

2024-07-24 12:32996
  • 日期:2025-03-28~2025-03-30
  • 城市:华沙
  • 展馆:华沙国际展览中心
  • 主办:波兰华沙展览集团公司(Ptak Warsaw Expo)
  • 展会详情
    • 18SZ图片处理

      波兰国际宠物与兽医日展览会(Animals&Veterinary Days)是波兰最大的伴侣宠物活动、兽医及贸易展,是中东欧最大的宠物行业和动物爱好者会议,该展两年一届,在华沙国际展览中心举行。该展包括宠物、食品、卫生用品和配件,以及一系列关于如何照顾宠物的教育会议——总之,所有关于宠物和宠物的用品聚集在同一个地方。我们鼓励所有宠物爱好者参观我们的展览,看看我们为全家准备了哪些景点。






      展品范围(Show Products):



      展会报告(Show Reports):

      The pet industry is growing at a rapid pace. This is driven by an increasing consumer awareness of the possibilities that can be guaranteed to pets and a growing demand for goods of all kinds: creative accessories, customized basic products, as well as equipment that guarantees greater safety for pets. At the same time, the holistic approach to veterinary services and ways of caring for the well-being of animals is also changing. All this makes events such as Animals&Veterinary Days very popular with both business and retail customers.

      Animals&Veterinary Days European leader

      Animals&Veterinary Days has earned its position as European market leader over the past few years. Its reputation is based on the experience of the organizer, Ptak Warsaw Expo, as well as the base of business partners it has. It is the quality of the exhibitors that is one of the most important factors contributing to the growing attendance of the fair from year to year.

      Who could you meet during the sixth edition of the event? COBBYS PET, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bult, WATAHA, Clean Puppy, FROST, WWF, among others, presented their goods and services.

      In total, nearly 80 exhibitors presented their offers during the event. As many as 5384 visitors became acquainted with them.

      Competitions, shows and workshops - the power of attractions of Animals&Veterinary Days

      During Animals&Veterinary Days the offer for retail customers and four-legged lovers was also expanded. Among other things, they could participate in demonstrations and lectures on the Main Stage of the event. ControlDog taught about canine behavior, Fates organized a dog fashion show, tracking systems were also demonstrated, how best to travel with a dog was revealed, and the most relevant information on first aid for four-legged animals was provided.

      In addition, visitors took part in a molosser exhibition, agility and obecience competitions. They could also participate in a demonstration of the work of sporting dogs and prison dogs. Workshops were held with Atelier Values on topics such as first aid, sewing reflectors and making dog jerky. In addition, a Mandoria booth was available to plan a great family adventure.

      Not surprisingly, both older and younger animal lovers had a great time at Animals&Veterinary Days!


  • 姓名:Angela
  • 传真:+86 755 23981406
  • 邮件:info@18sz.com
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