瑞典哥德堡国际包装及技术展览会(SCANPACK )是北欧最大的包装材料及技术展,也是最全面的包装展览及会议,该展三年一届,在瑞典展览会议中心举行。Scanpack展是包装行业共同展示包装的未来发展方向,展示最新的、创新的产品,在展会现场将发现包装行业令人兴奋的发展方向和新方法。在这里,来自各行各业的游客发现包装的最新趋势和技术,该展为所有参与包装的各个方面的重要网络,是包装行业最显著的盛会。
瑞典是世界一流的发达国家,具有一系列的世界知名的工业品牌,是欧洲的经济之星,北欧的经济和金融中心。在全球经济竞争力,最佳商业环境,知识经济、创新、生活品质、廉洁度等方面排名均居世界前列。每届SCANPACK 吸引了500多家企业参展,展出面积近2万平米,专业贸易观众近2万多,观众主要来自瑞典、挪威、丹麦、芬兰及其他国家。观众主要感兴趣的主题:包装材料、包装机械设备、标签、常规包装。大部分展商对展会效果表示非常满意,而且也表示将会持续参展。
展品范围(Show Products):
展会报告(Show Reports):
Scanpack is celebrating its 60th anniversary and is stronger than ever. Northern Europe’s leading packaging fair attracted more visitors and exhibitors this year than last – and the response was overwhelmingly positive.
– At this year’s Scanpack, we met everyone we wanted to meet – as well as many others! “I would say 30 per cent are new customers,” says Johnny Scarlett, Marketing Director at Smurfit Westrock Scandinavia.
Scanpack, which premiered in 1964, celebrated its 60th anniversary with this year’s fair being held between the 22nd -25th of October at the Swedish Exhibition Centre in Gothenburg.
– The atmosphere was amazing! “It was the electric, creative meeting place we had hoped for. I experienced extremely positive feelings from both exhibitors and visitors,” says Monika Ölund, Business Manager for Scanpack.
– A testament to the importance of the meeting place, , which has existed for 60 years.
This year’s fair brought together 407 exhibitors, ten more than last time. And an 11 per cent increase in visitors was recorded. Scanpack had a total of 14,117 participants from 50 different countries.
The focus was on business, but also on knowledge, ideas and discussions. Visitors could take part in an extensive seminar program.
-“We have received very good feedback that the content was timely, relevant and engaging. This impression is reinforced by the high number of visitors around the two stages, Packaging Plaza and Pioneers Stage,” says Monika Ölund.
The seminars were very well attended!
After the successful anniversary, Scanpack is now setting its sights on the next fair, which will take place between the 26th–29th of October 2027.