interbad作为国际游泳池、桑拿浴和水疗中心与国际泳池和浴室技术交流会,来自德国和国外的近450家参展商将会会见来自64个国家的游客,包括运营商,游泳池制造商和零售商,酒店经营者,建筑师,规划师和私人建筑商。该行业部门的聚会点可以在展会摊位上体验新产品和功能。 但是专家访问者和专家也参加了当前趋势的并行讨论,并在泳池和巴斯技术大会、水疗市场会议以及随附的协会活动中为行业制定了标准。
展会回顾:第23届于2012年10月9-12日举行,来自各地500家企业参展,来自53个国家15000名专业观众参观了本次展览活动;第22届于2010年10月份在德国斯图加特新国际展馆举办。2008年占36500平米总地面积,共有442家企业来自欧洲、亚洲和美洲参展,参观者共有16561人次来自57个不同国家其中93%的参展商很满意,91%的参展商对观展客户给与正面的肯定, 92%的参展企业对展会给与很高的评价,58%的参展企业已经决定2010年继续参加。对于观展商其中94%是专业人士,79%是带有买卖意向,22%是来自德国以外地区。
展品范围(Show Products):
泳池和桑拿的建筑和技术,漩涡池技术,药物使用和治疗方法,卫浴设备及配件,健身、锻炼和美容仪器,太阳能,美容化妆,清洁消毒,专业书籍和出版,协会, 计算机硬件和软件,咨询等。
展会报告(Show Reports):
Thanks to a new concept and a new structure, interbad 2024 successfully proved to be an attractive meeting point for the industry despite challenging economic conditions. Just under 8000 visitors from 60 countries came to Stuttgart from 22nd to 24th October 2024 in order to obtain information about innovative new products from 276 exhibitors, network and discuss specific projects. Under the motto "Water is our element. Sustainability is our principle", the 30th edition of the international trade fair boasted an extended accompanying programme and trade association events on current topics and trends.
Every trade fair topic under one roof
"The decision to combine every trade fair topic on three days in our biggest exhibition hall – with more than twice as much space as a standard hall – turned out to be absolutely ideal," said Claudia Döttinger, Vice President of Messe Stuttgart which stages interbad together with the Deutschen Gesellschaft für das Badewesen e.V. (German Association for the Recreational and Medicinal Bath Industry, DGfdB). "This impression was confirmed to us by exhibitors and visitors alike. The new formats such as the Innovation Center went down very well. Expert visitors, advanced training and fun created an attractive visit experience overall."
Focus on current challenges
DGfdB also drew some positive conclusions: "We are delighted that our concept to combine every exhibition area under one roof turned out to be a success," said Managing Director Christian Mankel. "A large number of visitors praised the short distances between the exhibition sections. Our newly issued publication 'Kommunale Transformation – Bäder als Akteure und Ermöglicher' (Municipal transformation – swimming pools as players and facilitators) – also went down well. We focused on current challenges and then explored ways in which swimming pools can become central players and facilitators in coping with these tasks. The beauty of this is that the trade fair and the DGfdB Congress covered both this topic and all other offerings." The 70th DGfdB Congress held during interbad attracted a total of 300 participants. It represents the largest advanced training event in the industry. With the International Session, there was also a programme in English for the first time.
High propensity to invest and extended reach
Sustainability, the focal point of the trade fair, also went down well with the trade visitors. Overall, 79 per cent of trade visitors said that this topic was important to them. In addition to the high expertise of the visitors – 88 per cent were involved in purchasing and procurement decisions in their company – the increased propensity to invest was also very pleasing. That's because 83 per cent of visitors came to Stuttgart with firm purchasing intentions. More than a quarter of visitors were planning modernisation and new construction projects with a value of more than €250,000. The catchment area of interbad has increased and become more international. 25 per cent of visitors came from abroad. Most of the visitors came from Austria followed by Switzerland, Finland, Czechia and the Netherlands.
Highlights, award-winning solutions and soft skills
Highly innovative solutions and product innovations were presented with the interbad Innovation Award. The company STEULER KCH GmbH was delighted to take first place in 2024 with its new BEKAPOOL pool lining which focuses entirely on sustainability and cost efficiency. There was great applause during the inauguration of the mobile swimming container "Wundine 3" by Theresa Schopper, Baden-Württemberg Minister of Education. The many other highlights of the trade fair included "Sauna-Impulse" with talks and workshops on quality management, special shows such as "Swimming in Atmosphere" or "Saunas from Finland" – and naturally the eagerly anticipated visits by the victorious Olympic icons Britta Steffen and Lukas Märtens. A new addition to the programme was the Innovation Center with talk areas directly integrated in the exhibition hall. Keynote speeches, workshops and presentations were held there. The focal points were soft skills such as self-confidence, stress management, employer branding and gamification.
The next interbad will be held at Messe Stuttgart from 6th to 8th October 2026.