

2024-06-17 17:352209
  • 日期:2026-04-15~2026-04-16
  • 城市:柏林
  • 展馆:柏林国际展览中心
  • 主办:柏林国际展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
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      德国柏林国际巴士及服务展览会(BUS2BUS)是以公共汽车及配件、运营及服务管理为主的专业展览会,该展从2017年开始,两年一届,在柏林国际展览中心举行。该展适用于所有提供或寻找行业新事物的人。 作为BUS2BUS的中心聚会点,该展会重点关注现代公交车的各个方面。 毗邻展览区,巴士可以“现场”观看和测试。该展同时举行公共交通行业的会议研讨及未来交通论坛活动,来自全球行业的领先企业及业界人士参与。

      BUS2BUS的目标是帮助提升公交行业进入数字时代。 展览中的创业区为贸易展览参观者,公交运营商,汽车制造商,数字化人士和创业公司之间的沟通和潜在合作提供了平台。

      BUS2BUS 作为两个交易会的组织者,柏林展览公司为公共交通行业及其供应商提供广泛的商业机会。为公交行业提供前瞻性的平台。该活动涵盖该行业的每个部门,包括长途旅行市场和公共交通巴士。

      BUS2BUS的口号是“下一站 - 未来”,来自21个国家的1,300多名专业观众参加了此次活动。共有来自13个国家的73家参展商展示了他们的产品,服务和解决方案。BUS2BUS占地面积超过10,000米,贸易观众可以期待在BUS2BUS尝试和测试熟悉的格式,包括未来论坛、会议和贸易展览会以及更多的参展商。

      该活动举行的会议由德国领先的行业组织,拥有近3,000家巴士运输公司,与柏林的BUS2BUS一起举办成立的大会。其特点:所有最新行业问题的热门论坛;战略,趋势和未来主题的平台; 超过500名参与者;与BUS2BUS共享网络和创新。

      展品范围(Show Products):





      维护、服务、基础设施:充电基础设施,咨询服务, 保险维护,供应和处置,车辆包裹,洗涤设施,车身设备,其他;



      展会报告(Show Reports):

      The event for the German and European bus and supplier industry brought together over 2.400 top-class participants from 39 countries with around 140 exhibitors from 20 countries. The BUS2BUS 2024, the one on 24. and 25. April took place at the Berlin exhibition grounds, draws a positive balance and reports a decent increase in visitors. Under the motto "The future is our driving force! More than 2.400 participants from 39-countries informed themselves about the future topics of the bus industry. The focus was on topics such as the mobility transition, AI and the future of bus tourism. 700 industry representatives were guests at the sold-out Future Night – the networking event of BUS2BUS at the end of the first day of the fair.

      The fourth edition of BUS2BUS can report a growth in all relevant key figures: the exhibition area has grown, the number of exhibitors has risen by 40 percent and the number of participants has risen by 20 percent.

      A trade fair hall with buses from different manufacturers and trade visitors of BUS2BUS who are talking to each other.

      According to preliminary results, the BUS2BUS concept as a triad of trade fair, program and digital industry platform is extremely well received by both visitors and exhibitors and is rated positively over 90% in each case.

      Overall, 2024 also showed a high level of participant satisfaction: Around 90% of the visitors surveyed were (very) satisfied with the event as a whole and with BUS2BUS as a platform for innovations and new business. Almost as many would visit BUS2BUS again in the future and rate their business results positively. Even before establishing new business contacts, networking is the most important visit destination; This has also been achieved to a large extent.

      More than 70% of the exhibitors present a new product or further development at their stand this year. Accordingly, five out of six exhibitors surveyed each consider BUS2BUS suitable for the presentation of novelties and innovations and certify its suitability as an innovation platform on the German market.

      The next BUSBUS will be on 15. and 16. April 2026.


  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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