhian Bernardes, CEO of Hug, among others. One of the novelties implemented were the Matchmaking sessions with national and international buyers, which were created to foment sales and strength the growth of the children´ sector, which resulted in a business volume during the event of more than 2,2 million BRL. 

      According to the buyers, the Matchmaking were identified as a differential in this edition. “There are large companies that can provide services to all Latin America and can have a good business result by buying in Brazil, since we have an open trade in my country (Costa Rica). The event brought great novelties and quality, and most of these brands export”, says Carla Plascencia, from Bebe Mundo. 

      Both exhibiting brands and qualified buyers were excited to improve and increase their businesses. “We’re importer and distributor of baby and childcare products and this is our first time visiting the fairs in São Paulo. We’ve found an organised space for visitors and exhibitors. I’ve enjoyed meeting new brands and products, since the Brazilian market is so rich and brings a lot of novelties,” explains the Argentinean Daniel Bercovich, from Baby Company.

      As a strategy to attrac more attention from the public, the fairs worked in collaborations with relevant experts and market celebrities, such as Talu Concept, the former Brazilian Olympic athletes Bia and Bianca Feres, Ms. Kika Sato and Karina Sato, and Fernanda Floret, among others. But these are just a few of the stars who passed by the event. 

      At the most charming and colourful catwalk surrounded by exhibitors and visitors, the greatest brands presented their collections. The fashion show included Tempo de Criança showing its brand Luluzinha in collab with PatBo, Brascol Group launching Kookabu and the NGO Cerzinho. Along with, Daloá Moda Infantil, NGO Florescer, Yo Love Yo and ASCAP (a hub of companies named Polo de Pernambuco) closed the fashion show with the brands: Kadikê, evalyn, Mapping, Gang’ Boy, ABeC, Lêmore, Estilo de Ser Kids, Eliel Baby, Trenzinho Feliz, Peixote Kids, ondas Kids, Pequenos Mimos e Leinad Kids. 

      The fashion show also featured the exclusive curatorship of Harper’s Bazaar Kids Magazine, which was celebrating 10 years of history and brought big names to attend the fashion shows. The FIT Fashion Collection presented the latest trends of the upcoming Spring-Summer season throughout an event full of charm. To top it off, they celebrated the magazine’s anniversary with a fully dynamic fashion show that brought the models from its covers to pass through the streets of the pavilion. All this with the special participation of DJ Samantha Era playing between the breaks of the fashion show. 


      Among all this the Organizer also held the second edition of the Pueri Trends contest, a space dedicated to the exhibition of the 12 most innovative products in the fair, which guaranteed an award on the very first day of the event. A curationship by Talu Concept and its team decided and the awarded were: Mastela with Ibimboo, Angie Oral Care, Lolly Baby, Nanobebe from Brasgroup, Turminha Guará from Semaan, MAM, Planer Bros Kids, Thule, Skip Hop from Bup Baby, Sophie la Girafe from Oásis importadora and Joie from Singular Baby. 

      Another differential of this edition was the F+P Solutions concept store, which presented the most diverse solutions directed to the clothing and footwear retail. Thus serving as an auxiliary tool for hundreds of shopkeepers and visitors to get to know and understand the ways of managing sales and delivery with the help of technology. Complementing the novelties of this edition, the FIT 0/16 Mini Casa was created, with six spaces inspired by the original Casa of Minimundo Agency. Visitors were able to get a closer look at the immersive experience of the children’s universe with 100% Brazilian brands that value playfulness and well-being. 

      According to the exhibitors, the fairs were a reunion with their clients and the moment to create new relationships. “The coolest thing was to see our clients again, as the majority of them we haven’t seen since the last fair. In this resumption we were able to listen to what the client is going through, as well as understand their moment. That was very positive for new clients, as we opened great possibilities,” says Regina Manasieva, Commercial Director from ABC Design. Many brands took advantage of the fair to launch products that were created through collabs with other brands. “The fair exceeded our expectations, our launch was the result of a collaboration with PatBo, which brought the essence of Minas Gerais in a mother and daughter collection with emphasis on embroidery work. It was a moment to reactivate several contacts and achieve our goals, in two days our growth was 300% and we had over BRL 1 million in sales with national buyers and from all over Latin America”, reveals André Macedo, Commercial Manager of Tempo de Criança Group. 

      Many business prospects were created during the event’s four days. “In this post-pandemic return, the feeling is that we achieved our goal even before the end of the fair. In the first two days we already made a lot of contact with new customers and had a moment of making two sales at the same counter. This was very good to celebrate Fofinho’s 50 years of existence,” says Matheus Leme, Commercial and Marketing Manager of Fofinho Baby Fashion. 

      This edition positively surprised the exhibitors, since the resumption of the fairs was a bet. “We felt a safer and more mature market after these two years of pandemic. Shopkeepers and visitors came here wanting to see new things. So, it was an opportunity to see many customers again and make new ones. We also received people from many parts of the country such as North, Midwest and South of Brazil. As always, it is hard work, but it was very worthwhile to be part of this edition,” says Ana Carolina Itzaina, Partner-director of Oásis importadora. 

      Despite the market and economic uncertainty, exhibitors believed in the fairs’ potential. “We had low expectations, as we didn’t know if the public would show up, so we were pleasantly surprised. It was much better than expected! We received many new customers and many people from outside São Paulo. This was the best fair we have ever participated in,” completes Rafael Susyn, Marketing and Sales Control of Ibimboo. 

      “After three years without fairs, both the organization and the exhibitors were surprised by the outcome; we are already excited and can’t wait for the next edition.” says Jonathan Tadayuki, Project Manager of Koelnmesse Brazil, organizer of the trade fairs.


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