

2024-07-02 12:011069
  • 日期:2025-05-19~2025-05-21
  • 城市:慕尼黑
  • 展馆:慕尼黑新国际展览中心
  • 主办:慕尼黑国际展览有限公司
  • 展会详情
    • 18SZ图片处理

      慕尼黑国际户外用品博览会(OutDoor by ISPO)是欧洲最专业的户外运动装备及户外行业可持续发展的解决方案展览会,该展一年一届,在慕尼黑举行。该展作为一年一度的全球户外盛会,室内外展示空间共同打造真正的户外氛围,参展商倾情加入,现场展示包括登山、徒步、露营、运动面料等户外运动产品及数字户外、可持续发展解决方案等前沿服务,共17个展示大类,覆盖户外领域上下游产业链。


      更有众多行业大咖积极参与OutDoor by ISPO,在展会现场展示当季产品与前沿技术,例如:迈乐(Merrell)将带来全新推出的多功能 Elope 18-plus 4l 背包;易乐酷(IGIOO)将展示首个由回收材料制成的户外冰箱;巍德(Vaude)则会在现场公布全新的极简主义Scopi LW 2,5 L夹克等等。

      中国展商踊跃参加OutDoor by ISPO,展示包括户外服装服饰、露营装备、水上运动、功能性面辅料及鞋等多种产品,向全球呈现中国制造的靓丽风景线!


      作为户外运动人的社群,在传统的商贸交流之外,OutDoor by ISPO还设置了丰富的户外演示、社交聚会以及同期讲座,帮助参与者更好地体验到户外的魅力。值得一提的是,慕尼黑国际户外用品博览会在VDS / FEDAS的支持下全新推出了青年人才项目(Young Talents program),为来自零售业的参与者提供定制的活动,包括在户外展区的诺德豪华野营帐篷里的免费住宿、特别讲座、专人导览和丰盛餐食。


      作为欧洲重要的户外用品博览会,OutDoor by ISPO将充分体现户外用品市场的积极趋势。现代化的展馆设施、灵活的布局、完善的参展服务,OutDoor by ISPO 将带来更多创新灵感。无论是零售商、品牌商、媒体记者还是买家代表团——行业人士将齐聚一堂,拓展网络联系,共同塑造户外运动的未来。


      展品范围(Show Products):

      一般户外运动用品:涵盖登山运动、徒步远足、登山健行、攀岩运动、抱石运动 、露营、旅行、越野跑、功能性面辅料面料、流行趋势等;

      特殊户外运动用品:呈现冒险 & 目的地旅游、替代性户外运动、城市户外、山地自行车、越野摩托车、户外健身、划桨、划艇、立式桨板、滑翔伞、冲浪&水上运动、瑜伽 / 养生、健康营养学、数字户外、电子产品 / 可穿戴设备等;



      展会报告(Show Report):

      „Think out of the door.“ Under this motto, OutDoor 2024 set new standards from June 3 to 5. Full halls, lots of emotions, exciting brands such as Rab / Lowe Alpine, KEEN, LOWA , Lukas Meindl, LEKI and Schöffel and 8000 visitors were there and shaped the future of the outdoor industry.

      The first day of OutDoor 2024 is over, and over 600 exhibitors, more visitors than on the first day of 2023 and numerous inspiring speakers rocked the thing! Product - Planet - People, these are the three pillars on which OutDoor 2024 is based.

      All participants have approved the plans to introduction of numerous additional meeting rooms including pre-built rooms that can be booked by the hour, day or for the entire trade show. This development has been well received by retailers, who previously had no place for their teams to meet at the trade show. The new proposals allow them to rent a comfortable workspace away from the main areas of the halls. The introduction of additional meeting rooms is also part of a wider strategy to better spread the financial burden and to ensure that everyone doing legitimate business at the trade show contributes to the financial stability of the event.

      Expansion of the conference program

      Retailers have also made it clear that they want to attend an event that will help them increase sales and service levels, and not just as a shopping opportunity. Plans to expand the conference program within the trade show, with more retail-focused topics and practical ideas and solutions, have been well received. Topics of particular interest - which are also relevant to other visitors and exhibitors - include Retail technology/digitalization, social media know-how and the latest insights and ideas on the in-store experience and point of purchase.

      In addition to the changes in format, a key part of the project will be the introduction of a new approach to customer relationship marketing. This will enable trade show organizers to directly address different target groups within the industry with relevant, tailored information about the trade show and their participation. This change is not just about new software or a larger database, but is a targeted attempt to create an ongoing dialog between the trade show and all its key stakeholders.

      Exchange, feedback, finalization: The next steps

      The first steps have been taken - but this is just the beginning, the development process is in full swing. The main advisory board and the newly founded retailer advisory board are intensively involved in developing the concept. Transparency is an important factor here: further details on the new concept will follow shortly.

      The final concept for OutDoor by ISPO 2025 will be presented in full in October - in good time for all stakeholders to plan their participation and set budgets.


  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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