

2024-07-02 12:011784
  • 日期:2025-06-06~2025-06-09
  • 城市:拉斯维加斯
  • 展馆:拉斯维加斯金沙展览中心
  • 主办:英国励展博览集团有限公司
  • 展会详情
    • 18SZ图片处理

      美国拉斯维加斯国际珠宝及首饰展览会(JCK Trade Show /JCK Las Vegas)是全球最大的珠宝、首饰及配件贸易展览会之一,该展是珠宝行业不能错过的三大盛事之一,该展由REED集团主办,从1991年开始,一年一届,在拉斯维加斯举行。作为国际知名的珠宝专业展览,美国拉斯维加斯国际珠宝展览会JCK汇集了国际知名的珠宝品牌,并吸引着世界各地的专业买家光临,成为珠宝商拓展国际业务、树立品牌形象以及寻求国际合作的绝佳平台。


      JCK拉斯维加斯(JCK Las Vegas)是每年6月初在著名的赌城拉斯维加斯举办珠宝行业展览,是世界规模最大、影响最广泛的综合性珠宝行业展会之一。每届均有超过2500多家参展商,专业观众达到6万多人,来自100多个国家和地区,包括中国、意大利、印度、比利时、以色列、泰国、韩国、日本及欧洲其他国家地区的展商也同台展示,使拉斯维加斯珠宝展赚尽了世人的关注。


      JCK Trade Show品牌展每年还会在纽约、迈阿密、图森等举行珠宝展,与该展同期举行的还有珠宝设计展(LUXURY)、瑞士手表展(SWISS WATCH)、珠宝交易展(JIS EXCHANGE)三个子展,是JCK展的最佳配展,让参与者可如愿实现寻找货源、欣赏、再加购买。全球的珠宝行业不能错过的三大顶级展会分别是三大顶级展会分别是JCK拉斯维加斯(JCK Las Vegas)、维琴察、巴塞尔(baseL WORLD)。


      拉斯维加斯JCK展是发现新的和新的下一个在珠宝首饰市场的目的地,拉斯维加斯JCK展是北美最全面和创新的珠宝购买目的地,以发现新的和新的珠宝市场。在这里发现一个无与伦比的个性化商务体验,你不会找到任何其他地方通过:获得超过23,000合格的国内和国际买家,超过9,000家珠宝店和600多家主要部门和连锁店的买家,从刊物W、ELLE、Harper's Bazaar、Marie Claire、InStyle、Lucky、O等等获得消费者编辑,70多个行业活动和20多个教育会议,托管零售商计划 - 让您访问下一代零售商,包括时尚,精品,百货公司和设计和画廊。




      展品范围(Show Products):



      展会报告(Show Report):

      Norwalk, CT (June 6, 2024) – JCK, solidifying its position as the most important global gathering for the jewelry trade, concludes its 2024 edition on a high note. Considered the “Super Bowl” of the jewelry industry, JCK continues to set the tone, the trends, and the mood for the jewelry industry for the year to come.

      30,000 industry professionals from all facets of the jewelry industry joined JCK and Luxury for a week of product sourcing, education, and networking. The industry continued to gather under one roof with over 17,300 attendees and over 1,900 exhibitors in over 20 different neighborhoods at The Venetian and The Venetian Expo for JCK from May 31 – June 3, with the AGTA and GEMS pavilion, the Hong Kong pavilion and JCK Talks opening a day earlier on May 30. Luxury welcomed retailers from May 29 – June 3 and was open exclusively to invited retailers on May 29 and May 30.

      "This year’s JCK was another that surpassed all expectations,” says Sarin Bachmann, Group Vice President of RX’s jewelry portfolio and event leader for JCK. “Even in times when there is uncertainty in the jewelry industry, JCK proves once again to be the place the entire industry gathers to source products, unveil new technologies and strategies, learn, discuss, network and place orders for the rest of the selling season. There was a noticeable shift in the energy of the industry once they arrived at JCK and Luxury and the enthusiasm on the show floor prevailed and left the industry on a very positive note.”

      Continuing to make JCK the safest and most secure place to do business was a key feature at this year’s show. Raising the bar again, JCK added additional qualification measures for every individual attendee. once at the show, stepped up measures including badge scanning validation at each entrance and weapons detection scanning were required to enter the floor. “Enhancing the security measures at JCK is what is best for our entire industry. We featured state-of-the-art technology that truly raised the bar in creating a safe space for our attendees and exhibitors to conduct business,” states Bachmann. “JCK did this in a way that did not slow down entry and the feedback from attendees and exhibitors was extremely appreciative.”

      Luxury retailer, Alexis Padis of Padis Jewelers notes, “It was very reassuring to sense an increased security effort throughout Luxury and JCK, from focused registration requirements to bag checks, weapons detection, and an obvious police presence throughout, I’ve never felt safer at a show. Thank you to the JCK team for making our safety a clear priority.”

      Save The Date for JCK 2025 - In 2025, JCK shifts one week later than its typical date pattern. JCK: Friday, June 6 – Monday, June 9, 2025 / Luxury: June 4 – 9, 2025 By Invitation Only, Wednesday, June 4 & Thursday, June 5 , The Venetian Expo & The Venetian .


  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
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